Food Scales, do you have one?



  • fpueblo
    fpueblo Posts: 241 Member
    I have one I just wish it were digital I keep thinking I'm either not getting enough or getting too much of a serving
  • gailygail99
    gailygail99 Posts: 582 Member
    I have one I just wish it were digital I keep thinking I'm either not getting enough or getting too much of a serving

    digital is def the way to go. i got mine on and it was only $25
  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    Mine (non-digital) was $6 + shipping ($8 total) on Amazon -- best investment I've ever made! I just keep it on the counter above the kitchen sink and weigh anything that I'm not already sure on the calories for. Fruit, meat, pasta, granola, and snack things like peanuts or almonds are things that I weigh daily.

    Highly recommend :smile:
  • Thexplodingirl
    It's a MUST in my Ppbook. I wish they had one discreet enough to sneak into a restaurant with me.sure there's apps, but what do you eat that is smaller than your phone (that isn't already pre packaged) anyway?
  • shellybeelee
    I have one.. i am so obsessed with it lol I have to weigh everything out. Most of the time I actually end up with more food then I would have 'eyeballed'.... unless its something that I really like lol
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I have had my food scales for years now and I'd be lost without them!

    Granted that before signing up here all I used to use them for was to weigh my ingredients when I was baking!!!

    Now I use them to weigh my evening portion of carbs so I don't have too huge a portion...
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Hey all! I'm considering purchasing on at Bed Bath & Beyond but I wasn't sure what the point seems to me like a lot of foods say, you know, "One cup" or whatever as the measurement, and then you're going to have to put it in a measuring cup to weigh it anyway, so when does it really get used? I can't remember ever seeing something that was a serving by the gram! I'd love some examples. :happy:

    If you look right next to the 1 cup in parenthesis there is the grams. You would rather weigh grams because I've notice that the cups are usually off the mark. Example I've found: Sometimes the cup serving is 1/4 but when you weigh it out in grams it actually equals 1/3 cup. Strange but I've seen it.

    If I've counted the calories as consume I would to really have eaten them.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Yes and I have learned a few things along the way.

    My eyes are bigger than my stomach. I think I want a full plate of pasta, but when I measure it out it is always MORE than enough.

    I usually under guestimate the amount of food, which is just as bad as over estimating.

    When I measure I use the grams on some things. Like when it says "1 slice" or 1/2 usually has the G next to it, so I will change my digital scale (which I picked up at Ross for $8) and use that number. I have increased the food I get to eat sometimes with this process.

    Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • capricorn144
    capricorn144 Posts: 335 Member
    I lost 120 lbs using my scale to weigh and cups and such to measure. I stopped doing it, because I got so good eyeballing food weights, so what happened? I gained 80 lbs back. Now that I found Myfitnesspal I'm back on track, weighing with my lovely scale and starting to lose again. I love my scale.

    This is one if not THE most important things to do to NEVER have to start over again.

    It has been my downfall each time I have reached Goal Weight and NEVER maintained.
    I can't say it to myself enough. You have to stay on top of portion sizes or you go back to square one and do it all again!

    thanks for the reminder! This is a most important tool!:smile:
  • niknak0508
    niknak0508 Posts: 430 Member
    I had my boyfriend get a food scale for me for my birthday coming up, lol. I am so excited about it. I am confident it will help me to lose weight and eat well portioned meals. Thankfully, he is extremely supportive and is going to allow me to help portion his meals also! It will be interesting to see how that adds to the daily tracking of calories and exercise! I can't wait!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    No, I am happy guessing. Sometimes I go over, sometimes under, sometimes I don't log some of the exercise I do (I don't log walking unless I am doing a long one). I would go nuts weighing everything I ate! How would you cope eating out?
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    Have one and next to my HRM it is my best purchase. My weight loss has been much better since I got it.
  • chels1605
    chels1605 Posts: 206 Member
    I've got some from the days i made CAKES all the time!!!

    I weigh everything and then I work out the kcals for meals!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Digital food scales are a must! I love mine, I'm a soapmaker so I originally bought it for weighing my oils and lye but it's a great multitasker!

    I make soap too! Mostly for historical purposes, although I used to make it for home use too. And creams, balms etc!

    I've always used scales - I don't really understand how cups can be accurate (I'm European)! I do use a metric jug for liquids though. I find digital scales far more accurate than those with weights, too.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I've had a digital one for a couple months now and LOVE it. I weigh everything and it's so much better than the non digi one I had before where everything was "roughly this many grams". Now I can get it spot on and know exactly how many cals I'm eating.
  • neverrgiveup
    My host family has one and I love it!! In 17 days I am going back to my country and live with my natural family again :):) but we dont have a scale at home so I definitily have to buy one!!
  • gailygail99
    gailygail99 Posts: 582 Member
    Have one and next to my HRM it is my best purchase. My weight loss has been much better since I got it.

    i totally agree. my food scale and my HRM are my two best purchases!!! i would die without them. :)

    as for what someone said about eating out...most restaurants have their nutrition info on line and you can look it up and hope that they are sticking to the correct portions that their website says, but i am sure that it is not 100% accurate. if i cant find the nutrition info on line or figure it out myself, i DONT EAT IT or eat there. :) maybe a little crazy, but it works for me!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    No, I am happy guessing. Sometimes I go over, sometimes under, sometimes I don't log some of the exercise I do (I don't log walking unless I am doing a long one). I would go nuts weighing everything I ate! How would you cope eating out?

    The same way you would cope with anything else using common sense and the foundation learned from weighing at home. I can eye 2 oz, 4oz, and 6 oz of meat...the same with veggies because I have trained myself to know.

    Weighing helps with learning portion sizes so that eventually you won't have to weigh every single thing. You will be able to eye a 1/4 cup of walnuts or a tablespoon of olive oil.

    If you are guessing you don't know whether you are over or under. Without ever weighing you don't have the foundation to know the difference in what the correct portion sizes would look like.

    But if its working for you and you aren't having issues with stalling and weight gain continue to do you.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    No, I am happy guessing. Sometimes I go over, sometimes under, sometimes I don't log some of the exercise I do (I don't log walking unless I am doing a long one). I would go nuts weighing everything I ate! How would you cope eating out?

    The same way you would cope with anything else using common sense and the foundation learned from weighing at home. I can eye 2 oz, 4oz, and 6 oz of meat...the same with veggies because I have trained myself to know.

    Weighing helps with learning portion sizes so that eventually you won't have to weigh every single thing. You will be able to eye a 1/4 cup of walnuts or a tablespoon of olive oil.

    If you are guessing you don't know whether you are over or under. Without ever weighing you don't have the foundation to know the difference in what the correct portion sizes would look like.

    But if its working for you and you aren't having issues with stalling and weight gain continue to do you.

    I cook a huge amount, so I have a very good idea of how much things weigh. I know 4 apples are about a lb, so it's easy enough to guess what one weighs. Likewise, I know how many grams of cereal there are in a box, and how many servings I get from a box, so I can guess very accurately how much I am eating. I don't eat meat, so that's not relevant. If you know roughly how much things weigh, I don't think a scale is that important. It's just common sense. And does it really matter if a carrot weighs 100g or 110gs? There's about 5 calories difference. I measure all my cooking oil, so I know my fat intake.
    I just think if you are sensible and know what real portion sizes look like, it isn't that big a deal. Maybe if you have spent your life eating ready meals and takeaways it's different. I haven't. I have always cooked all my own food from scratch.
  • TNH76
    TNH76 Posts: 47 Member
    I have a perfect portions food scale that was free to me:happy: - I soon realized that I was underestimating the calories in the fruit I consumed. I eat a banana and an apple almost daily and I would use the database calorie information. Once I started using my food scale I realized that I was consuming approximately 100 extra calories with those two items alone.