When you say "cheat day", what *exactly* do you mean?

I have a question. I know that there are a large number of MFPers who consistently take "cheat days" to say on their diets. I'm wondering though, when you say "cheat day"... do you mean only allowing yourself one thing that you've been craving or do you just eat whatever the heck you want one day a week and not log it?


  • laydeedancer
    Thanks for posting this...I've been wondering myself!
  • mfiggs
    mfiggs Posts: 155 Member
    I don't take one once a week but, when I do have one it is usually to go out for dinner and eat what I want for that one meal.
  • sociable15
    I usually mean one day where I don't worry so much about what I am eating. I log it but if i go over, i go over. It keeps me from restricting too much, stressing too much, and feeling like i'm giving up so much that I'm not enjoying it anymore.
  • crystaldougherty
    crystaldougherty Posts: 59 Member
    I do think that they mean, they get a few things they have been craving, track it and savor it.
  • xcountrymom2
    xcountrymom2 Posts: 29 Member
    Good question. I think most people allow themselves whatever they want but one thing would be better...lol... I myself have a 30 year class reunion to go to in June so alas, there will be no cheat days in the future for me!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    My "cheat" is only going over 100-300 calories. I try not to overdo it in any one sitting. This whole journey is about teaching myself to live moderately with food and that's something I have to work on daily without exception.
  • leahmolidor
    I allow myself one day a week where I let myself go over my goal calories. I try to still log it though so that I can see how much I went over and so that next time I can evaluate what was worth the extra and what wasn't. I think that doing this makes me more aware of my bad habits and finding ways to change them.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just eat whatever the heck I want for a day. I still log it all though. That way I know how many calories I need to burn off through exercise during the week.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I consider it a day of "increased calorie intake," regardless of the food that I put into my body, whether it's an increase of healthy alternatives or unadulterated indulgence, I still log it [as best I can].
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    glad you posted this ! cause lots of people mean different things when they say "cheat day"

    FOR ME PERSONALLY - a cheat day is a day that i do not log onto MFP, do not obsess about calories, and do not do hard exercise.

    what i DO : is try to eat fruits/vegetables and some protein - but i try my hardest not to count calories (or do estimates in my head but not freak out! LOL)... and for exercise, i might do some light stretching for 20 mins at night before bed or something.

    then i continue with logging in and/or counting calories here on MFP!

    that's what i mean when i say i'm taking a "cheat day!"

    I like to do this every once in a while - so i can practice mindful eating and being healthy without being obsessive. and yes, i do usually go over calories but usually not enough to gain.. just a maintenance day.
  • jlemerande
    Agreed. Log it, always! You can't succeed if you're not honest with yourself about what exactly you're eating. I don't want to look at the numbers sometimes (embarrasing!) but it helps to see where I'm going wrong...
  • Baker0821
    Baker0821 Posts: 40
    This probably won't be popular but I have one day every week or two where I eat whatever the heck I please. I try to log it but usually I don't bother. I still drink all my water though.
  • threechins
    threechins Posts: 35 Member
    I've no idea what others mean, but for me it's basically no limits.

    I 'cheat' every Saturday - kick off with weigh-in and run, then don't worry about what I eat/drink for the rest of the day. I still log calories, but if I want a junk food pizza and it'll take me 1,000 over my net target, I have it.

    It's probably not what I should be doing, but so far it's not done me any harm! The way it works for me is that I don't feel I'm constantly depriving myself and learning that the balance can be achieved over a week rather than having to constantly be on edge about my food.
  • atabt
    atabt Posts: 58 Member
    I usually have one meal a week (typically Saturday night dinner) where I know I'm going to go over. I still try to make good choices and keep my portions under control, and I always log it, but I don't sweat it when it puts me over for the day. It's often because I'm at a restaurant, having some wine, etc. I will never deny myself the pleasure of good food and good company - otherwise what's it all about? But I try to be reasonably sensible because I'm trying to make a lifestyle change. :o)

    I read on someone else's blog that Weight Watchers gives you a certain amount of "extra" calories per week. Does anyone know what that's about?
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I call it "free day" because it's part of the plan (whereas "cheat day" implies going off plan). Normally it's the day to eat anything without worrying about counting calories. Depending on progress or mood I might take 1 or 2 free meals instead of a whole day. And due to OCD, I still try to log as accurately as possible. :)
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    My cheat day is just a cheat MEAL. I pick one meal once or twice a month where I let myself have a major splurge meal that I don't log and is full of stuff I don't eat on a regular basis: homemade mac-and-cheese, pizza from the local pizza shop, hotdish, and a luscious dessert.
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    I personally don't believe in saying that. This is a change of life for me , we need to figure out how to incorporate partries, holidays, nights out etc into our lives with out giving ourselves a pass to gorge ourselves. This is just my personal opinion.
  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    I don't call it" cheat" I call it "free" has a less negative connotation. I'm not going to feel guilty about food. I just need balance and even healthy eater splurge once in a while. Plus I don't do a whole day, I do a meal. Helps to teach myself moderation instead of falling into the catagory of binging.
  • kaitlynsmom
    kaitlynsmom Posts: 140 Member
    For me my cheat day is our date nights. I will eat my normal food for breakfast and lunch, but then dinner I will eat what I want and then might have dessert or a drink or 2. I do try to post what I eat as I do wonder how much more I went over my calories.

    But I have noticed now that really my cheat days don't effect my weight that much anymore :)
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    :) My cheat day means that I raise my caloric amount...usually by about 500. That way, I can either have an extra helping of a meal I've prepared or have my favorite treat (usually a slice of pizza) !!