what made you realise you needed to change?



  • JulyHummingbird
    JulyHummingbird Posts: 106 Member
    When I found out I needed $50k of dental work. I was not going to spend that kind of money on my mouth and not be fabulous all over!
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    There were several not so subtle little hints.

    The day I realized that my thighs had gotten so fat that I could no longer cross my legs above the knees and expect them to stay crossed once the muscles were relaxed.

    The day I realized that I looked as though I was spilling out of the top of my jeans - even when I wasn't wearing any.

    The day I stepped on the scale with my then half grown puppy in my arms to get his weight, and was so traumatized by the number that came up that I ran from the room.

    The day I "put my knee" to one of my knit tops for the gazillionth time to stretch it so that (in my mind, at least) it wouldn't accentuate my spare tire, and it ripped. There was no putting it off anymore. I'd either have to lose the weight or put just about every item of clothing I owned into storage and go shopping for a new wardrobe in larger sizes.
  • gardea
    gardea Posts: 75
    Three things in a relatively short amount of time. First, 14's were really snug. Second, I went dress shopping for bridesmaids dresses and the lady said I'd need an 18. HUH?? LOL. Then the straw that broke the camel's back, a patient at work asked me when I was due. Haven't been pregnant for almost three years. That weekend I went home and complained to my best friend that something had to be done because I really did look pregnant. That was the last weekend in January. My friend posted some diet suggestions for us both and we have been on the journey ever since. Best decision we ever made!!!
  • supersecretsquirrel1877
    Realizing I had to reach for the size 18's last time I thought I would buy a pair of jeans, I just continued to stuff my fat butt into the 16's I had. Muffin top be damned, I refuse to buy a bigger size.

    My 4 year old daughter telling me I was fat really motivated me. I want her to grow up healthy and feeling good about herself. I know as a kid growing up and being the "chubby funny girl" did not make me feel good. Took a huge toll on my self esteem and at age 34, I am still trying to build myself up.
  • fitmommy2012
    fitmommy2012 Posts: 451 Member
    When I stepped onto the scale in January and was tipping it at 155 pounds, the heaviest I had ever been in my life, I was horrified and decided that I REALLY needed to make the change!! I didnt do anything about it right away, but then in February my husband and I bought the P90x program to do together so that he could get into shape for his Police Exam coming up this summer and so that I could burn off this nasty baby weight! EEWWW! Well he gave up and so did I until the end of March, then I got back into it and I have lost almost 8 pounds and over 7 inches so far!! WOOT! MY husband just decided this week to get back into it with me because he found out that his police exam is a little over 3 months away, but at least I got a jump start on him, HAHA!:laugh:
  • wannabefree
    wannabefree Posts: 32 Member
    When my 9 y/o daughter's teacher asked if I could come in to her class and help out with a project. My daughter was insisting that she didn't want me to go. When I asked her why, she started crying and said that she didn't want the kids to make fun of me. I promised her that night that I would lose weight and get healthy. I have lost 17 lbs since January.
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    I was goofing around at work and stepped on the industrial scales (used for measuring metal) and seeing that I was nearly 25 stones (350) scared the CRAP outta me. Time to finally sort my lifestyle out for good. And I have. It's the start of a long road, but I KNOW that I will do it. I've never been more sure about anything in my life.
  • ChunTingO
    ChunTingO Posts: 225 Member
    a bad break up that made me see that i need to make myself happy and stop settling because i neve thought i was worth a good person because of my weight.
  • sweetage123
    sweetage123 Posts: 100 Member
    I went home for spring break and my mom took me shopping. Most of the things I tried on in the sizes I was used to were uncomfortably tight and unflattering. That week I found MFP and am down about 8 pounds in the first month :)
  • mirapaigew
    mirapaigew Posts: 107
    Facebook. hahahaha Someone tagged some pictures of me at a family apple butter making get-together last October and OH MY GOSH.

    One of them was this picture:

  • glendeb
    glendeb Posts: 129 Member
    My friends brother in law was diagnosed with two types of cancer in January. My friend and I started swimming and she got on the weight loss train straight away, but it took me another month before I was game enough to weigh myself. When I did I was shocked. But it still took me 10 days to actually bite the bullet and start my journey.

    It was a really hard step to take, but I am so glad I've done it!
  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    When 2 yrs ago i couldnt get on a rollercoaster with my kids as my legs and belly were too big.
    Went back this year and got on that rollercoaster with room to spare
  • R_is_for_Rachel
    R_is_for_Rachel Posts: 381 Member
    I'd been saying that I need to lose weight for a while, but kept putting it off. Then I had a really nasty IBS attack, which made me lose a days work and was really painful. That was the wake up call to stop stuffing my face especially with fatty foods which I know irritate my stomach (that attack was caused by too much brie!)
  • Ryantube
    Ryantube Posts: 5
    I had to try on some clothes for a play I was in, and nothing in their prop closet would fit. Not even their largest clothes. It was such an embarrassing time...
  • tiff2275
    tiff2275 Posts: 13 Member
    When my 4 year old nephew told me that I had a fat belly. I laughed it off at the time but it really hit a nerve with me.

    Not fitting in the seats of roller coasters. I love to ride them but am afraid I wouldn't fit.

    I saw the price of plus sized clothes.
  • Ladywindchaser
    Ladywindchaser Posts: 44 Member
    Gosh there are so many reason for me but the main one is the amount of drugs I am on all due to weight. And the side affects those drugs have on me. I take a total of 11 pills per day that is 77 pills per week for a total of 4,004 pills per year!!! When I realized how many pills I take a year for being over weight it really shocked me. I know I need the drugs right now but even drugs can kill you. The drugs I take make me tried all the time and the list of other side affects are horrible. It is my goal to get off ALL the drugs and just be healthy!!! All the drugs are for high blood pressure (stage 3), diabetes, leg pain, acid reflux, high cholesterol. But the main thing that has really got to me. I was told that I am going blind in my left eye due to Diabetes. You see the blood vessels in the back of my eye are failing (leaking blood) 3 of them. The ones that are leaking are right on top of my retina. So lazser surgery is out of the question. I have had so many shots in my eye I care not to count them and countless drugs for this also. The only hope for saving my eye sight is to get rid of the fat. With diabetes you KNOW what is happening to your body it is not a matter of if but when the damage is done and you can not turn back the clock. So I had to ask myself whats next having a heart attack or is it going to be having my feet cut off?

    Another reason is I love to ride Motorcycles and needless to say I can not do that without my eyes. I joined a Lady Riding Group all Ladys in their 50 and most are professional women. However, we rode out to lunch one day an I was the smallest one in the group. My gosh as I sat there eating my Rueban Sandwich, french fries, drinking sweet tea and taking PILLS. It was an eye opener that I was on my way to looking like the other wonderful Ladies and I did not want that. Not because of their appearance but rather because I thought if I got as big as a couple of them I would be dead. It was a real eye opener when in a group of obese Ladies all whom you like and admire for many reasons and you are the smallest. If that seems horrible for me say I certainly do not mean anything bad or ugly just being honest with myself about the health affects of being over weight.