What is the hardest time of day for you?

I know that for me, staying on track in the afternoon after lunch and in the evening right before bed is really hard for me. It is during those times that I am most likely to binge or at least "cheat".

If you have a hard time of day, what do you do to help yourself get through it?


  • ratkins811
    ratkins811 Posts: 190 Member
    I do okay at work but right before bed is really tough for me. Usually by then I have eaten all my cals for the day but I am learning to spread them out more so I have that buffer to help me.
  • cafeteriagirl
    cafeteriagirl Posts: 267 Member
    right when i come home from work. i usually will eat my 40 calorie popsicle or fit and active snacks.
  • Cordy1228
    Cordy1228 Posts: 245 Member
    Right now, when the kids are just getting home from school and having their snacks, but it's too early to start thinking about dinner.

    I eat lunch early, because that's when my youngest naps, so this afternoon stretch seems interminable.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Getting on the treadmill first thing in the morning sure does suck sometimes. I say to myself, "boy, this ****ing sucks", as I walk downstairs, fill up my water bottle, aim the fan, and press the start button. This is what needs to be done, so this is what I do.
  • Furrytreats
    Furrytreats Posts: 132 Member
    Same time for me. I've tried doing something with my hands for that last hour or so before bed while I'm watching tv crocheting or reading a book. I've also found that if I hold a really good cup of tea that helps me get over the habit of hand to mouth gratification.
  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    Between 7:30 and 9. This is when the urge to snack is the worst.
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    I am with Taso, I hate the early morning workout, I will put it off often then my guilt gets the better of me. I also tend to wake up having desire for something to nosh on and have to resist it.
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    Between lunch and afternoon snack. I'll find something to always pop into my mouth. Lately I've been brushing my teeth after lunch, and don't want to ruin my minty fresh breath with food.

    That's been working.
    Today I had a 2nd mini luna for my afternoon snack. Not sure thats exactly what I should have done. But whatcha gonna do?
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I don't really have a time of day that I'm prone to unnecessary snacking, but I'm often not all that jazzed about breakfast lately. I just eat it anyway because otherwise I wouldn't hit my calorie goal.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Post-workout...I have a tendency of not being able to pre-eat my exercise calories [out of habitual routine] and I workout late at night [before I shower and go to bed], so trying to fill in that deficit is hard for me.
  • pittielover23
    Same time for me. I've tried doing something with my hands for that last hour or so before bed while I'm watching tv crocheting or reading a book. I've also found that if I hold a really good cup of tea that helps me get over the habit of hand to mouth gratification.
    I actually want to learn how to crochet or knit for this very reason. You reminded me to look up classes in my area, thanks :)
  • flea2449
    flea2449 Posts: 500 Member
    Ok, I have to admit ALL DAY AND EVERYDAY is hard for me. I have to surround myself with good healthy food because if there is a bag of potatoe chips around me, it would be devoured!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Afternoon, when the children get home from school, but there's 3 hours before the evening meal.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    Evenings. Any time from 8pm onwards I get the urge to eat. I make sure to save calories for something to eat around 10pm though so it's not a huge issue.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    After lunch around 3pm...especially when there is goodies in the break room like TODAY...ugh.

    And then when I get home, because I am the only one watching what I eat there is all kinds of bad stuff in the house.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    9pm - bedtime
  • mawhite717
    mawhite717 Posts: 202 Member
    mine is between 130 and 430. only because its the slowest time of the day at work. it gets soooooooooooooooooo boring.
  • eryn415
    eryn415 Posts: 98 Member
    My hardest time is right when I get home from work. It's too early to make dinner but I am hungry!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    As soon as I get home from work.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Post-workout...I have a tendency of not being able to pre-eat my exercise calories [out of habitual routine] and I workout late at night [before I shower and go to bed], so trying to fill in that deficit is hard for me.

    ^ This is exactly my problem!

    I wish I could get up early enough for a morning workout so I could do better about eating back my calories. pouting_emoticon___updated.gif