Essential Rules for Fitness & Weightloss



  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    I love this thread....
  • dawnw30
    dawnw30 Posts: 270
    Workout on the elliptical in the mornings and a dvd workout in the afternoon - watch what I eat, drink lots of water and stay motivated!! Checking in on MFP and my friends helps me out tremendously!! : )
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    weight loss is 80% what you eat and 20% what you do.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    No matter how much you don't feel like it or try to talk yourself out of it, get your butt out of bed in the morning and get that workout over with. You will feel so much better when it's over.
  • denise980
    denise980 Posts: 296
    Add extra protein when strength training, to help tone your body.
  • slimyfishy
    slimyfishy Posts: 114 Member
    Start off each day with a good, healthy breakfast.
  • Prayer....without GODS help my effort fails!
  • ukhennin
    ukhennin Posts: 221 Member
    Don't tell anyone (except those close to you of course). Every time I've posted my intentions on facebook or talked about them with friends I've failed. This time it's just for me and it's working.
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    Almonds and Avacados
  • GTI_Girl
    GTI_Girl Posts: 207
    Cook from scratch
  • kristenheet
    kristenheet Posts: 16 Member
    Coming here and getting inspiration and great tips!!!
  • simplynila
    simplynila Posts: 54 Member
    Muscle burns fat.... more strength training with the intention of getting stronger!
  • ganesha303
    ganesha303 Posts: 257 Member
    Lift heavy weights
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Read. Question. Research.

    Be informed.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Push yourself a little bit harder every time.
  • neyes67
    neyes67 Posts: 161 Member
    Set mini goals ...they are easier to obtain and probably more realistic. Celebrate successes with a non-food reward. Remember to measure yourself along the way ...inches lost are priceless jewels:wink:
  • stacilynn_1215
    stacilynn_1215 Posts: 52 Member
    motivating myself by competing with a friend...we push each other to go past our limits and comfort zone when it comes to exercise :) And I've got God's hand in everything that I do. Every other attempt I have made at losing weight failed...until I truly accepted Christ and asked him to lead me. I know I cannot fail with him as my guide.
  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    Small, healthy snacks all throughout the day
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    *Write it down. All of it.
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
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