He says, "Please don't lose anymore weight"!



  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    You don't mention how tall you are. Is your goal weight of 155 in line for what the weight charts tell you that you should weigh for your height? Unless you are taller than 5'6 or 5'7 that doesn't seem like a super low weight goal. It's YOUR body. I am sure his own insecurities play a role in his feelings. I wouldn't talk about losing all the time with him, but go for another 10 lbs and see how you feel then. In the meantime, build up his confidence in your feelings for him. Good luck!
  • Perfectlycrooked
    Perfectlycrooked Posts: 275 Member
    Think about it, are you healthy?
    Are you going to have more energy, strenght, and stamina now or 20 pounds later?
  • Perfectlycrooked
    Perfectlycrooked Posts: 275 Member
    Think about it, are you healthy?
    Are you going to have more energy, strenght, and stamina now or 20 pounds later?

    Plus, I'm sure you'll still be beautiful and he'll still think so if you went to your goal!
  • Shaye85
    Shaye85 Posts: 107
    its your choice!! if you feel accomplished then stop, if you don't then keep going. re-assure him that your not going anywhere!!!
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    YOU need to be happy. If you stop to satisfy him, you risk your happiness. I've been in several bad relationships, and a lot of times guys are a lot of talk about stuff like that because they're afraid they won't be good enough once you reach your goal. Just try to find ways to assure him you won't leave like his ex. You're not the same as her. You just need to do what's good for you, what makes you happy, and most of all what will have you at your HEALTHIEST. Good luck with you situation, and I hope everything works out. :)
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    do what makes YOU happy
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    Definitely lose the rest of the weight only for yourself. Ultimately you want to be healthy. He should love you at whatever weight you are!!! Best wishes
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    Okay, so I went and read your profile to help me decide what advice to give you. I came across a section where you talked about a little black dress that you would love to wear again. I say, get into that dress. You know that you feel happy when you can wear that dress, and when you are happy with your own weight, your boyfriend will also be happy. If there is a little bit of insecurity that he may lose you because you are losing weight, that can usually be eased by having a lot of open communication. Give him a lot of reassurance while you continue to lose weight and also afterward. Good luck!
  • jennro7781
    jennro7781 Posts: 208
    Although I'm sure his opinion is important to you, it is YOUR body and YOUR health. If you don't feel healthy right now then simply say to him "I don't feel healthy at this weight". If he doesn't understand then it's time to end the relationship. My guess is that his insecurities are showing. Just reassure him that you love him and that you're doing this for you; so you can be happy and healthy...not so you can find a different man. Good luck!
  • adakane
    adakane Posts: 3
    You should do what you are happy and comfortable with. And more important than the weight itself is that you feel healthy and energize
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I think alot of men have problems visualising weight...
    When I said I had 50 pounds to lose my boyfriend was wondering why so much...but now he can see I am still me and the curves are still there....Just reassured him that you will still be curvy at your goal weight and show him pictures of other women at you height and weight so he can get a sense of what you will look like...that lil trick worked for me... this site was very helpful http://www.mybodygallery.com/
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    keep doing it. just don't talk about it so much to him.

    his insecurity about his ex is NOT your problem. do what's best for YOU!
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    It is your body and to a point nobody should have to tell you what to do. However, there is a lot of good alternatives already said here. You are not even sure yet if you lose that 20lbs that it will be what your body needs. Consider staying at the weight you're at now for 2 weeks or a month. If you're not happy lose weight in 5lb increments (1lb a month) and hold it for 2 weeks to a month and see how each level feels, how it fits your life to maintain that weight and how your body is responding. I'm sure he wouldn't notice 5lbs over a month's time.

    There is some history there that you both need to work through so keep communications open, let him tell you what he's thinking, feeling, afraid of etc. You can't read his mind and if you tried and guessed wrong, you'd only be fueling his fires of insecurity. My (now) ex accused me of having affairs when I was loosing weight back in 2006. I was doing it for me because I was not happy with me and therefore I could not be happy with us. We had a lot more problems than just my weight and his accusations, so we did split. I had tried for 15 years to keep that marriage together but I just couldn't do it anymore. You have to decide what YOU want and NEED, but also consider how it's affecting him as well.

    Good luck to both of you in whatever you decide.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    Be honest with yourself about what is a healthy weight for YOU (not just for your height, but for you and your bone structure), and maybe seek a doctor's advice if you're not sure if you can make a non-biaised judgement on that. If your goal is a reasonable weight for you, then go for it, you being happy will also improve your relationship. Your bf is bound to have some insecurities and need reassurance that a thinner you, doesn't mean you'll leave him. But the first bit of my advice is in case your bf actually does know better than you think he does about what is a healthy weight for you. If your target is healthy, go for it, it's your body. But make sure it's a realistic target and he's not just looking out for you and making sure you dont become underweight.
  • mandy_marie
    mandy_marie Posts: 36 Member
    Do what makes YOU happy! If he loves you now he can love you at any weight.

    I completely agree!! You are doing this for a healthier you and he should continue to love you no matter what and be understanding!!
  • medwards89
    medwards89 Posts: 97 Member
    Wouldn't you resent the heck out of him if someday down the line you broke up and you had given up and settled!? I sure would. My husband makes the same sort of comments. I think it's a slight jealousy issue for us because he is pretty overweight, but I'm plugging along and loving it!

    Keep up the great work. You will know when you're satisfied!!
  • sweet_lotus
    sweet_lotus Posts: 194 Member
    It sounds like he feels insecure and needs some reassurance. Explain to him that you're not going *anywhere* and that you love him, and that losing the weight will make you happier and thus have a positive effect on your relationship! Also, losing weight might give you more curves - it certainly helped accentuate MY waistline!

    Also, talk to your physician about your ideal weight for your overall health. Everyone should have a lipid profile, blood pressure check and blood sugar test done (your husband too!) to make sure all of that is OK, if if not that will help you decide whether or not you should lose more.
  • nurseaim
    nurseaim Posts: 146
    THANKS so MUCH to EVERYONE that responded to my thread! Your kind words and great advice really give me some great insight. It's so nice to get such great advice from people who know how I feel. Y'all are AWESOME! This site is AWESOME, it's great to have people that I can talk to about my feelings, that I don't feel are judging me.

  • mabear74
    mabear74 Posts: 248
    Ultimately this journey is about you and making YOURSELF a PRIORITY. You have to do what is right for YOU. I understand where his past might make him anxious, but if he really loves you, then he will support your decision to do what is right for you.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Do it for you!