What is the most filling low cal dinner you can eat?



  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    My most filling and delicious meal right now:

    a serving of Alexia spicy sweet potato fries, roasted asparagus, and a roasted portobello mushroom with 1 T blue cheese melted inside served on (3 C raw, though heated and slightly reduced) spinach. Optional additions: a Newcastle and/or apple slices. It's just so much food.

    Alexia's sweet potato fries come spicy too? I have to try them. I love the regular ones. I'm also trying the sweet potato waffle fries cause I heard they get nice and crisp when baked unlike the fries.

    I'm a little afraid to try the regular ones (since I don't like sweet potatoes, but LOVE the spicy fries!) These get fairly crisp for baked fries (and you can put the fries on one half of a cookie sheet and thicker asparagus spears on the other, and they get done at the same time at 400 F.)
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    My most filling and delicious meal right now:

    a serving of Alexia spicy sweet potato fries, roasted asparagus, and a roasted portobello mushroom with 1 T blue cheese melted inside served on (3 C raw, though heated and slightly reduced) spinach. Optional additions: a Newcastle and/or apple slices. It's just so much food.

    Alexia's sweet potato fries come spicy too? I have to try them. I love the regular ones. I'm also trying the sweet potato waffle fries cause I heard they get nice and crisp when baked unlike the fries.

    I'm a little afraid to try the regular ones (since I don't like sweet potatoes, but LOVE the spicy fries!) These get fairly crisp for baked fries (and you can put the fries on one half of a cookie sheet and thicker asparagus spears on the other, and they get done at the same time at 400 F.)

    sounds good! Do you boil the asparagus for a little bit before baking or not?
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    my fav is a roasted chicken breast with roasted vegetables. My mix is asparagus, green beans, squash, eggplant, and 1 small yukon gold or red potato diced and roasted with garlic and herbs like oregano and rosemary
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    My new favorite filling dinner is my spaghetti made with kelp noodles. Tastes the same but since the noodles are only 6 cals per serving you can eat a huge bowl. Combine with salad or lots of steamed broccoli and you'll be stuffed and satiated
    You could also use tofu shirataki noodles.

    In general plenty of protein, veggies, +/- some minimally processed carbs are the way to go for filling. just remember volume, protein, and fat content to produce satiety.

    Also check out Hungry girl's website, that lady really knows how to take simple everyday fattening meals and turn them into a dieter's dream: http://www.hungry-girl.com/chew
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    Normal spaghetti with vegetables (broccoli and mushrooms, say) or a vegetable-based sauce (with no fat or protein) is most filling for me, for dinner. Best eaten late (maybe 8pm) rather than early, as carbs tend to burn quickly and you want the feeling of fullness to last until bed-time. If you like, you could add a light, low-calorie soup as an earlier starter (e.g. blend together hot stock with tinned beetroot and fresh ginger, or cook a few chopped veges and herbs in a good stock).