Why such a big difference in calories burned?



  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    I don't how big some of your friends are, but a person who is 250 pounds can burn 495 calories an hour walking at a pace of 3 MPH for an hour. Size definitely will increase what you burn.
    And honestly, I don't understand why people would lie about their activity level. People are here to lose weight and get support-not to see who can post the highest numbers.
  • savannahgro
    savannahgro Posts: 113 Member
    Something to also take into consideration is someone may be logging it as 3mph but they may be walking faster.
    I'm a fast walker, but before I had a HRM I just logged it as moderate, because I didn't want to overestimate.
    Also, I tried running the other day and could hardly do it (my heart rate was almost 200!!) so I still logged it as my normal walking, even though I was walking and running.
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    When I was 250lb, it was nothing for me to burn 700 - 800 calories in a 45 minute workout. I worked really hard and believed it when the machines told me I burned those big numbers.

    Now at 147lbs, I can bust my butt for an hour on the treadmill doing my run/powerwalk intervals and I burn 500 - 600. I know it is because I am smaller now and I don't expect the big numbers that I use to get.

    I also believe that some people exagerate when they log their exercise. I don't let it bug me too much because they aren't hurting me, they are only kidding themselves.
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    When I started with MFP I was 42 lbs heavier and I used a HRM and would burn a lot more calories than I do now. One thing when you use a HRM you have to remember is to change your weight as you lose. If you leave it alwaysas your highest number it will think you still are that weight and you will burn more.The HRM is only as good as the person who uses it. People who "cheat" on their calorie burn are just hurting themselves but I don't think one should assume everyone that burns a lot is cheating! I do burn a lot of calories.. I am still fat... I burn less than I did but a heck of a lot more than someone that is 25, 50 or 75 lbs lighter than me. The scale and measurements will tell if someone is not honest just as it will if you don't log correctly what you eat.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Just because someone is burning a lot of calories doesn't mean that they are lying or overestimating. A lot of what you burn depends on your size. If someone who doesn't have a lot of weight to lose did their workout while carrying 50, 75, 100 lbs they would burn a lot more calories. As you lose weight the number of calories you burn goes down and you have to work a lot harder to burn calories. It's just the way it is. Also a lot of people don't have heart rate monitors and just go off of the estimates here which are IMO high for some things and low for other things.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    You know what? I was JUST telling my boyfriend the same thing. Went to the gym tonight and did cardio for 60 mins. Treadmill said I burned 450 calories (I was moving kinda slow tonight since I'm still a bit sore from Tae Bo yesterday). I went to enter it into MFP and it was totally different. I will say that I trust the treadmill more since I enter my weight and such (plus it knows how much incline I'm using). But, why is it that I see someone walking at a "slow pace 3.0mph" for 45 mins and burning 600 calories and I'm only burning 450 and I'm up around 5.0? I mean.. I warm up at more than that and I don't burn anything with my speed that low! I'm confused.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Why does it have to come down to saying people are not telling the truth? Are we not all here for the same thing? I am here to get support not to see people downing other people for what they are logging. You also need to remember that some of these people are logging more than one activity and all that shows up is the one you did the longest. If I swim, walk, clean and ride my bike all in the same day I will definately burn 1000 calories but it will show only one activity.

    So instead of knocking people for what they are logging take a moment and get to know them, you never know if you might get a friend out of the conversation you have with them.

    The best way to succeed is the support you have in the side lines.

    I don't think we are accusing people of lying. We are confused as to why we're doing more activity and our numbers are lower. It isn't a matter of saying "Well, so and so is lying about that!". I'm just trying to understand why I jog for a long stretch and don't burn what someone else is burning at my warm up speed. That's all.
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    It's because there's such a big difference in our bodies.

    Just this example... and I'm really jealous about it!!

    Went on a walk with my daughter: we did the same time (2 hours), the same way, barefoot on the beach, both wore a HRM.
    Now the numbers:
    I'm 40 years old and weigh 97 kgs, she's 20 and weighs 80 kgs.
    I burnt 345 cals, she burnt 730.

    We have similar differences using the elliptical or bike... or training with our personal trainer ( she burns 490, I burn 265...)

    I'm jealous because she's burning a lot more calories to do exactly the same thing than me.
    Or should I be proud that I am so much more fit than she is?

    You cannot even say people who weigh more burn more, because in this case it's not true.

    It all lies in the differences of each body.

  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    Why does it have to come down to saying people are not telling the truth? Are we not all here for the same thing? I am here to get support not to see people downing other people for what they are logging. You also need to remember that some of these people are logging more than one activity and all that shows up is the one you did the longest. If I swim, walk, clean and ride my bike all in the same day I will definately burn 1000 calories but it will show only one activity.

    So instead of knocking people for what they are logging take a moment and get to know them, you never know if you might get a friend out of the conversation you have with them.

    The best way to succeed is the support you have in the side lines.

    I don't think we are accusing people of lying. We are confused as to why we're doing more activity and our numbers are lower. It isn't a matter of saying "Well, so and so is lying about that!". I'm just trying to understand why I jog for a long stretch and don't burn what someone else is burning at my warm up speed. That's all.

    I don't think the OP was accusing people of lying. But a good deal of the responses were littered with the words:
    -lying, over estimating, kidding yourself, cheating, claims, deluding themselves....-
    I just don't get why people think in such a negative way about other people and their journeys. (Me thinks thou dost protest too much?)
    I use the MFP database as a gross ballpark figure for a very rough estimate of my exercise calories. I also track my calories to the best of my ability. Do I think I burned 1200 calories during my 60 minutes of circuit training? Heck no! It's just a number put out there for me to log. That is also why I don't eat back a lot or most of my exercise calories. I'm not a fool. But I do know my body, and how long I work it, and how hard I push it. I am much more apt to listen to my body, pay attention to my macro's and nutrition levels, and fuel myself from there. I work out until I feel that my body has had enough. I have light workout days and heavy workout days. I don't expect a website to put forth an 'absolute' number that is 100% correct- nor would I totally rely on a HRM to be perfect either.
    I guess I'm old school when it comes to that. I don't feel that the latest gaget or gizmo is going to whiz bang me into thin city any faster or more accurately than I can do it myself. My body, my brain, and I have known each other intimately all my life. I know what works for me, and armed with a scale and some iron we are coming along nicely.
    In regard to the lying, cheating, and deluding comments, please. Worry about yourself. That is why my diary is closed to all but the few friends I allow to see it. And that's because to me, they seem smarter than the average bear and can fiqure things out accordingly or ask a question without thinking I'm lying or other haughty things.
    I log my food from midnight to midnight. I log my exercise from the time I get up til the time I go to bed. My diary looks crazy. But it works for me.
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    It's because there's such a big difference in our bodies.

    Just this example... and I'm really jealous about it!!

    Went on a walk with my daughter: we did the same time (2 hours), the same way, barefoot on the beach, both wore a HRM.
    Now the numbers:
    I'm 40 years old and weigh 97 kgs, she's 20 and weighs 80 kgs.
    I burnt 345 cals, she burnt 730.

    We have similar differences using the elliptical or bike... or training with our personal trainer ( she burns 490, I burn 265...)

    I'm jealous because she's burning a lot more calories to do exactly the same thing than me.
    Or should I be proud that I am so much more fit than she is?

    You cannot even say people who weigh more burn more, because in this case it's not true.

    It all lies in the differences of each body.


    I like this reply, and agree whole heartedly! :drinker:
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    You should get a HRM. I'm 109 pounds and burn 350-400 calories walking 3mph in 60 minutes.