6 week PUSH YOURSELF challenge, WEEK 4



  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I haven't been able to use the treadmill because of the weather, which means not doing it outside either. So I have a feeling that to make up this whole week, I'll be working out like crazy Saturday trying to get everything in. But I will get all my workouts in. I'll update my results as soon as I can to. I'm ready for summer when the weather isn't as bad!
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    84 minutes in today and 12 8oz glasses of water.
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Hey Gang!

    For Monday:

    60 minutes-circuit training
    30 minutes-elliptical
    8 glasses of water

    For Tuesday:
    65 minutes-elliptical
    30 minutes-walking
    25 minutes-Jillian MIchaels full frontal training
    10 glasses of water

    my legs are really sore from my attempt at running on Sunday so I have a feeling that I will be taking it easy this week. Mother nature is still not cooperating but hopefully soon!

    Take care of everyone and keep up the good work!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Here is my results for day two, week four.
    - My strength training lasted 9 minutes and according to MFP I burned 34 calories.
    - I only got in about 5 glasses of water.
    Total: 9 minutes. 0 minutes is cardio and 9 minutes is strength.

    chickadee's week four progress:
    Total Weekly Minutes: 59
    Total Weekly Cardio Minutes: 45
    Total Weekly Strength Minutes: 14
    Total Weekly Water Intake: 8 glasses

    chickadees total 6 week progress:
    Total Challenge Minutes: 1230
    Total Challenge Cardio Minutes: 930
    Total Challenge Strength Minutes: 316
    Total Challenge Water Intake: 162

    I've had a headache since yesterday evening and not much is helping. I took some ibuprophen earlier, but it doesn't seem to be doing much. I wasn't able to finish my whole strength workout, I have two more exercises left on it. Like I've said, I'll be sure to get in everything by the end of the month (Saturday). I'm quite determined. It seems like this week and last week weather has been interefering a lot.
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    Day 23

    Cardio: 45 mins
    30 mins - Water Aerobics
    15 mins - Elliptical

    Strength: 15 mins - various resistance band exercises

    Other: 45 mins - walking (explored ALL of Old Sacramento!)

    Week 4 Totals: 83 mins/Cardio; 15 mins/Strength; 85 mins/Other= 183 mins

    I'm so proud of myself - I'm really pushing this week. (and...I'm feeling it EVERYWHERE! :smile: )
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    In my last post, I said I was determined to finish those workouts I'd 'skipped'. I ended up doing them, because I wanted to. I was in a very good mood throughout the whole thing and ended up burning 500+ calories and working out for an hour and fifteen minutes. So my advice to you is this: If you ever feel overwhelmed by something, get away from it for a while. Put it out of your mind. A few hours later - or however long - you'll feel like you want to do it, not because you have to.

    You all are rocking this challenge!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Here is my UDATED results for day two, week four.
    - My strength training lasted 9 minutes and according to MFP I burned 34 calories.
    - My other strength training lasted 15 minutes and according to MFP I burned 57 calories. *
    - My Fitness walk lasted 30 minutes and according to my treadmill I burned 200 calories.
    - My other Fitness walk lasted 15 minutes and according to my treadmill I burned 100 calories.
    - My last Fitness walk lasted 15 minutes and according to my treadmill I burned 100 calories.
    - I only got in about 5 glasses of water.
    - The water I got in with my workout was 3.
    Total: 9 minutes. 0 minutes is cardio and 9 minutes is strength.
    New total (w/o old total): 75 minutes. 60 minutes is cardio and 15 minutes is strength.

    chickadee's week four progress:
    Total Weekly Minutes: 134
    Total Weekly Cardio Minutes: 105
    Total Weekly Strength Minutes: 29
    Total Weekly Water Intake: 11 glasses

    chickadees total 6 week progress:
    Total Challenge Minutes: 1305
    Total Challenge Cardio Minutes: 990
    Total Challenge Strength Minutes: 331
    Total Challenge Water Intake: 165

    Sorry that my chart's a little confusing now. It'll be back to normal tomorrow but I just wanted to update it.
  • BRFMcKay
    BRFMcKay Posts: 80 Member
    So, I couldn't update my entry from yesterday. I actually did an additional 30 minutes, which burned another 213 calories. I did Crunch's Ab Attack DVD on my Netflix.

    Today, I did 30 minutes of Ab Attack and then 2 10-minute bootcamp DVD workouts. I burned a total of 409 calories.

    Totals: 140 minutes
    1280 calories
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Day 23

    Cardio: 45 mins
    30 mins - Water Aerobics
    15 mins - Elliptical

    Strength: 15 mins - various resistance band exercises

    Other: 45 mins - walking (explored ALL of Old Sacramento!)

    Week 4 Totals: 83 mins/Cardio; 15 mins/Strength; 85 mins/Other= 183 mins

    I'm so proud of myself - I'm really pushing this week. (and...I'm feeling it EVERYWHERE! :smile: )

    Look at you go! Way to really PUSH YOURSELF and you should be proud!

    I love old Sac! I haven't been there in years!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Here are my results for Week 4, Day 3

    I did a 37 minute walk with the dogs and burned, per my HRM, 347 calories
    I did 37 minutes of strength training with my trainer and burned, per my HRM, 604 calories

    I have had 12 glasses of water, so far today, but many more to follow

    That puts me at 312 minutes of cardio, 37 minutes of strength training, and 37 minutes of other for 386 minutes this week, so far.

    I really want to take a bike ride as it is so beautiful today, but I have got so much to get done around my house. So, my plan, if I don't just totally wear out, is to get the things done around the house, get dinner cooked, and maybe after dinner take a ride.
    Here is my results for Week 4, Day 2:

    I did 90 minutes of running/walk intervals and burned, per my HRM, 1033 calories
    I did 35 minutes of roller skating and burned, per my HRM, 405 calories
    I did 40 minutes of kick boxing and burned, per my HRM, 575 calories

    I have drank 17 glasses of water so far today

    That puts me at 312 minutes of cardio. I haven't gotten any strength in yet this week,but I will be getting that done tomorrow
    Here is my results for WEEK 4, DAY 1:

    I did 65 minutes of running/walk intervals and burned, per my HRM, 808 calories
    I did 22 minutes of roller skating and burned, per my HRM, 268 calories
    I did a 30 minute bike ride and burned, per my HRM, 554 calories (was pretty proud as I kept it in a high gear most of the ride)
    I did a 30 minute kettlebell DVD and burned, per my HRM, 415 calories

    That's 147 minutes of cardio, so far.

    18 glasses of water so far today but several hours left so I am sure more.
  • BRFMcKay
    BRFMcKay Posts: 80 Member
    Does running around my apartment in a flurry, because a bee got in somehow, count as exercise? I planned on doing some DVDs or going for a run before work, but then I spotted a fuzzy bee trying to sit on my couch. I freaked out (I am phobia-afraid of bees) and was in a panic for about 1.5 hours. I got him stuck between my door and the screen door, and he somehow managed to escape from where he got in (Thank goodness!)

    So, unfortunately, no workout for me today! I can't help but say I am disappointed in myself a little, but my phobia took over and there is nothing stopping it sometimes.
  • MoM2LayLa09
    MoM2LayLa09 Posts: 152
    Happy Wednesday everyone!
    I am so proud of myself today - I burned 705 calories in 65 minutes on the elliptical. . . I pushed the resistance to 7 for a couple minutes and went hard the whole time so i'm happy : ) Thats the most I've burned in that amount of time!


    Cardio - 65minutes
    Water - 9 glasses

    Weekly Total
    Cardio - 160minutes
    Strength Training - 25minutes
    Total - 185 minutes

    : )
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    90 minutes today and 12 8oz glasses of water.
    Fell tonight while running with the stroller.(Baby's ok! He thought it was funny!) My husband thought I shattered me knee the way I went down. Twisted my ankle pretty good. I'll be sore but going to Push through!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    90 minutes today and 12 8oz glasses of water.
    Fell tonight while running with the stroller.(Baby's ok! He thought it was funny!) My husband thought I shattered me knee the way I went down. Twisted my ankle pretty good. I'll be sore but going to Push through!

    Not good at all! I am glad to hea the baby is okay and sorry to heat about your knee and ankle! Maybe tomorrow do something that won't require you to be on that ankle! You don't want to make it an worse! Good job though!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    I am so proud of myself today - I burned 705 calories in 65 minutes on the elliptical. . . I pushed the resistance to 7 for a couple minutes and went hard the whole time so i'm happy : ) Thats the most I've burned in that amount of time!

    Total - 185 minutes

    : )

    Way to go, yay for you! Really awesome pushing yourself harder and doing better than you ever have! THAT is wha this is all about! Good job!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Here is my results for day three, week four.
    - My strength training lasted 19 minutes and according to MFP I burned 72 calories.
    - My Fitness walk lasted 45 minutes and according to my treadmill I burned 319 calories.
    - I only got in 4 glasses of water.
    Total: 64 minutes. 45 minutes is cardio and 19 minutes is strength.

    chickadee's week four progress:
    Total Weekly Minutes: 198
    Total Weekly Cardio Minutes: 150
    Total Weekly Strength Minutes: 48
    Total Weekly Water Intake: 14 glasses

    chickadees total 6 week progress:
    Total Challenge Minutes: 1369
    Total Challenge Cardio Minutes: 1035
    Total Challenge Strength Minutes: 350
    Total Challenge Water Intake: 168

    I didn't finish one of my waters yesterday so I'm going to take one off my count.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Here are my results for Week 4, Day 4
    I did 75 minutes of running, with walking intervals, and burned, per my HRM, 1012 calories
    I did a 30 minutes bike ride and burned, per my HRM, 504 calories
    I did 20 minutes of circuit strength training and burned, per my HRM, 243 calories
    I did a 42 minute kettlebell class and burned, per my HRM, 617 calories

    I have had 19 glasses of water to drink today

    That puts me at 459 minutes of cardio, 57 minutes of strength training, and 37 minutes of other for 553 minutes this week, so far.
    Here are my results for Week 4, Day 3

    I did a 37 minute walk with the dogs and burned, per my HRM, 347 calories
    I did 37 minutes of strength training with my trainer and burned, per my HRM, 604 calories

    I have had 12 glasses of water, so far today, but many more to follow

    That puts me at 312 minutes of cardio, 37 minutes of strength training, and 37 minutes of other for 386 minutes this week, so far.

    I really want to take a bike ride as it is so beautiful today, but I have got so much to get done around my house. So, my plan, if I don't just totally wear out, is to get the things done around the house, get dinner cooked, and maybe after dinner take a ride.
    Here is my results for Week 4, Day 2:

    I did 90 minutes of running/walk intervals and burned, per my HRM, 1033 calories
    I did 35 minutes of roller skating and burned, per my HRM, 405 calories
    I did 40 minutes of kick boxing and burned, per my HRM, 575 calories

    I have drank 17 glasses of water so far today

    That puts me at 312 minutes of cardio. I haven't gotten any strength in yet this week,but I will be getting that done tomorrow
    Here is my results for WEEK 4, DAY 1:

    I did 65 minutes of running/walk intervals and burned, per my HRM, 808 calories
    I did 22 minutes of roller skating and burned, per my HRM, 268 calories
    I did a 30 minute bike ride and burned, per my HRM, 554 calories (was pretty proud as I kept it in a high gear most of the ride)
    I did a 30 minute kettlebell DVD and burned, per my HRM, 415 calories

    That's 147 minutes of cardio, so far.

    18 glasses of water so far today but several hours left so I am sure more.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Here is my results for day four, week four.
    - My strength training lasted 18 minutes and according to MFP I burned 68 calories.
    - My Fitness walk lasted 20 minutes and according to my treadmill I burned 182 calories.
    - I went to Zumba today and was there for 35 minutes and according to MFP I burned 190 calories.
    - I only got in 6 glasses of water.
    Total: 73 minutes. 55 minutes is cardio and 18 minutes is strength.

    chickadee's week four progress:
    Total Weekly Minutes: 271
    Total Weekly Cardio Minutes: 205
    Total Weekly Strength Minutes: 66
    Total Weekly Water Intake: 20 glasses

    chickadees total 6 week progress:
    Total Challenge Minutes: 1442
    Total Challenge Cardio Minutes: 1090
    Total Challenge Strength Minutes: 368
    Total Challenge Water Intake: 175

    I drank one extra water yesterday that I didn't include, so I'll add it in for the total.
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    45 minutes today and 12 8oz glasses of water. Ankle is sore so I took it easy but did push myself. Hope it's better quick! At 329 minutes for the week! Keep going everyone!
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    Day 23

    Cardio:35 mins
    35 mins - Get Running (wk2 run2) + extra

    Day 24 - Travel day from hell - not going to count any time although I've been "running" for close to 14 hours now! Seems ironic to call it a "rest" day!

    Week 4 Totals: 118 mins/Cardio; 15 mins/Strength; 85 mins/Other= 218 mins

    Going to have to push super hard these last 3 days to make MY goal!