I was asked if I am PREGNANT! (insert sad face here)



  • nalia08
    nalia08 Posts: 252
    Well, I gained about 15 lbs in the last few months and had someone ask me this last Sunday. Asked me if I was expecting. I said so and they said, well you sure did get "thick".
  • staplebug
    staplebug Posts: 189
    Oh my gosh, that guy is so completely oblivious. Makes me wonder if he is married or in a relationship...After spending time with a woman, you learn (if you are socially retarded and haven't learned already) what kind of things you can and can't say. Asking if you are pregnant is one....TELLING SOMEONE THEY LOOK PREGNANT WHEN YOU KNOW THEY AREN'T is another. What an effing moron.

    Edit: people have asked me repeatedly if I am pregnant...only because I obsessively pin baby things on pinterest, though...lol.
  • SarahDavs
    SarahDavs Posts: 161 Member
    How is it rude to ask a women if she is pregnant? Just say "No."

    If a grown woman has a large stomach who you've never seen before anyone would assume that they were pregnant..
    Oh my god. Ugh. There are many other reasons why a woman might have a larger stomach. And by asking someone you don't know if they are pregnant, when they are not, you are basically calling them fat. So think about it: Is it rude to go up to someone and tell them they are fat? Yes.

    ETA: it's extremely rude, insensitive and thoughtless.
  • jasmine_noel
    jasmine_noel Posts: 62 Member
    I'm someone who has been asked a few times and been totally and completely offended by it, but then used that as motivation to lose weight (and dress better!)

    Really, people don't ask to be a-holes, they ask because you look pregnant. (I'm not disregarding the possibility that they are actually insensitive a-holes, but generally speaking, they're not TRYING to be.)
  • mynpyn
    mynpyn Posts: 1
    I had this happen to me a few months ago by an elderly lady. She even gave me a nice tummy rub while asking. :bigsmile: I told her there wasn't a baby in there, but I did just have one 8 years ago. :laugh: She was mortified and I really did feel worse for her than I did for me.
  • peopletalk
    peopletalk Posts: 519 Member
    How is it rude to ask a women if she is pregnant? Just say "No."

    If a grown woman has a large stomach who you've never seen before anyone would assume that they were pregnant..
    cause it's basically saying to someone "oh, you have a lot of fat in your stomach area. enough fat to make me think a human is growing inside it"

    seriously? did you really just ask how it was rude?
    you don't go up to a random and say "you're fat, especially in your tummy area" so why would a person ask a stranger if they're pregnant.
  • d4ggl3s
    d4ggl3s Posts: 11 Member
    seriously? did you really just ask how it was rude?
    you don't go up to a random and say "you're fat, especially in your tummy area" so why would a person ask a stranger if they're pregnant.

    This. I was beginning to think I was the only one who honestly though that it's no one's god d*mned business whether someone's pregnant or not. It's like if I walked up to some random guy at the bus stop and asked, "Hey do you have hemorrhoids?" If I wanted someone to know I was pregnant I'd tell them in the first place.
  • primal7
    primal7 Posts: 151 Member
    Just tell him you are working on your beer belly just as he is! :drinker:
    Then walk away!
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    I have been asked if I was pregnant and my usual response is no I am just fat, that usually shuts them up.

    Same here. I don't get upset really since I know I am working hard to get rid of fat that gives people the reason to even ask that question. Ignorance is dangerous. see the following:

  • LizardQueen4PointOh
    LizardQueen4PointOh Posts: 245 Member
    At my heaviest, I was asked this question and had it implied that I was pregnant twice within a week. When I was asked when I was due, I was caught off guard and simply responded, "Oh, I'm not pregnant. This is leftovers from the other three." If I would have been quicker on my feet, I would have just thought up a due date to avoid the awkwardness. Coincidentally, I was wearing an empire waisted shirt at the time. I have since donated said shirts (I had them in a few colors) to charity.
  • GeekAmour
    GeekAmour Posts: 262
    I worked at a plus sized store last summer and I was helping a lady out in the fitting room. She had tried on a pair of pants and asked what sort of top would go with it. I told her something like I was wearing would look nice. I was wearing a sleeveless tank that was fitted around the bust but flowy from just under my bust down. She looked at it and said, "No, I don't wear maternity clothes. I'm not pregnant."

    I stood there a minute, trying to remember that I would get fired if I hit a customer, and finally said, "I'm not pregnant either." She rolled her eyes and said, "Well then you shouldn't wear clothes that give people that impression. She closed the fitting room door and I passed her off to another employee to deal with.

    It sucked because since I was at work, I had to remain professional and I couldn't call her out on it. The funny thing is, when the other employee brought her a shirt exactly like mine but in a different color, she loved it so much she bought it.

    It's mean to say, but I hope somebody says exactly the same to her!
  • GeekAmour
    GeekAmour Posts: 262
    At my heaviest, I was asked this question and had it implied that I was pregnant twice within a week. When I was asked when I was due, I was caught off guard and simply responded, "Oh, I'm not pregnant. This is leftovers from the other three." If I would have been quicker on my feet, I would have just thought up a due date to avoid the awkwardness. Coincidentally, I was wearing an empire waisted shirt at the time. I have since donated said shirts (I had them in a few colors) to charity.

    Every magazine & fashion expert recommends empire waist clothes for a flattering look for "the curvy woman"... they have obviously never taken their own advice & been congratulated on their pregnancy!

    "Oh! That flowy empire cut top over your ample tummy doesn't make you look six months pregnant at all!", said no one ever.
  • LeahT84
    LeahT84 Posts: 202 Member
    I had someone I knew pretty well ask me that once, I smiled wide and said "Why yes, yes I am." while rolling my eyes. His girlfriend slapped him for being rude. I saw him about 8 months later and he asked me where the baby was, I just laughed. Last week, I got poked in the belly by a resident at work and he asked me "got one in there?" I politely told him no and smiled. It doesn't bother me because I have learned to grow a thick skin over the years. I know I'm fat, and I am doing something about it so that in a year or two, those same people can look at me with a stunned stupid look on their face and praise me for looking so good. As my ex used to say "joke'm if they can't take a *kitten*"
  • KBGAgent
    KBGAgent Posts: 165 Member
    I fully understand how guys can be stupid, but, I don't understand why anyone has to be mean. Sorry he was a jerk to you.
  • FluffyMae
    FluffyMae Posts: 13 Member
    I stress ate an extra 10 lbs before my wedding in 1995. I tell you wut! Everyone at the reception kept asking if I was preggers. And it was kinda suspicious, we got engaged and married 3 mos. later. But, I actually spent our 1st anniversary in labor and gave birth the next day! :)

    Then...after the birth of my 2nd baby...the lady at the corner store bellows, "Good God woman...haven't you had that baby yet?" I burst into tears and went and got my 6 month old baby out of the car...
  • tcollins46
    I've lost about 40 lbs., but have more to go and I do have a stomach. The weight came off my legs and butt and upper body, but not so much around my stomach. I was shopping over the weekend w/ my husband and a woman at the store asked me when my baby was due. At first I didn't think she was talking to me and when I looked up she was staring right at me. It felt like the entire world stopped and all eyes were on me. I think I whispered that I wasn't pregnant. I'm almost 50 and the last child I had was 22 years ago. My husband walked away and for some reason my feet wouldn't move. The lady felt terrible and kept talking, but honestly I don't know what all she said. She even gave me a hug, but I just wanted her to disappear and forget it all happened. Its only been one day and I've replayed it a thousand times in my head.
  • kb2699
    kb2699 Posts: 80 Member
    At a wedding in November a guy patted my belly and asked when I was due. I laughed and told him I wasn't pregnant - not only that, I had a glass of wine in one hand and a cigarette in the other - he shook his head and said 'No, no, you're pregnant aren't you. Cmon, when's it due?' . I honestly thought this was funny rather than offensive, mostly because he was so clueless as to how awkward he should have been feeling!
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I used to get asked ALL.THE.TIME. Weekly, at least. "oh when are you due?" I'M NOT PREGNANT JUST FAT!!!! I started telling people I had a liver tumor :devil: but one time that backfired on me when the husband of the lady(!!) who'd asked actually DID have a liver tumor and she started asking me detailed questions about if I was on a transplant list and what meds I took. :embarassed:

    It died down to no questions asked as i got fatter, actually I kind of missed it at that point. I mean, I'd gone from "maybe you have an excuse to be that size" to "nope, you're just a fatty, I won't even ask."

    I'm back down now to the size where I was getting asked before, and just as before my belly is my most prominent feature at the moment so I anticipate it starting up again. The app I use on my phone predicts when I will reach my "goal weight" so I think I'll just use that as the "due date" that I will start telling people!
  • kb2699
    kb2699 Posts: 80 Member
    Oh, just remembered another one. I was having my hair done and one of the junior hairdressers was washing my hair. She asked what I did and I said that I was on maternity leave from work. She asked when the baby was due. I told her my baby was 7 months old. Again I thought this was really funny, she was mortified. That one was about four years ago now.
  • Mistyvs
    Mistyvs Posts: 56 Member
    Yep, several times :( I also carry the bulk of my weight in my belly. I had a lady ask me if I was pregnant once (she was the owner of a restaurant I was eating at) and when I told her no, she stood behind the counter and stared at me for the longest time and then asked me, "are you sure?"

    Another time, I was doing mobile massage (I'm a therapist) and my new client asked me if he could help me out to the car with my table because I shouldn't be carrying it in my condition. :/