Whey Protein Shakes



  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    *shrug* I dunno, I just think of the stuff in the canisters at Walmart when I see "whey protein" and "shake" together. That stuff is gross. I much rather eat food less processed than that.

    You can find good quality protein powder. Not the cheap stuff sold at walmart.
    It's not that processed.

    I suppose you don't eat any boxed meals or anything down the aisles in the supermarket??

    Protein powder is a staple in a lot of peoples diets because it's hard to keep a high protein intake when you start cutting calories. Especially when you're on a budget or you're busy.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I do enjoy all of them as well as a homemade protein smoothies made with whey protein isolate, raspberries, blueberries, flax seed and water.

    Variety is the spice of life.

    Just because someone has different choices in food does not give you the right to jump down their throats and preach!

    A mind is like a parachute it works best when it's opened!


    Oy vey! Where does everyone get off that I'm preaching? I'm just a cheerleader for non processed food. In my head, whey protein from a canister isn't real food (granted, bad experience with protein powders in past)

    once upon a time, i did eat boxed meals like healthy choice, but then I saw the light. Real food is the way to go. There is very little processed food in my house. If you're curious about my eating lifestyle, feel free to check out:
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Nope, but why waste your money on a POWDER when you can have REAL FOOD and get the same amount of protein, have it taste phenomenal, and be completely satisfying?

    Seriously... EAT A STEAK! Ribs, chicken, you get the idea.


    You are under the Misconception that everyone wants to eat MEAT OR can eat Meat! GROW-UP! By the way...What was the average Life Span for "Pre-Historic" Man?

    Aw, harsh, dude. I'm not chewing anyone out, I'm just really passionate about eating food the way God intended it. Call me cheerleader for real food & clean eating.

    besides, MEAT IS DELICIOUS! I believe the good Lord put both fauna and flora on this earth to provide for us. What a waste if we are not utilizing half of it.

    The way GOD intended...HOW Arrogant to presume that YOU know what GOD Intended. So, using that analogy, since we were NOT given wings, we were not meant to fly, or since we should not have refined cotton or wool or invented synthetics for clothes, we should be still wearing fur and skins. Personally, how ever you eat is Ok with Me, but don't evoke GOD. That cow you eat is "bread and domesticated", that pig ain't wild boar, and YOU didn't RUN and HUNT all day to capture it, then skin and dry the hide to wear. Then start the cycle all over again to have meat for 1 day out of 7. GOD intended indeed.

    GOD said "Let Mankind take dominion over the earth..."THAT is what GOD Intended!
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    ^^ LOL lets not derail the whole thread by making this a religious arguement and getting the convo locked.

    You might have just had a low quality powder.

    Bottom line, whey powder fits my daily macronutrient needs. Yes I could get all of my protein from steak and other meats, but then my fat would be too high for the day. Not to mention my wallet would be empty. And I can eat chicken and tuna any more than I already do.
    I'm all for avoiding overly processed foods. But whey protein isn't bad.
    Any bodybuilder or athlete has supplemented their diet at some point with a protein powder.
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    I try to eat clean as well. I buy my protein powder at a health food store and make my own shakes.

    You come across as preaching because you are telling people to eat real food without doing your research. What works for one person doesn't always work for another.

    No one is right for eating clean and no one is wrong if they don't. There is no need to judge and that is how you are coming across.

    We are all here for the same reason to get healthier, to provide support, advice and encouragement to each other.

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member

    So, using that analogy, since we were NOT given wings, we were not meant to fly

    or since we should not have refined cotton or wool or invented synthetics for clothes, we should be still wearing fur and skins.

    Actually no. I believe God gave inspiration to man to utilize what He has provided for us to create clothes, etc. Same with the inspiration for flight. We may not have grown wings, but The Wright Brothers were obviously INSPIRED by a higher power & calling.
    GOD said "Let Mankind take dominion over the earth..."THAT is what GOD Intended!

    Exactly. He PROVIDED us with fauna and flora (we have dominion over them). I don't see why you're so upset. I'm not telling people to eat a certain way other than to encourage them to eat REAL FOOD.

    I don't mean to come across as judgemental. I'm not judging anyone. I'm just a firm believer that processed food is not the optimum fuel for our amazing bodies. I apologize for that. I want others to experience the same kind of amazing health I enjoy because I've changed my life so much. I've come a LONG way since joining MFP in Oct 09. I just want to share that.

    Know this: I am not judging anyone for their eating habits. I just want to share what I've come to know, feel, and enjoy. CHEERLEADER
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    The thing is, whey protein is "real food".

    Not to be a **** but does it look like I'm slacking on my diet/nutrition?
    I spend a lot of time learning about what to eat, and I've spent countless weeks learning what works for MY body and what helps me to stay lean and to grow. Nutrition is something I take seriously. I spend hour after hour in the gym every week, so I want to make sure I'm making the most out of that. Whey makes a difference for me.

    If protein powder doesn't work for you, thats fine. But don't write it off as the devil just because you made a bad choice and tried a bad brand. Educated yourself on how whey is made.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    If protein powder doesn't work for you, thats fine. But don't write it off as the devil just because you made a bad choice and tried a bad brand. Educated yourself on how whey is made.

    I've tried several brands. They were all nasty. (Body Fortress, Jay Robb, a few others. I'd rather drop my $$ on groceries than a $100 canister of powder)

    Again, I apologize. I'm just trying to encourage everyone to eat less things from a canister, and more from the Earth.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    To try and answer the OP question and stick to the Topic: I think Whey Protein is an excellent protein choice. I use Whey Protein as a Meal replacement for Breakfast and Lunch most days. I usually mix it with frozen fruit (berries and/or frozen banana) and it really is filling. It's an excellent protein, the one I use is LACTOSE FREE(Kaizen), and easily digestible. I don't necessarily use it for wt. loss, it is just a part of My eating plan.
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    The thing is, whey protein is "real food".

    Not to be a **** but does it look like I'm slacking on my diet/nutrition?
    I spend a lot of time learning about what to eat, and I've spent countless weeks learning what works for MY body and what helps me to stay lean and to grow. Nutrition is something I take seriously. I spend hour after hour in the gym every week, so I want to make sure I'm making the most out of that. Whey makes a difference for me.

    If protein powder doesn't work for you, thats fine. But don't write it off as the devil just because you made a bad choice and tried a bad brand. Educated yourself on how whey is made.

    Don't mean to hijack - but, you had mentioned that Walmart brand is not a high quality protein powder - I just posted about this today, looking for opinions on their protein powder! So, what do you recommend? The Walmart brand my hubby and I are using is whey, but it has sucralose in it which bugs the crap out of me. Plus, he is trying to recomp (stay the same weight, but turn his skinny fat into muscle) and I am trying to lose 53 lbs, so I wonder if we can find a protein powder that will serve both of our needs. Since you obviously are doing something right and have a lot of knowledge on protein powders - could you throw your opinion at me on this? Either here or in my other thread so we don't stray too far off topic.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member

    I've tried several brands. They were all nasty. (Body Fortress, Jay Robb, a few others. I'd rather drop my $$ on groceries than a $100 canister of powder)

    Again, I apologize. I'm just trying to encourage everyone to eat less things from a canister, and more from the Earth.

    I agree with wanting people to eat less from a canister.

    BUT the brands you tried are cheap brands. They're sold at wal-mart for low prices, and they aren't high quality.
    Dymatize, Optimum Nutrition, Scivation Whey. Those are brand to use.

    The owner of Scivation uses his products and looks like this :


    I'd say whey protein is a fine way to meet your macros :)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    The Jay Robb came from the health food store, and was expensive (was also recommended by friends who were enthusiastic about its epic deliciousness. I tried it and *GAG*). Find me a sugar free one that tastes remotely good and is reasonably priced and we'll talk :)
  • Agglaki
    Agglaki Posts: 105
    I've tried several brands. They were all nasty.

    Again, I apologize. I'm just trying to encourage everyone to eat less things from a canister, and more from the Earth.

    What an interesting topic gave me a good laugh :)

    I've tried 4 brands, one American big brand, and 3 British brands. The American brand tasted horrid, and after researching wasn't actually doing me any good, thankfully I didn't drink that for more than a month.

    The 3 British brands all have been great tasting, great nutritional breakdown, and did I mention they tasted sooooo good?!

    Not all whey's are equal. There is nothing wrong with whey, it is all the other crap the companies put into the powders. Try and opt for powders that have as few ingredients as possible, granted these will taste bad, but will most likely not cause any damage unless you have a lactose allergy.

    If you can overlook the small amounts of splenda, sucralose some of the companies put in their proteins you will be able to find a good tasting, whey very easily.

    By all means, eat whole foods, if you can avoid whey, but at the end of the day, when you cannot eat proper food, whey protein would be my choice followed by a banana rather than a take out sandwich / burger any day of the week.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    There is nothing wrong with whey, it is all the other crap the companies put into the powders.

    And THAT'S what I'm trying to get at. Why eat powder when you can eat foods with ingredients you can actually pronounce and count on one hand

    Thank you for voicing what I was having trouble trying to point out
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    The Jay Robb came from the health food store, and was expensive (was also recommended by friends who were enthusiastic about its epic deliciousness. I tried it and *GAG*). Find me a sugar free one that tastes remotely good and is reasonably priced and we'll talk :)

    Didn't say they all tasted great haha.
    Not sure of the brand but i wanna say its XF. They have a lemon cream pie one I've heard good things about.
    Bodytech whey has some sweetened with splenda and I like my banana cream flavor I got from them this month. I mix it with oats and peanut butter.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Yeah, it's gotta taste GREAT in order to consume it. Another reason I much rather have a steak than a protein shake.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member

    And THAT'S what I'm trying to get at. Why eat powder when you can eat foods with ingredients you can actually pronounce and count on one hand

    mine has a couple types of whey. glutamine peptides (glutamine is an amino acid). sucralose.
    And then like 2-3 of those things you cant pronounce.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I understand.
    If I could afford to get all of my protein from steak/chicken and what not, and still meet my macro goals every day, I would.
    I've got no problem with that.

    But for those of us who CAN'T do that, I think whey protein is a lifesaver.

    When chicken is on sale, or I can find cottage cheese super cheap, I usually consume a lot less of my whey and go for the whole foods. But the majority of the time, I can't afford the quanitites I need to have 250 grams of protein every day.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    why not just enjoy cheese, greek yogurt, and milk then?

    Some people are lactose intolerant, and it could take eating several servings of those items to get the desired effect or some people may just NOT like those items.. My goodness, your thought process is such that YOU think everyone is YOU or Like you. If you would think about other people you may consider that everyone is NOT the same. Why do you mess up this person's post, why not start your own about how YOU feel about a Primal Diet.
  • Agglaki
    Agglaki Posts: 105
    There is nothing wrong with whey, it is all the other crap the companies put into the powders.

    And THAT'S what I'm trying to get at. Why eat powder when you can eat foods with ingredients you can actually pronounce and count on one hand

    As with anything you can find a load of crap in most goods on the market today.

    The point is do your research before buying protein, and avoid the marketing hype. If you don't know what the ingredients are or cannot pronounce them, research them. Find information about what you are putting into your body.

    I am happy with my protein, I don't rely on it, but I use it out after workouts. I also give myself a good break from protein powders to ensure I give my organs a bit of a break.

    If you can find a good company, you will find that they use natural sweeteners, very little in the way of artificial sweeteners if at all, and try to use natural colourings where possible.