Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred frightens me...



  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    It is HARD, but it is doable. The first few times I had to take multiple 5 second rests. Now the only thing I cannot get through all the way is the pushups & sometimes the jump rope (my poor calves...). I see a huge improvements and I am only on day 5! If I can do it, I know that you can. I am rediculously out of shape.

    I am becoming addicted to it now though, I love the feeling of accomplishment after I finish it, and cannot wait to see the results at the end.
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    The first few days of Level 1 killed me....but I pushed through. I did 11 days of Level 1, then went to level 2. The cardio in Level 2 kills me, especially the oblique twists/jumps..whatever those hellish things are. And skaters...I pretty much almost fall on my face because I am NOT coordinated.

    However I have started doing Level 2, then jumping back and doing Level 1 right after because I don't feel as if I'm getting enough cardio. I'm recovering way too fast, my heart rate is down after about three minutes after the video. But I don't think I'm ready for Level 3. I'm going to wait until I can "be" Natalie...which may never happen, because I cannot do push ups [breast augmentation under the muscles 2 years ago, still can feel the muscles pull]

    I just downloaded her "No More Trouble Zones" and "Fat whatever boost metabolism" videos, I'm going to start on those next.