"Are you starving yourself?" VENT!



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Just tell them the truth.

    "Are you starving yourself?"
    "Oh, heck no! I'm just about to my goal weight, so I'm eating a normal healthy portions. But thanks for your concern."

    Kill 'em with kindness. :smile:
  • jessicaj_824
    jessicaj_824 Posts: 114 Member
    Yes, this is very annoying. I always get the "you don't eat!" comments and my mom is one of the worst ones. It's very upsetting to me and I actually was in tears a few weeks ago talking with my mom about Easter dinner plans and trying to explain to her how she stressed me out. I watch what I eat and try to moniter my protein/sodium/sugar levels so I hate eating food that I didn't see prepared. Plus to make things even harder, I am lactose and fructose intolerant so I am very limited - esp when it comes to the food that people put out at gatherings that I can eat - usually the veggie platter is it for me:cry: At work when people DO see me eating they make a big deal out of it - "OMG Are you actually eating!" is heard multiple times. One coworker actually writes it on his calendar when he sees me eats (which that one I do find amusing. LOL). Note too that they do not consider my Luna bars or protein packed salads as actual "food". Too many American these days have the wrong idea of what "food" is. The crap most folks eat is so far from fresh/natural that it should be illegal to be called FOOD!!!!!
  • MoonShadow_1au
    MoonShadow_1au Posts: 149 Member
    I got something similar from my mother-in-law. She was terribly upset not to be able to feed me cake and biscuits and .. and. ... and ... She stopped saying anything when I told her straight up that I was not eating "CRAP" anymore.

    You have to be cruel to be kind.