*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion Week #17 4.29.11



  • 2LiveAgain
    I got me new Tae Bo DVD on Wednesday as well some 2 pound weights to use with it, I did it yesterday and I loved it! I usually do them without the weights and it burns my arms, and with them my arms were on fire! But I loved it and I pushed myself through the whole workout! Somewhere along the line int he past couple weeks even though i see them say it all the time on the Biggest Loser, I realized that you don't stop when it starts to hurt or burn, you push yourself through it. Before when I exercised I knew that I shouldn't stop at that point, but like it wasn't clicking right -does that make sense? I think it finally clicked cause I've been pushing myself through whatever DVD I decide to do. Anyway, I forgot it was weigh in day, so I will weigh in the morning. And I also got some vegetables and more healthy foods to add to my meals, I wasn't able to buy everything I wanted to but i got enough to last me til this weekend when I can get more things. I ate good yesterday, I grabbed yogurt instead of ice cream, I drank water all day instead of sweet tea and I didn't go for the chocolate milk in the fridge! I was proud of myself yesterday! I'll check back in tomorrow to see what I weigh, my monthly should of been here by now, so I know it's lurking so I'm not expecting much!
  • dinareed
    dinareed Posts: 73 Member
    Woohoo! I am down a little. Not really sure what to do at this point...my dietitian has studied my exercise and diet habits and says that I am doing everything right. She did tell me to try to mix up the calorie levels that I'm at so I guess I will be playing with that for the next month and see what it does. I feel like a snail in the race to lose weight, but I'm still trudging (or is it sliding?) along. :smile:
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    Seems like most people are having a good week. Congrats to all!

    I am so sorry to ask for this again, but first my internet browser got stupid and I had to change browsers, thus losing the link, then Thursday my computer showed me the blue screen of death, so now I have to use other family member's computers until I can get a new one. All that to ask for the link to the excell spreadsheet again, please. I love to look at everyone's progress in one place.

    So if someone would please just post the link again, I'd really appreciate it. Love you all!
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    Hello Sunshines!

    This was a tough week because I was so incredibly sick all week. It was really bad. But, I managed to maintain, which is good because I over did the eating and lounging during Easter weekend. Today is my first day back in the grind. I can breath but still really tired. My goal is to rest all weekend and then try to get back on the exercise train on Monday. When I was able to eat, I gobbled pizza and pasta which wasn't the best choices for me, but I'll live.

    My challenge continues to be CARBS. I am so sensitive to them and I just need to find ways to cut the bad ones from my diet.

    In three weeks I am moving to a new apartment. My goal since the beginning of this challenge has been that in mid-May I would go through my entire closet and every article of clothing and donate anything that was too small or too big. I am only bringing with clothing that I can fit to the new apartment. So, I basically have 2 weeks to drop 5 pounds so I can fit some of my cool clothes!! Very inspiring, let-me-tell-you.

    I haven't lost a pound in a month and it is driving me crazy. I am still keeping my calories in check, exercising when I can, and keeping it around 100 carbs per day, and my sodium is seldom less over 1,000 per day. So, my eating is in check that means I need to focus on exercise, water, and fiber.
  • mishamae
    mishamae Posts: 307 Member
    For me, I have been wanting to throw the scale out of the window LOL. I am up and down, up and down. But I know that my eating has been wonky lately! And I am totally one of those people that HAS to do both: workout and eat right. I missed Saturday, Sunday and Monday working out, so I know that had an effect on things. But you know what...I am ready to kick some butt. I know I am retaining some water,so hopefully that will be done and over with soon.

    Krys, I'm in the same position this week and last, one day i'm up and the next i'm down. My eating hasn't been what I want it to be either, and i'm also one of those people that needs to exercise and eat right to lose. We can do it together girl! :) Like you said let's give it 100% this week!

    Guess what? I've been on again and off again with my exercising the past couple weeks :( *Sighs* It can be so tough, when you're tired and just want to sleep, but can't because of other responsibilities. I end up putting exercise on the back burner. If I get to it, I get to it. I think (for me anyways) going to bed earlier to get a more restful sleep, will be a difficult goal to achieve, but will help so much!
    In other good news I bought some new workout clothes and they are encouraging me to get movin'! Oh and I bought everything in a size large..bye bye XL! :happy:
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    BUMP! Sorry I've been so busy. I promise I'll try to keep up this week! :smile:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    At first I doubted that I was losing inches until I've started wearing a skirt here and a pair of pants that didn't even button when I was 10 lbs. lighter. So I look at it this way, whenever the scale decides to give me a real break, then I will should be even smaller when I weigh less than the last time I was close to 200.

    My graduation is in two weeks and I'm excited because I have to take my dress for alterations. The waist is baggy :)
    leandread... Amazing!
    I WANT THIS!! So this is it. No more turning back and going in the wrong direction. I will hit my weight loss goal and then maintain it for the rest of my life. This is what I want and this is what I will do!!!!!
    Gwen... Awesome attitude! Right on the path to success! Keep repeating this to yourself.

    Brandy... Keep going as long as it keeps working!

    simplyxaddicted... Right on! Move that booty until July 24th! I'm aiming for the 2 lb loss/week too. It's totally possible!
    Awesome attitude this week ladies! I see that a lot of you are ready to kick butt this week and Rev It Up! Awesome...some great losses so far this week. I will say this...I notice that we always know when we are not giving 100%, so let's pledge together today to give it 100% this upcoming week, EVERYDAY and see what results come out of it. I am feeling positive vibes and great results.
    Krys... Thanks for the motivation! I so needed this right now.
    I gained again.....

    I have no more control on food.... and can't get myself to exercise.... blah.... SO sick of this stupid snow and weather in general......
    I need some sunshine to raise my spirit! The sun is shining today so will go for a long walk later!
    Chantal... I think we're in the same place right now. Back on track with the both of us now! Let's do this thing!

    taletreader... I don't have any real comment, but just want to say that I enjoy reading your posts. Glad you like the bike! It looks sweet!
    Somewhere along the line int he past couple weeks even though i see them say it all the time on the Biggest Loser, I realized that you don't stop when it starts to hurt or burn, you push yourself through it. Before when I exercised I knew that I shouldn't stop at that point, but like it wasn't clicking right -does that make sense? I think it finally clicked cause I've been pushing myself through whatever DVD I decide to do.
    funlovingirl... What I love about Jillian Michaels' DVDs is that she always tells you to push through it. Like you, I've been putting that into practice in my other workouts too. Haha, it's like she's in my head all the time. Have fun with the Tae Bo! Tae Bo has got to be the first type of workout, other than dance, that I enjoyed.

    dinareed... Keep on sliding. Snails are awesome. No one's weight loss has been slower than mine, I guarantee it!
    In three weeks I am moving to a new apartment. My goal since the beginning of this challenge has been that in mid-May I would go through my entire closet and every article of clothing and donate anything that was too small or too big. I am only bringing with clothing that I can fit to the new apartment. So, I basically have 2 weeks to drop 5 pounds so I can fit some of my cool clothes!! Very inspiring, let-me-tell-you.
    barefootbeauty... That's awesome inspiration to stick with it. And such a good plan! Keep trying things (food-wise, exercise-wise, and personally) until you find something that works for you!

    I think I literally JUST realized why I've been feeling off the last few days; I've been getting NO sleep. My sister's been sick, and we share a room, so her sniffling and coughing keeps me up, and now I've been catching it a little bit, plus TOM's around. I feel really cranky today, and I don't think the sweets have been helping with that. I seriously have eaten every junk food in the book today, except for pie. I don't really like pie... I had 4 really good days last week, so I am going to try and get back to that place this afternoon (aka now!).
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member

    I read once here someone referring to a book someone wrote this comparison (I'm not sure if I'm not repeating myself either) This is just like a GPS. When you program a destination in your GPS and by some reason you take a wrong exit, the GPS will redirect you to your destination and not keep you in the wrong way forever. The GPS don't give up on you and let you be lost. If one day you gave into the cravings do not toss everything you did so far to start again tomorrow. If you take a wrong exit you're not going to drive all day long just to see where u r going, are u? Take the next exit (Meal) and do it right again.

    I love the analogy. I will try to remember it. Somedays and times, I certainly need that reminder.
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    It was lovely here today! Had the windows open. I love sitting and hearing the birds chirping. It is great to see the sun shining. I went to the gym today and was able to lift 106lbs, getting ready for my work physical agility test it is the end May. Now to work my flexibly and vertical jump. I got everything else down 1.5 mile run, 300 meter sun, push ups, sit-ups, and bench press 52% of my body weight. I need to get the Easter candy out of the house have eaten more then my share of it.

    Thinking about taking the kids hiking tomorrow hubby has class so it will just be the kids and I.

    I will be weigh-in in the AM. Have a great night everyone!
  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    So I have had a huge wake up call this week!!!! My husband and I went to a couples retreat and while there for 3 days I did not exercise and I ate moderately. Moderately meaning foods I knew I shouldnt but I didnt feel like I over endulged. This morning, I am up a pound and a half!!!!!!!!

    Ladies its just not worth it to me any more to eat the things I know I shouldnt eat!!!! I worked so hard the last two weeks to see a break through from my plateau, then worked harder to get the scale in the negative, now to see it moving up again is devastating!!!!

    I have to remind myself of this when I am tempted to eat the foods I know I should not eat!!!!

    Thanks for listening!! I am going to work out really hard today and tomorrow and weigh in Monday morning if that is ok. I just cant make myself put my new shameful weight in there.

    Thanks for listening ladies!! Today, I am going for a 10 mile run!!! Wooo Hoooo!!!!!!
  • 2LiveAgain
    last week 342
    This week 339.8

    Down 2.2 pounds!!! Yay it's going down again!! I don't know if it was from all the water my body retained from my excessive sodium intake last week, or what but I am glad for it! On Tuesday I was even up to 343, so since Tuesday 3.2 pounds of something fell off! lol I'm glad I'm sticking to it now, I'm sticking with exercising and not giving up, and a special thanks to Mollie for bringing to my attention that even though I was staying under calories, I still might be needing to eat cleaner, I started on Wednesday I believe, eating more fruits and veggies with my meals or between my meals and look what happened!!
  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    Crazy stupid scale!!!!!!!!!!! So I felt so bad this morning after weighing and realizing how bad I had done that I went out and ran 10 miles!!!!!!!! Liked to killed myself, burned 1385 calories!!!! Get home, ..... weigh ....... and now I am down to 142!!!!!!!! That is 5 lbs less then this morning!! As much as I would like to take that acurate, I think I better wait til tomorrow anyway and see how the scale looks in the morning. Now I am going to rest!!
  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    Ok, weighed this morning and I am at 143.6. Down 2.2 lbs from last week. I am vowing to myself to work hard this week and not to weigh until next week. I have become obsecessed with the scale and weigh myself 4 and 5 times a day.

    So, this week work hard, eat right, weigh in only on Friday.

    My BMI is almost at 25 so I am very excited about that.

    Good luck ladies!!!!!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Ok, weighed this morning and I am at 143.6. Down 2.2 lbs from last week. I am vowing to myself to work hard this week and not to weigh until next week. I have become obsecessed with the scale and weigh myself 4 and 5 times a day.

    So, this week work hard, eat right, weigh in only on Friday.

    My BMI is almost at 25 so I am very excited about that.

    Good luck ladies!!!!!

    Awesome job girl! You are amazing!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    last week 342
    This week 339.8

    Down 2.2 pounds!!! Yay it's going down again!! I don't know if it was from all the water my body retained from my excessive sodium intake last week, or what but I am glad for it! On Tuesday I was even up to 343, so since Tuesday 3.2 pounds of something fell off! lol I'm glad I'm sticking to it now, I'm sticking with exercising and not giving up, and a special thanks to Mollie for bringing to my attention that even though I was staying under calories, I still might be needing to eat cleaner, I started on Wednesday I believe, eating more fruits and veggies with my meals or between my meals and look what happened!!

    So proud of you girl! Way to rock it out!
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    Stressed out snowflakes! Lots going on in my life the next week, hopefully closing on my house soon, they keep changing the date!!! Crappy eating habits with everything going on/STRESS!!! I am up on the scale which is SUCH a disappointment for me because I was at my all time lowest at 222 last week!! I understand life happens though so I wont let this get me down. Once I am in the house and I can focus on myself it will be a lot easier!

    Routing you guys on this week, I will try to do my best but I am thinking this Fridays weigh in wont be that great either.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Hey Ladies!! Happy Monday!!! I am proud to say that i am done with school for the semester, so now i will have plenty of time to focus on weight loss!!! I have decided to have myself a "Makeover May" --cheesy i know but I am pretty excited about it!!! I actually put on a bikini today for the first time since I had my daughter and I have to say it wasnt great but it wasnt as bad as it would have been 6 months ago :happy: So for my makeover I took the before pic in the bikini and will be taking the after in the same swimsuit....and by makeover i mean I am planning to go hardcore this month :laugh:....meaning I am not only going to focus on eating better, but I am going to try to run atleast 9 miles a week, and do some type of ab workout everyday, I am also planning on teeth whitening, a spray tan, and a haircut and color I have also ordered GNC's Be-Beautiful vitapak and started using the Mederma Stretch Mark Therapy!! I am really excited that i might just be able to wear a bikini again!!!--I never thought I would but now i think it might be possible!!! If you all are up to it I would love for someone to join me in my "makeover may" :happy:

    On another note...congrats to everyone who saw a loss this week!!!!
  • forgiven4life
    forgiven4life Posts: 451
    Hey Ladies!! Happy Monday!!! I am proud to say that i am done with school for the semester, so now i will have plenty of time to focus on weight loss!!! I have decided to have myself a "Makeover May" --cheesy i know but I am pretty excited about it!!! I actually put on a bikini today for the first time since I had my daughter and I have to say it wasnt great but it wasnt as bad as it would have been 6 months ago :happy: So for my makeover I took the before pic in the bikini and will be taking the after in the same swimsuit....and by makeover i mean I am planning to go hardcore this month :laugh:....meaning I am not only going to focus on eating better, but I am going to try to run atleast 9 miles a week, and do some type of ab workout everyday, I am also planning on teeth whitening, a spray tan, and a haircut and color I have also ordered GNC's Be-Beautiful vitapak and started using the Mederma Stretch Mark Therapy!! I am really excited that i might just be able to wear a bikini again!!!--I never thought I would but now i think it might be possible!!! If you all are up to it I would love for someone to join me in my "makeover may" :happy:

    On another note...congrats to everyone who saw a loss this week!!!!

    Sounds great girl! I'll join you, but mind you I will NOT be at my goal by the end of May. I can be looking a lot better though. I need to get back to exercise. Since I met my first goal, I need to schedule my hair appt as well. Spray tan would be nice, but I really don't want anyone to see me as bare as it takes to get one. :blushing: I've got some spray stuff at home from Ulta that is pretty good so I can try to do my own. Vitamins are a good idea. I have Centrum Women's formula at home I need to get back to those as well. Let's do it Amanda! We can rock it out!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Hey Ladies!! Happy Monday!!! I am proud to say that i am done with school for the semester, so now i will have plenty of time to focus on weight loss!!! I have decided to have myself a "Makeover May" --cheesy i know but I am pretty excited about it!!! I actually put on a bikini today for the first time since I had my daughter and I have to say it wasnt great but it wasnt as bad as it would have been 6 months ago :happy: So for my makeover I took the before pic in the bikini and will be taking the after in the same swimsuit....and by makeover i mean I am planning to go hardcore this month :laugh:....meaning I am not only going to focus on eating better, but I am going to try to run atleast 9 miles a week, and do some type of ab workout everyday, I am also planning on teeth whitening, a spray tan, and a haircut and color I have also ordered GNC's Be-Beautiful vitapak and started using the Mederma Stretch Mark Therapy!! I am really excited that i might just be able to wear a bikini again!!!--I never thought I would but now i think it might be possible!!! If you all are up to it I would love for someone to join me in my "makeover may" :happy:

    On another note...congrats to everyone who saw a loss this week!!!!

    Sounds great girl! I'll join you, but mind you I will NOT be at my goal by the end of May. I can be looking a lot better though. I need to get back to exercise. Since I met my first goal, I need to schedule my hair appt as well. Spray tan would be nice, but I really don't want anyone to see me as bare as it takes to get one. :blushing: I've got some spray stuff at home from Ulta that is pretty good so I can try to do my own. Vitamins are a good idea. I have Centrum Women's formula at home I need to get back to those as well. Let's do it Amanda! We can rock it out!

    WooHoo!!! We can do this and we WILL look fabulous!!! I will not be at my goal by the end of may either!!! I will be happy losing 8lbs, heck even 5!!! I think the main thing for me, is to actually put some effort into taking care of me :) I get so busy with the little one and with school I havent really been good about getting ready or even trying to look my best, which in turn makes me feel like crap!!! Oh and as far as tanning goes, I have the neutrogena spray and it works amazingly!!! and its only like $9 a can, so its much cheaper than going and getting sprayed, actually the only reason I will be getting sprayed is because my march madness bracket beat my bf's and thats what I won LOL otherwise I wouldnt pay $30 for it!!! I know you are busy with Jacob, and all the other wife/mommy duties, so take some time for yourself!! You will be very happy that you did!!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I gained this week, claiming it and moving on! Stressing about $ this week. I have a lot of bills that are due the next two week which will only leave money for the basics for food. I hate stressing about $! Well it is what it is. I really need to find that money tree!

    Today makes 500 days that I have been on my journey.