Am I hurting your feelings?



  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
  • sinnuendo
    sinnuendo Posts: 15
    Damn red x's

    I accept friendship requests from everyone as long as they send a message saying why they want to be my friend. Also, I think everyone has a different perspective on weight loss, I think I would be limiting myself if I turned down requests.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Damn red x's

    Quote, copy, and paste?
  • eb2012
    eb2012 Posts: 9
    You are asumming the guys are a) All striaght b) striaght and into you... lol Mighty full of ourselfs aren't we? But I guess you have a point thats why I mostly only add dudes unless i see an exceptionaly postive female then I will send a request. I have 2 females friends as of today..hint hint....
  • sinnuendo
    sinnuendo Posts: 15
    Damn red x's

    Quote, copy, and paste?

    Nope nada for me :cry:
  • InfamousQ
    InfamousQ Posts: 266 Member
    I don't understand why some one would get there feelings hurt it is not like you met them in person and then you turn them down LOL people need to just grow up and stop being so sensitive!!!