Help, I need some healthy altenatives

Ok , so i am having dinner at my bf's parents house, so they announce dinner is ready,i go to see what was cooked, and all i can see and smell is fried food, they live in the south, they made hush puppies , fried fish, coleslaw and french fries, i rsepectfuly told his mom i will not be eating, the majority of his family are overweight, she then told me u don't know what your missing ( what a clogged artery) so now i have no idea what i should eat , his parents know i am eating healthy , so i don't know why they would make so much unhealthy food, i'm not trying to act like i'm better then them, but gee, have some consideration in the food choices, i would eat subway but so much sodium and a frozen dinner is out of the question, there is a walmart near by any suggestions?, sorry if i'm ranting


  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Wow. That is a festival of awkwardness. I'm sorry, but I don't know what to say...
  • darrielirwin
    You could eat some of it, so you don't offend. Just have smaller portions. If I know I am going to eat something bad, I will have a hard work out. For example on Friday I went out for sushi, so I did some exercise on my wii before we left! But see if there is any veggies in the fridge, and make a sandwich. Tonight I made 3 scrambled eggs with a little bit of cheese and 1/4 cup of tuna. It was yummy and totally filled me up (I topped it with some ketchup). Still healthy, but yummy! :)
  • Superdupermom
    subway aint bad..get a 6 inch veggie or something or salad? walmart has good salads and wraps...good luck
  • workinprogress12_2
    workinprogress12_2 Posts: 110 Member
    How about a fresh fruit salad with some almonds? Hope you come out on top dear.
  • Superdupermom
    You could eat some of it, so you don't offend. Just have smaller portions. If I know I am going to eat something bad, I will have a hard work out. For example on Friday I went out for sushi, so I did some exercise on my wii before we left! But see if there is any veggies in the fridge, and make a sandwich. Tonight I made 3 scrambled eggs with a little bit of cheese and 1/4 cup of tuna. It was yummy and totally filled me up (I topped it with some ketchup). Still healthy, but yummy! :)
    well said
  • music_lover_103
    on nights when i dont have a real dinner, i like to eat cereal, mixed with milk and fruit-flavored yogurt. haha it sounds kinda gross, but its delicious.

    do they have any fruit you could eat? how about some veggies - you could make a veggie stirfry. or maybe some canned soup?

    hope you find something!
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    sounds like sabotage......have a salad with bunches of fresh things, include some nut or seeds, get creative with what you like. Salads can be fun to make and very good. If you want to go to eat somewhere ....again...salad.
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    It's so hard, his mom is like 350 pounds and, just the other day she told me not to become obsessed about working out , she acts like i workout 6 hours a day gee, at least i did something about my weight , and not just sit my fat *kitten* on the couch eating ice creme and cookies:explode:
  • beth_is_ready
    Maybe next time if they are frying fish they can broil a peice for you. (or offer to broil it yourself so you know what else goes into it!) As for now.. If there is a Subway nearby I think they have salads too if you don't want the sodium in a sub. They also have chicken subs. Maybe you can get a peice of grilled chicken? Hope things get better for you!
    Kudos to you for not giving in and eating the fried feast!
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    I would go to subway, get a salad made of spinach and lettuce. Make your meat chicken. Add onions, green peppers, banana peppers and extra tomatoes. If you must have salad dressing, go lightly, but I find the veggies more than make up for it.

    - Greek yogurt
    - Apple
    - 100 calorie almond packs
    - Buy a small bag of baby carrots (eat the whole bag if you must- only 140 calories!)
    - Buy one can of unsalted green beans- cook in microwave (only 70 calories)

    - Buy a small container of egg beaters, cook 1/2 cup in a mug in the microwave. Have with some whole wheat bread and a piece of fruit. Pair with some nuts for a healthy, filling meal.

    Here is a list of "healthy" tv dinners:
  • music_lover_103
    It's so hard, his mom is like 350 pounds and, just the other day she told me not to become obsessed about working out , she acts like i workout 6 hours a day gee, at least i did something about my weight , and not just sit my fat *kitten* on the couch eating ice creme and cookies:explode:

    aww cut her some slack. just think how sad it would be to be stuck in that body and not even try to get out! im sure shes just trying to make sure you're happy : )
  • Asomething
    Asomething Posts: 62 Member
    fried catfish & coleslaw really aren't that bad.
    And by the way (coming from a Yankee who married a Southerner), the meal they cooked IS considered healthy. And insulting their food by not eating it is like flipping them off. I know it's hard to understand, but it's a whole 'nother world!! I'm not trying to be rude or make you feel bad, I've just spent the past 12 years trying to understan/get along with the in-laws : )
    Just trying to clue you in - good luck honey!!!!
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    mommy probably doesn't want you to get to be too good for her little boy.

    Now how i handle it is, I ask what i can bring or i just bring it. It starts out as snacking things (like a veggie tray or apples and a fruit dip) then slowly becomes whole salads and such. I will still sample and enjoy all the food in front of me, just not full size portions. I have become famous for my bites, and my hubby is on board so we share and it helps us both.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Many large grocery stores have great salad bars. If they do not have a low cal dressing option just buy a bottled one. Good luck.
  • Tigerfish62
    Eat what is served. Small portions. Perhaps just cole slaw and fish, skip the hush puppies or just have one or half of one. It will cause problems and hurt feelings to bring other food in. The only excuse I could see as acceptable for eating other food is..........if you are vegan, on nurtra system, gluten free diet, etc, etc. Good luck!
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    You don't know why they would make that food? LOL because that's all they know how to make! I have family in the south as well and they don't know how to make anything that isn't fried or smoethered in gravy, yuck! I can't eat there!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    I f she was trying to make me happy she would of cooked something healthy for once , she also complains about her weight , but never does anything about it , i do sometimes eat the things they cook in moderation, but all i smell is fried food, and its making me sick i feel like throwing up, i really don't or didn't mean to offend her, but if u know 'im trying to eat healthy couldn't of u just made a salad at least :frown:
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Eat what is served. Small portions. Perhaps just cole slaw and fish, skip the hush puppies or just have one or half of one. It will cause problems and hurt feelings to bring other food in. The only excuse I could see as acceptable for eating other food is..........if you are vegan, on nurtra system, gluten free diet, etc, etc. Good luck!

    I completely disagree. Your health is more important than someone else's feelings. Seriously.
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Amen to that Angela
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    Ive learned going to my bf's family that I have to bring something healthy so that I dont pig out on their fatty foods. Once you start bringing things that are healthy, the mom might catch on and want to cook healthier. She might not know that there are some great healthy foods out there. As for tonite, I would get Subway.They lowered their sodium and I LOVE their orchard chicken salad. I live in the south but from the North, so I understand the fried foods. Its disgusting sometimes, but if you take little bits, they wont feel bad.