what made you realise you needed to change?

Title says it all really!

I knew i had to lose weight as i didn't like what i saw in the mirror but i never knew how unfit i was until. i was in the garden with my 73yr old nan when my 6yr old daughter challenges us to see if we can skip more times than her. She did about 50 without stopping then my nan matched it. when it came to my turn i nearly collapsed after 10 I'm only 28 and was beaten by my nan at skipping.

so that is how i got the wake up call to change what about you guys?


  • jencoz04
    jencoz04 Posts: 67 Member
    When I weighed the same amount that I did when I was 9mo pregnant but my daughter was 1yr old.
  • gumby101ca
    gumby101ca Posts: 539 Member
    when rides at the theme park were getting snug to get in and out of ...it sucked !!
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    two things:
    1) Couldn't go on the rides at the theme park or fit well in the airplane seat
    2) Diabetes/asthma
  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 412 Member
    i'm a nursing student and when i see the consequences of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease & the list goes on; i knew there was no way i could continue to let food control me. i now eat 2 live & not live 2 eat.
  • mak112388
    mak112388 Posts: 50
    When all my clothes starting getting really tight and/or did not fit me at all anymore.

    Also, seeing myself in some pictures.

    So glad I started this sight...it helps so much!

    Add me if you would like...i love having lots of support and giving it in return! :smile:
  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 614 Member
    When my 5 year old daughter asked me if I had a baby in my tummy :( Sadly I did not it was all FAT! Not being able to be as active as I wanted to be with her and my husband. That would be the other thing!
  • littleEj
    littleEj Posts: 35 Member
    when my clothes stopped fitting

    when I realized my 9 month old was wearing me out more than he should

    when I didn't feel attractive anymore
  • MissKMN
    MissKMN Posts: 119
    When my best friend's 5 year old son turned to me at dinner one night and said "Miss Kristen...you're fat"

    Kids have no filter - I knew I was fat, I wasn't in denial, but that was pretty humiliating.

    Also, I'm going to have to go with the theme park rides thing. I am at Disney and Universal 1-2 times a week and I was within 5lbs of those bars not going down all the way. Scary.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    When I saw a picture of me. I have that same picture posted on my mirror so i can see it every day.
  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
    My booty puts JLo's to shame!
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    splitting the uniform trousers i have to wear for work and not being able to get bigger ones till september
  • LesleyL30
    LesleyL30 Posts: 16 Member
    Mine is kind of a vain and selfish reason.
    I have always been over weight, but in the last almost 5 years after my daughter was born, i just never got rid of the baby weight.
    I only gained 25 pounds with her, but I never got rid of that 25 pounds. I hate how I look and feel although, I have never had a great self esteem or ever really thought "Hey I look good". My real deciding factor came last summer.
    My family and I were going to Florida to Disney world again, but after DW we were taking my son to see his Bio dad and his step mom. When they got married about 6 years ago, I was skinnier than her and was happy about that (mean I know), our body styles are kinda the same and we both stayed in the same weight range. But this last summer she had told me that she started running and using this website called Fatsecret and I should try it, because in the 3 months before we got there to visit she had lost 30 pounds! Ironiclly when I signed on to FS my first weigh in was the exact same as her first weigh in. But she beat me to it! I did NOT want to go there and be that much bigger than her! Not because of her, but because I wanted my ex husband to still in the back of his head think, wow she looks alot better than she used to!
    anyway that did not happen! but over the past about 8 months with about 4 of those with me actually trying I have lost 15 pounds as of today.
    I still have 22 to go to get to my goal, and honestly my real goal is more than that, but I wanted to start off with something attainable. My next reason for getting back on it this year; I turn 30 in june and I would love to be skinnier! I am so tired of being big! And starting off at 196 was scary for me, I cant believe I was that close to 200 pounds and I'm only 5'3!
    Anyway, sorry this was so long!
    Hope yall arent all asleep now!
  • DisneyMommy
    DisneyMommy Posts: 281
    A couple of things happened together. I was at Disney World for the marathon weekend. I am trained to do marathons but I don't look like it! So I felt very self-conscience even though there were plenty of heavy people there. I want to look the part not just be able to do it. Also when I got back we went to Disneyland (we live close by). The turnstyles there for some attractions were put in years ago before society got so big. Typically I can go right through without turning sideways. Well not that time! My hips were just as wide as the opening for the turnstyle at the Tea Cup attraction. Talk about an eye opener!

    I'm happy to say I didn't have that issue when we went two weeks ago so it's working so far!
  • jnite
    jnite Posts: 108 Member
    Checking out my BMI and finding out I was overweight!!!!:noway: Thank god I am at average now!!!:drinker:
  • parisianskies002
    l felt sluggish all the time and l also felt like a heffer because l am only 5ft so l was REALLY round, l looked like an egg with hair really lol! But yeah, and also l wanted to start exercising simply because l want to do Raceforlife marathon at some point next year but l knew l cannot do that unless l change my eating habits and increase my fitness regime. l feel so much better for it now and l am glad l changed while l'm still young.
  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    A couple of things... 1. It's almost summer & I have a few really cute shorts that DON'T FIT!! 2. I checked my BMI and realized that I was overweight... finally back in the "healthy" range now but I still want to lose about 25-ish more pounds. Another major thing is that I realized I've been watching my mom struggle with her weight for most of my life... I don't want to go through that... I want to make changes now, while I'm still young, and stay that way! Oh and I also want to look good for my husband... he says I am beautiful the way I am but I want to feel that way too.
  • Cartel
    Cartel Posts: 40
    One day it just kinda clicked in my head. No real rhyme or reason. The following day I got up and just got to work.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    i couldnt really blame my weight gain due to pregnancy nearly 2 years on!
    I had lost my self esteem and hated going shopping for clothes! I was struggling at work, my job is very active and i was out of breath doing a few flights of stairs.
    Im 30 this year and wanted to be at goal before sept, i would like to begin my 30s in style!!
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    When I knew my new job would require me to counsel women on how to make healthy lifestyle choices. At about 190 pounds, I knew I didn't look like I followed my own advice. So, I started practicing what I was going to be preaching, and, about 40 pounds later, I'm now look like I do what I say!
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    When the 14s were getting tight. I refused to shop in plus sizes. (Funny how just a few years earlier, I had "refused" to wear double digits!). I checked my BMI and it was in the "Obese" category. Yikes. Lots of other little things, but those were the main two.