online dating



  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    I met my husband on and we just had our 3rd anniversary. I dated online over a 2 year time period. I had 3 relatively serious relationships via Match and met a lot of really great guys. I only met one that was a total turn-off (told me all about his ex-wife's psych problems on the first date--for the WHOLE date). The rest were all nice enough even if we only went out once, but just sometimes you know right away you're not a good fit. I agree with the earlier post that suggested looking at the "online competition" to see what's on their profiles and adjust yours to avoid the things you see that are negative. Be yourself though, as there's nothing worse than going out with someone who writes a great story in their profile, but it's too much like a resume - all fluff that makes them sound like superman instead of 'real-man'. Finally, post a good pic of yourself. If someone is going to turn you down because of a picture, you didn't want to meet that person anyhow.

    Best of luck to you dating - your story is amazing and the right person is out there waiting for you! Try to just have fun meeting new people and enjoy yourself :tongue:
  • sculptcha
    sculptcha Posts: 163 Member
    I met my best friend two years ago on a music forum (not a dating site), and we would likely be together if we weren't on different continents + broke. So, BFFs it is. I was recently held by a friend at gunpoint until I made an okcupid profile, and I have had interest, but no one has really interested me. Mostly just because I'm stuck on this other guy and being close-minded and not giving anyone half a chance.

    Actually, I did give one guy a chance a couple weeks ago, he seemed cool. Cool enough at least to ease the pain of not being able to have who I really want. We chatted and texted for a few days and then set up a date. When the time rolled around for him to pick me up and he wasn't there, I texted him to find out if he was lost, but he texted back something like "oh, sorry I lost track of time, work called me in and i can't pass up double time, sorry i didn't let you know sooner." Not a big deal, I understand not wanting to turn down extra money, but I couldn't believe he waited until after he was supposed to be there to let me know (after I had dolled myself up, and I looked ADORABLE), and not until AFTER I texted him. So, I guess you could say it put me off dating in general, not just online dating. Ok, rant over, sorry about that. :D

    I guess my point is that meeting people online is great, and you can gain lifelong friendships, like I have, but you should also keep an open mind and give people a chance even if you aren't feeling it right away. Some of the people who've contacted me seemed like really nice people, I just didn't feel the click with any of them that I felt with the guy I met on the music forum (pretty much immediately), and still feel. Stupid Atlantic ocean.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    The extent of my online dating experience goes about as far as seeing ads for and I don't "date." It's a simple choice of exploiting douchebaggery on my part.
  • pbear22
    pbear22 Posts: 32
    I met my fiance online. By accident at that, it was a social network site at that.. Who would have thought that I would meet the guy I am going to spend the rest of my life with. Honestly there are a lot of people who claim to be one thing and are not, but that goes to the same as meeting someone not online. Just go with what you know, if it doesn't feel right, it doesn't feel right for a reason.

    I would have never met my hunny if it wasn't for the site, since he lived in another state. I can say that I am truly happy that I didn't get a weirdo, trust me been on a couple first dates with some of them.. Lol..

    It is an experience that I can look back on and laugh about.

    :) Go for it, and good luck.. :) there are plenty of sites out there its all about putting yourself out there to find the right one.. You have to go through a bunch of toads before you find your frog prince.

    Not everyone gets it right on the first try..
  • vicki9168
    vicki9168 Posts: 89 Member
    I havent done online dating but did meet my other half online, but it was through a yahoo chat room. Wasnt intended to happen but did and we have been together for 9+ years.
    My ex husband did the online dating thing and he was successful.
  • thommiesgirl
    thommiesgirl Posts: 8 Member
    I met my husband through Yahoo Personals. We will be celebrating our 10th anniversary in October! We have a wonderful marriage and I would never have crossed paths with him without online dating because we lived about 100 miles apart. We are both a bit shy and we were able to become comfortable with each other through emails, etc. before we met in person. Our life together is a blessing and we are very thankful for having found each other.
  • pammbroo
    pammbroo Posts: 550 Member
    Definitely worth a try if you are looking to date. My thoughts are to keep a sense of humor (you are going to need it) and you get what you pay for. Free sites have all kinds of people (can you say freaky?) and the the more you pay for a site, I think the more serious people are about actually dating & relationships (vs. hookups, etc.). Its all in what you are looking for. An interesting ride to say the least. lol
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    Everyone is online these days, so the folks you meet there aren't any different there than the ones at the grocery store.

    Just be careful to not drag out the web only/email contact and have a face to face meeting as quickly as possible. It's too easy to pretend to be something you're not, or miss red flags when you're oline. The Internet is a great place to meet people, but relationships still have to be built with personal contact.
  • MaggiePuccini
    MaggiePuccini Posts: 248 Member
    Keep at it mate.

    I wish I were a woman, it's so easy for woman to get guys. Woman are impossible to chat up these days in a pub/club. They are so self involved. Internet dating ftw!!

    It's easy for women to get LAID. That isn't the same thing. ;)

    Absolutely, it's easy for women to get what it is that men actually want, a no strings shag. So that doesn't make women lucky! It's very difficult to get a man who is good company to want to stick around. Any good humoured man who is reasonably good company and not a gargoyle could get a girlfriend clicking his fingers, so it's "men who are lucky"
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member

    Margo: The last post on this thread was in May of 2011. How did you even find it, and why did you respond?