Time of Month (question for the girls obviously)



  • marrtini
    marrtini Posts: 75
    I find I am in the same boat, I crave a lot of foods. I find that I am constantly nibbling or eating and its not becuase I am hungry. I find the best way to curb my habit is to find something else to do, talk on the phone, play with my daughter, do laundry, watch a movie, knit, sew ... find something to occupy your mind. When I am craving something, I tend to follow the 10 min rule, if I am still hungry for it after 10 mins of something else, I give in for a little bit.
    I prepare a lot of crunchy and healthy snacks(baby carrots and dip, celery already cut in water, watermelon, apples, grapes) for TOM just so I am prepared, and am not so tempted for the "bad" stuff, but dont' deprive yourself either, it only makes it worse. Savour the moment, and move on.

    Good luck and let me know if you have any additional tips or found any from someone else that worked.
  • I have noticed I get hungrier for anything salty around the time of my period. Even though there are lots of stuff with salt out there on the market, everything is unhealthy. I tend to eat more during that time and its like I can't get rid of that craving. Its like my hormones are crazy during this time!

    I am trying to distract myself during ovulation and my period when I am craving something badly. I recently found that if I chew gum or suck on breath mints, this helps reduce the cravings. My caregiver also suggested to me that I drink a large glass of cold water when I am feeling really hungry, this will help reduce the excessive eating during my period. I have been doing this and its helped.
  • natajane
    natajane Posts: 295 Member
    I find it helps me to include a couple of snacks that contain protein and a bit of iron such as;

    Fish (smoked salmon my fav)
    Green veggies (spinach - use it raw instead of lettuce)
    Liver (honestly its not that bad!)
    Beans (Chickpeas, mmm)

    It probably helps me because I'm replacing any iron lost, and also protien keeps you feeling nice and full.

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