Why such a big difference in calories burned?

I would also like to know how some people are buring 500 calories walking 3 mph for 60 minutes when I walk 3 mph for 60 minutes and MFP says I burned 210.. I know the more weight you have, the more you burn... But that big of difference? I just dont get it. Here I work my *kitten* off dancing, kicking, lifting weights, and running for over a hour and burn like 500 calories but then someone burns 900 calories from gardening for 1.5 hours. Am I just logging in my fittness wrong or something? It just sucks honestly beating myself into the ground for 300 calories a day and some people are throwing out 1200 calorie burns a day. How do you do it?

***Kudos for you that are burning that much-- I just need to know if im logging mine wrong or something!


  • almarsala
    almarsala Posts: 168 Member
    Honestly I think a lot of what others are logging are exaggerated somehow...
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    If they are using the MFP numbers they are ridiculously high. That is probably what you are seeing. Some things I use MFP data for (I don't have a HRM) others I use what the machine says I burned.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    They may be logging based on an HRM or machine at the gym, which could give different numbers. My HRM, for example, is so different from MFP's estimate that I almost don't even believe it at all, lol.
  • cdthom
    cdthom Posts: 108 Member
    it is just the extra weight we are carrying if you put on a 100 pound fat suit and went for that 60 min walk you would put out big numbers also
  • JMuzzy
    JMuzzy Posts: 63
    lindsey--- i think it is much better to under-estimate your calorie burn than over-estimate... dont worry about what other people are burning (even though i know how you feel!) because in the end this journey is about you and your weight loss.
    hope this helps!! :heart:
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    Honestly I think a lot of what others are logging are exaggerated somehow...

    I thought that for a while, and even if they are, they are only hurting themselves by lying to themselves...
  • kimwalker247
    Why don't you just log it in through my fitness pal and take the calories burned from what they give.. You walk 2 miles at a brisk pace and burn 359 calories. I am just curious. That is accurate enough, I would think
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    I agree with cdthom. A larger person will burn more calories doing the same activity because it requires more effort. Unfortunately, that is just the science of our bodies. The smaller you get, the harder it is to burn those calories. :sad:
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I wish I had a heart rate monitor so I knew exactly what I was burning...I usually underestimate on calories burned just in case. Unfortunately, I have no idea how some people get such huge calorie burns...
  • ciendras
    ciendras Posts: 5
    Look, you can't pay attention to that. Someone who claims they burn 500 cals walking an hour or 1.5 hours is deluding themselves, and you shouldn't buy into that. Set your standard, and work with that.
    I run at a 10 minute mile clip for 3 miles and I burn 400 cals, and I weigh 205 pounds. That, and your own data, should give you an idea of what is really happening. Don't get frustrated.
    One thing you can use is mapmyrun app on iPhone or other phones, it averages the burn rate via GPS and weight pretty accurately.
  • kimwalker247
    Right! That is exactly correct!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    When I started I could have easily burned 500 calories an hour walking at 3mph now I have to going at least 5mph to do it. There are 2 reasons why one I am carrying a lot less weight on my body and 2 my actual fitness level has increased so my resting heart rate is lower so it takes more effort to get it into the higher ranges to be able to do it.

    Really just don't concentrate on what others are doing and just do your own thing.
  • kimwalker247
    WOW, so happy for your loss and I love your positive attitude, gimme some of that. KIM:smile:
  • cjmariani
    cjmariani Posts: 12
    Sorry to say, this is one area where MFP and the machines at the gym just plain old get it wrong. The only way to be sure of how many calories you burn excercising is with a Heart Rate Monitor. MFP's numbers tend to run high, and the machines at the gym tend to either run very high, or very low.

    If you don't have a heart rate monitor, the next best thing is to take you pulse at various times during your excercise and take an average. You can then find calculators online that will tell you what the estimated calories are you burned. Less accurate than wearing a Heart Rate Monitor, but still more accurate than what MFP or the machines will tell you.

    If you are working out on a machine getting your heart rate is easy! Just don't believe the calories burned number.

    Here's a link to one of the calculators I mentioned:

  • setaylor86080
    setaylor86080 Posts: 210 Member
    I have a HRM and at first I could not believe it. The more I use it however the more I am understanding that every body is different. My husband can do the exact same work out but because he is so much more in shape it takes much more longer and more intense workout for him to get the same calories burn . We can walk the dog for an hour and I am huffing and puffing and burn 600 and he is fine andd it is a slow pace for him and he burns like 200. I think it is all in your body and what you carrier around. I have 100 pounds over extra weight so it doesn't take me long to get my heart rate up. I hope that helps. I would recommend you looking into a HRM. It is nice to know what you are personally doing. It makes me want to workout harder and longer seeing my number!
  • ktc33
    ktc33 Posts: 249 Member
    I agree, I think people grossly over estimate their activity. There's no point in lying about what you do or don't do because ultimately the scale will reveal the truth. If people post that they are burning over 1000 calories cleaning their house then I think they either have a really dirty house or they are really exaggerating.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Calories is not a scoreboard.

    MFP is a tool. But like any tool you have to use it properly. If you're honest with yourself, you will be successful and it shouldn't matter what other people burn. What people burn is as unique as the individual.
  • tobitude
    tobitude Posts: 89 Member
    Why does it have to come down to saying people are not telling the truth? Are we not all here for the same thing? I am here to get support not to see people downing other people for what they are logging. You also need to remember that some of these people are logging more than one activity and all that shows up is the one you did the longest. If I swim, walk, clean and ride my bike all in the same day I will definately burn 1000 calories but it will show only one activity.

    So instead of knocking people for what they are logging take a moment and get to know them, you never know if you might get a friend out of the conversation you have with them.

    The best way to succeed is the support you have in the side lines.
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    One of my friends asked me about this just yesterday after I posted my run-what was I doing to burn so much. I use an HRM when I run, and the numbers I get from my HRM are reasonably higher than what MFPestimates for my running. The best I can figure is that I'm keeping my heart rate higher than whatever the rate is that MFP uses in their calculations-I'd actually be curious to know what their number is. When I've tested it on a workout DVD I usually find the numbers are considerably lower so I've tried to adjust those nubmers down. Like someone already said, everyone is going to be different and probably with every activity too.
  • shellybeelee
    A lot of stuff goes into it. Like I do videos. MFP says to use circuit training and 25 minutes was like 190 calories. I used my HRM and it was 358. Crazy I know, but I'm out of shape so it takes more work for my body and my heart rate is faster. I'm doing the video everyday though, so as i get more in shape that number is going to go down a lot and it will probably fall right around mfp's estimates