I have had enough of....



  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Reckless drivers. :explode: People texting while driving. :mad:

    You may not care about your life but I have a small child in my car and you WILL care if you hit me because you'll see a wrath you never knew existed! :angry:
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    The Royal Wedding! Ahhhhh!!!

  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    Terry Jones and Westboro Baptist Church- they are the nutters who give all of us genuine Christians a bad name.

    Hearing about the royal wedding. There was a whole section in our news paper on Sunday about all these nutters who are going to be holding tea parties at 4 am while they are watching the wedding.

    Not having a job and being stuck at home all day long.

    Gas prices, seriously, open the stinking reserve already and stop sending our oil to Japan! They can get theirs from Russia or some other place! And stop saying it is because you are switching to summer gas from winter gas, there's not much difference!

    Greedy people.

    Being Poor

    Obama. He's an idiot. He doesn't know what he's doing. At least I'm not kicking myself in the butt for voting him in though because I didn't vote for him. I think a horse could do better than him. At least horses don't feel the need to comment on the latest sports headlines and who he thinks will win the world series this year. They also don't take a vacation every three weeks to go play golf.

    Being Fat, but at least I am doing something to remedy that problem!

    People telling me that the only way I'll be able to lose weight and keep it off is through surgically reducing my stomach. Thanks, that's not what my doctor says and my stomach is already shrinking from learning proper portion control!

    People who make excuses for everything. I made excuses for a long time, but even though I still have those excuses I am making them invalid.

    Complaining. Therefore, this is the end of this reply. :tongue:
  • Time4AChng
    Time4AChng Posts: 12 Member
    working! I want to be a kept woman.

    I'm with you too!!
  • chrisallcock
    id say the royal wedding too but im getting an extra day off work.....so.......goooooooooo will and kate ;p
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    Hm...girls going back to guys because "they have changed." Smart smart smart.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Royal wedding
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    The "cloud"...... hello people..not a new concept..it's called a server and we have had them for YEARS!

    Thank you! I am so glad I am not the only one! Last year, I was at a conference, and Peter Molyneux (from Lionhead Studios) kept going on and on about 'the cloud'.... was infuriating. Mind you, the whole conference was a temptation to play buzzword bingo!


    The royal wedding. :explode: I'm not interested, and I'm getting really p****d off with people telling me I should be! My MIL even said,

    "Of course you should be interested, it's your future".

    I have no idea how she came to that conclusion - I just put it down to her age! :laugh:
  • chera325
    chera325 Posts: 38 Member
    The Royal Wedding! Ahhhhh!!!

    AGREED!!! If I can't be a real princess, I certainly don't want to watch some stranger become one!