Couch to 5K Week 4.....who knew



  • MichaelDexter
    MichaelDexter Posts: 6 Member
    I'm also in week 4 (doing day 2 tomorrow). It seems like each increase is going to be impossible, but it hasn't been too bad so far. Right now 5 minutes is tough, I can't even imagine 30 minutes!
  • andyj1984
    andyj1984 Posts: 76
    I LOVE c25k! I'm just about to start week 4, already I can feel fitness improving, and its great fun too! 3 weeks ago I was struggling to run 60 seconds non-stop, now I am running 3 or 4 minutes at a time, and NOT feeling like I'm going to die. I can't wait to tackle the 20 minute run, when it comes along! :)
  • Hipposxox
    That's amazing! :) I downloaded the app ages ago...but gave up on it a few days in. :( I lack the motivation to run, but since I've found out about this website, I've been more motivated! Maybe I should take it up again... ahha.
  • stacibuk
    stacibuk Posts: 276 Member
    I LOVE c25k! I'm just about to start week 4, already I can feel fitness improving, and its great fun too! 3 weeks ago I was struggling to run 60 seconds non-stop, now I am running 3 or 4 minutes at a time, and NOT feeling like I'm going to die. I can't wait to tackle the 20 minute run, when it comes along! :)

    I know how you feel. I was even tempted to repeat week 1, but I decided to preserver & continue. So glad I did. I even skipped one of the 3 days of week 2 (because I couldn't get to the gym) & I could still do the complete week 3 completely. Next week, I will be starting week 4 & I can't wait. Woo hoo!!
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    GREAT JOB!!!

    the human body is amazing you never know what it can do until you push yourself to do it, we get so comforable with just
    walking at one pace but so many people do not realize that you can run comfortable to, IF YOU WANT TO., im also going to
    do this challenge begining in june, i was just laid off of work and what a great time to clear my mind and learn to run again.

    keep up the good work , im proud of you. :)
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I did W4 D1 yesterday, all of it, can't believe I actually managed it. :bigsmile:

    I was so intimidated by the idea of running FIVE minutes - twice - that I nearly repeated a day of Week 3 instead. Luckily a friend persuaded me to just give W4D1 a go anyway. I'm such an idiot for not believing I could do it... :blushing: