How mfp works



  • RadicalCharlie
    RadicalCharlie Posts: 123 Member
    Okay. Dr's appt Friday. Going to my normal hospital to see if my man physician ordered those calipers yet and how long it would take to get them if he didn't order them. Also, I forgot my school has a nursing program, so I'm going to see if they have any tomorrow.
  • nomex
    nomex Posts: 142 Member
    for the record, I disagree with the challenge. I am not targeting anyone personally with that statement. I just think that it does not resonate with the values of MFP. Which is healthy lifestyles and healthy eating. It sounds like you are both strong willed people with competitive nature. I would hate to someone get harmed (even minimally) just to prove a point.... and I predict that happening here.

    "New" you have offered the advise and clarification of the program (good post). Let "spacecocoanut" take it or leave it. I BELEIVE think this challenge leaves you with some responsiblity you do NOT want. This is hard for me to say, because I am ALL about experiments. But I prefer carefully constructed ones that have NO component of potential HARM to participants.

    thats all. Good luck to you if you decided to continue!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    You can invest in a set of accumeasure fat calipers, they are 15 bucks and have a qualified person take at least 4 measurements as per the jackson pollock method. I do not advocate anyone hurting or harming themselves, but sometimes the line needs to be drawn in the sand to prove a point and in this scenario the problem is that despite living proof and multiple people saying that the method that spacecoconaut is advocating is not healthy she has refused to listen. I am not saying that I want to force anyone to do things that are unethical and unhealthy but I offered her a chance to prove me wrong.
  • RadicalCharlie
    RadicalCharlie Posts: 123 Member
    I want to do this. And I don't feel like anyone is making me do this. I really want to see because I've heard one thing, he's heard another so I just want to find out for myself.

    If I feel like I am in any danger, I will stop immediately.

    But, Newfiedan, when they do these caliper measurements, where do they clamp at? If you were to see my skin, the only places I have skin that you can actually pull on are under the upper part of my arms and and the side of my rib cage.
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    My scale measures body fat, but everyone tells me not to go by that because it's not accurate. Says I have 44% body fat.

    I can get my doctor in on this. He was supposed to order calipers, but I don't know if he has them in yet or not. But I will do this under the supervision of my doctor.

    I'm glad you will talk to your doctor about this. I hope s/he can help you design a program that will work for you in the long-term.
  • RadicalCharlie
    RadicalCharlie Posts: 123 Member
    I hope so too.
  • jrreed1
    jrreed1 Posts: 57 Member
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    being as lean as I currently am I can pull skin from many different parts of my body, here is a good site to learn where and how to do the measurements properly.
  • RadicalCharlie
    RadicalCharlie Posts: 123 Member
    I must be a lean machine too, because the only places I could pull anything were the chest, bicep, and ab. Everything else is hard meat. But you said I only needed to get measured in 3 places, right?

    Edit: Oh, and the "suprailiac" I guess.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    ideally, 4 or more, but I use the 4 caliper method on the link provided as those are the easiest places for me to get the measurements.
  • RadicalCharlie
    RadicalCharlie Posts: 123 Member
    Okay, I will keep that bookmarked.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I would like to point out here that there are several ways to tackle fat loss, but there are good ways and bad ways, so the route that mfp recommends and what many ppl on here will advocate is the healthy path to it. That is why I often say that you can shed fat eating nothing but twinkies if you like but it will not get you to a good healthy state.
  • RadicalCharlie
    RadicalCharlie Posts: 123 Member
    Twinkies are pretty gross.

    And I think carbs work against me more than fat does. My medication causes carb cravings, which I haven't had any problems with lately because I have more control over it now that I realize it is so, but I think that's why people gain weight while on this injection in the first place.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    what was the med again? i want to research it a bit and see its side effects. Nevermind I looked it up from one of the previous posts and got the info.
  • bcweisen
    bcweisen Posts: 118 Member
    Calipers are only accurate if you have a very experienced tester, you are using all 7 sites, and you take measurements repeatedly over a period of time. It is VERY difficult to do yourself accurately. They may give you an idea of the big picture but nothing more. You are much better off going to the university and doing hydrostatic weighing or the BodPod. These are the gold standards. They have a significantly lower user error rate and show up to 3x less margin of error. Even an experience skin-fold measurer cannot give you accurate data like these other methods. And I did the BodPod at the University of Utah for only $25.
  • RadicalCharlie
    RadicalCharlie Posts: 123 Member
    I didn't realize a doctor wasn't experienced. My bad.

    I was going to see if the university here had the hydrostatic weighing, but I thought calipers were the most accurate next to that to a very small percentage, so I don't see what's wrong with doing that.

    See, I live in a small town in Kansas, so I doubt we're going to have anything like that.
  • deannarey13
    deannarey13 Posts: 452
    Bumping for reference later.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I know the bodpod is a good way to do it, but I also know that the ones that use electrical resistance to determine bodyfat percentages are horribly inaccurate as the slightest thing can throw that off, from sodium intake to hydration. That is how the scales that measure bodyfat do it with electrical resistance readings.
  • RadicalCharlie
    RadicalCharlie Posts: 123 Member
    Went to the university, only a man was there to measure me with calipers and he felt uncomfortable doing it, so he told me to come in later when a female was there. Also, they're only going to be available today this week, and another day next week. After that, they we'll be closed until the Fall.

    Went to my main physician's office and he wasn't available, so I don't know if he has calipers yet or not tomorrow, but the woman I was talking to said they don't even know where to get those?? I don't even know...