What should I bring to eat?



  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    So you can't bring ANYTHING With you? Like not even a little lunchbox sized cooler? That's kind of rough.

    Well first of all, having a giant lunch is as bad as not eating a dinner. Just wanted you to know that. Overeating for a meal is the same as overeating for a day, the body doesn't differentiate (as a matter of fact, it can be much worse if you do it often). Can you leave the food out in a locker, or a car or something? I mean they HAVE to allow you a meal break. Unless this isn't the USA, then I don't know the laws. What are your options? Cuz that food you described is really just barely on the edge of being real food, definitely NOT what you want to be eating. If you can bring a small cooler, then that's all you need, you know, throw some yogurt with almonds in there, there's your protein and dairy, throw some carrots, some grapes or an apple, theres your carbs and sugars, and maybe a sweet or something salty as a little prize for being so ingenious and inventive:wink:.

    OOp, I wrote this before I saw your reply to Shannon, so you can leave food. OK, scratch the stuff about the cooler, but keep the rest. :tongue:
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    I work at an ampitheather and arena. I have (tough job, I know) Kenny Chesney Fri and Sat night and John Mayer Wed night. I am on my feet all night, I would not change it for anything. The arena is different, I can store food there, no personal stuff, just food. So, at least I can prepare something and bring it there. But I was getting frustrated with what to bring and still be healthy.

    Oh yeah...poor you. :laugh:

    Can you wear a fannypack to keep some healthier munchies in??

    fanny pack????:noway: you wouldnt want :heart: John Mayer:heart: to see you with a fanny pack:laugh:
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    :laugh: As long as he looks my way....

    At the arena it is no problem because I can brown bag it. At the amphitheater the only place to put our stuff is on a shelf under a tent that is covered in bugs and webs, it is NASTY! Everyone else eats what they give us...but I do not even want to go there. As much as I want to.

    I am trying so hard this time around. I have not gone over my calories one day, I excersise every day, I make the choices I feel are the best for me. But sometimes I get confused, like OK, I am perfect at home, but now here I am out in front of all this junk, what do I do? I park far from where I am, I can not bring something, I cannot skip a meal, I cannot do this or that, or wear a fanny pack :tongue: , so here I am, I was frustrated.

    I thought you guys would be able to help and you have 100%.
    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!:flowerforyou:
  • iLuvMyChemicalRomane
    i work 3pm to 12 am some nights and i bring a pb & j sandwich with minute maid light lemonaid.
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    Thanks again for the help, I went out a bought a few different kinds of bars. We shall see how the weekend goes with them! :drinker:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I work at an ampitheather and arena. I have (tough job, I know) Kenny Chesney Fri and Sat night and John Mayer Wed night. I am on my feet all night, I would not change it for anything. The arena is different, I can store food there, no personal stuff, just food. So, at least I can prepare something and bring it there. But I was getting frustrated with what to bring and still be healthy.

    Oh yeah...poor you. :laugh:

    Can you wear a fannypack to keep some healthier munchies in??

    fanny pack????:noway: you wouldnt want :heart: John Mayer:heart: to see you with a fanny pack:laugh:

    Hrmpf!!! I guess I'm the only one who can make a fanny pack cool! :angry: :grumble: