"H20" Exploding the Pounds - 10 Week Challenge - Week 2



  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Pink- Thanks! I'm going to try then out to see if they help.
  • linemansgirl
    linemansgirl Posts: 152
    I have struggled with adrenal exhaustion for the past few years and anxiety since my baby boy was born 10 months ago. One of my goals for May was to only have sugar & caffeine once a week because they effect me negatively. With caffeine I was mainly trying to get rid of my Diet Dr. Pepper love because of caffeine AND aspartame! :tongue: I really thought that a cup of chai tea yesterday evening would be okay. I have also been eating low carb this week and feeling terrific! Within half an hour of drinking the tea last night, I started feeling extremely anxious for no good reason. :ohwell: I am glad for times like that with both caffeine and sugar. I forget how badly they effect me until I stop them for a little while, then go back to them. WHY do I continue to do something to myself that is so terrible for me?!!!! Bad Mandy!!!! :angry: No more!!!!! :noway:

    My positives for today are -
    1 - A gorgeous day outside and finishing planting in my garden today. :glasses:
    2 - For smacks upside the head like last night. :tongue:
    3 - For my wonderful hubby who has been through SO MUCH with me in the past 14 and a half years that we have been together. He is so patient and sweet with me. He took time out of his sleep time to help me to relax so that I could go to sleep. :smooched:
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    I'm struggling to keep up and feel like I'm just spinning my wheels, BUT today is a new day and I can start today, even though it's the middle of the week, right? :wink:

    My three happy's!
    *my kids aren't sicker than they are - I can't imagine how terrible that would be.
    *the sun is shinning.
    *I may feel yuck, but I'm not sick like the kids are - very thankful for that!

    Keep going, Ladies! I'm sorry some of you are struggling! ((hugs))

    Happy Wednesday!! :flowerforyou:
  • lulusland
    lulusland Posts: 21 Member
    Crunches on a tree- has anyone tried doing this because i dont think i can... is there another exercise i can do in its place?
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Well, its off to hit some pavement. :) The ladies at work are starting make me more accountable. They are walking if i am. so Im off to walk..

    Three positives
    I survived the day today at work
    Tomorrow is my day off
    And I got out of work early so i can go enjoy some of the sunshine.. :) yay!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Started Week 1 / Day 1 of C25K today. :) & I did 40 Minutes of Just Dance 2. :)
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Started Week 1 / Day 1 of C25K today. :) & I did 40 Minutes of Just Dance 2. :)

    Super!!!! Way to go!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Wow, sounds like it's been a rough week for some, and a great week for others! I guess I'm in the middle, so no complaints!

    April-Great job starting c25k... you're gonna love it!
    BJ-sorry about your loss....

    I missed my run time last night because of my beautiful night with my wonderful friend... so I made up my 2 miles tonight. Tomorrow I have a 5 mile tempo run and then Saturday is my race... right now the forecast is cold and rainy... oh joy! Not my favorite running weather, I usually skip those days or hit the treadmill... no way I can do that this weekend!!! Guess I'll learn how to run in the rain.. maybe should have trained for that, but I was trying to think positive!!!! LOL!

    I'm finally reading "Water for Elephants" which I've been dying to read since the movie trailers came out! Hoping to finish so I can celebrate my race with a movie on Saturday... we'll see how it goes! Depends on if hubby's home or not really, since I have a kid who is still grounded for life. Fingers crossed!!!!

    I'll be checking in tomorrow... the Red Wings are on! Gotta go!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Hi all my wonderful groupies! Missed all of you this week. Did NOT have internet service...fence guys cut it on the last fence post. Took till this afternoon to get it back from Monday....seemed like an eternity! No TV, Internet, or house phone. Used my Ipod at work to do a quick log in...

    I did not have a loss...TOM showed up. But I did not really gain much...just 0.4. I am ok with that. I have been eating better...did not log though due to internet...
    Getting some walking in..I will update my ticker. Planning on taking the day off to work in the yeard. Need to move dirt, pick weeds...clean up after the sloppy fence guys.

    happies for today...
    I have internet!
    Saw a wonderful inspirational speaker Deb DiSandro... deb@slightlyoff.com. She was funny!
    I have the day off tomorrow....low hospital census.

    have a great day tomorrow!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    April- Great job starting C25K!

    Had a good day today, officially gotten rid of the weight I'd gained plus some! A little anxious about running outside again tomorrow but we'll see how it goes. Going to set my alarm and get up early so it's not so hot out (It's supposed to be 90 tomorrow:grumble: ). Hope everyone is having a great week!:flowerforyou:

    SW: 203.8
    W1: 207.2
    W2: 198.8
    GW: 191

    1) Making it back into ONEderland!
    2) It's my Friday!
    3) Paid all my bills AND bought food, yay for that being done!
  • linemansgirl
    linemansgirl Posts: 152
    April - Way to go on starting C25K! It's amazing how much FUN running can be! :happy:

    cenedria235 - Happy dance for you for being in Onederland!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Mandy - How weird that your body reacts that way to caffiene. Aww to the hubby love!

    Crystal - Yay for a suneshiney day!

    lulusland - Maybe just take one of the crunch exercises from last week and plug it in for the crunches on a treel.

    AprilVal - I'm glad to hear your work friends are making you be accoutnable! Having that extra push to do what you need to do is so helpful. Tough love can go quite a ways. Hope you have a great day off tomorrow! And CONGRATS on starting C25K! How did you like it?

    Nikstergirl - My first 5K was on a cold rainy day and I loved it. Granted it only rained at the very beginning of the race for a few minutes, and then at the end of the race for another few minutes, it was still overcast and cold. I've also got "Water for Elephants" waiting for me to read! But right now I'm reading "Lone Survivor" by Marcus Luttrell. Amazing what those Navy SEALS go through!

    Linda - If I didn't have internet I think I'd pass out. :laugh: 0.4 with TOM is a total maintain.

    cenedria - YAY on hitting ONEderland again! How fantastic. Don't get too worried about your run tomorrow, I'm sure you're going to rock it. You just reminded me that I totally need to pay a bill that I don't want to. Oh, reality! :lol:

    Hope everyone had a great hump day! I've shown a 0.8 l oss this week, so that's cool. My body fat was down a full %, so that was the really great success today! Not going to head out to the track tonight...spent my afternoon couponing and am now watching the newest episode of "Extreme Couponing" and I'll have to get off my rear at some point and do some housework and get a workout in. I downloaded a Leslie Sansone video from exercisetv.tv for $2 that I've yet to use.

    OH! I wanted to show you runners...I got THE cutest iPhone armband. It holds my iPhone and little mini wallet that holds my drivers license and such, as well as has room for my house and car key. She has ones that are ready to ship and also offers ones where you pick the fabric from her multitude of designs:
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    bjshooter - I'm sorry for your loss and I imagine it's extra hard when you're trying to sort out what's happening with your body and CFS.

    Cenedria235 - congrats on your run outside and finishing the 5k course! The pacing will come in time, but it's great that you're outside and doing it! I'm still a treadmill girl, partly due to the weather (still cold) and partly due to some trepidation about running in front of neighbours - but I'm hoping to get over that! I just wish I did not get all red-faced when I run :smile: Oh, and congrats on getting back to Onederland!

    April - I'm sorry to hear that you've been depressed and stressed, but Yay for getting outside and inspired/motivated by your coworkers! I think it's great that you're exercising and pushing yourself, even when you don't feel like it. I hope the dancing was fun!

    Nikstergirl - You're gonna rock the race, even with crappy weather! I'm also glad your on is taking his punishment well - that's a good sign! How do you like the book? I read it a few years ago, and I wanted to re-read it now (because of the movie), but it's packed away in a box (with most of my books) until our basement - including my reading area - is finished. I miss my books!

    Pink - I don't know if anyone mentioned it, and I missed it, but I love that in your new picture you are wearing a shirt that matches your iPhone cover. I don't know if you did it on purpose, but it's supercute! You look great and congrats on losing another pound. I know it's a bit ridiculous, but I love having cute workout stuff. Thus, I justify my workout clothes and accessories...I have no idea how my husband runs in the same shorts and top every day. He has another set, but just uses the one. And he doesn't get why I need more than one top!

    Everyone - I love reading your happy's and I'm so glad that even when people are having bad weeks they find good things.

    I've been a bit down because I got a driving ticket last week ($300!) but I'm going to fight it to try and keep my insurance from going up. It's my first driving ticket ever, and I've found the whole experience upsetting. The good news is that I've been the most careful driver EVER since then! I was pretty careful before (I have a long commute), but now even more so...ah well...
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    I enjoy reading everyone's input on here. :happy: Unfortunately, I can't comment on everyone right now - still have sick babies that are little parasites attached to my hip these days. :laugh:

    My three happy's:

    *Sun is shining today again. :flowerforyou:
    *Hubs said we can go shopping tonight - for groceries, but still, I haven't been out of this house since Saturday. :ohwell:
    *The kids seem to be a teeny-tiny-bit better this morning
    *I'm thankful that I can rock my sick babies at home and not in a hospital somewhere!
    *I got a tiny little workout in yesterday - hoping for more today.

    Maybe the extra happy's will help me be more thankful today. :wink:

    I have a questions. What kind/brand of shoes do you wear to walk/run. I have none - I DO have shoes, :laugh: but none that I can run, or walk in. I have crocs in that I wear on a walk with the family, I'd probably trip and kill myself if I actually tried to do some serious walking in them. Then I have like Mary Jane style shoes - certainly not something you want to take out in on a fast walk. Or flip flops - :noway: Welcome to Blisterville!

    So advise???

    Thanks for all the encouragement on her, Ladies. You keep me going! :flowerforyou:

    Tomorrow's FRIDAY!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Okay... so I am not feeling well. Have sore throat. Thought it was just allergy issues with all the wind over last weekend. But NO! Because it's still with me only worse. ugh!

    Okay... happys for today:

    I am alive! LOL Sick, but alive!
    I splurged on Panda Express yesterday because I was not feeling well enough to cook anything - but chose well!!
    Finally losing the water weight from pre - TOM!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Pink- You’re my hero today! You and podrunner. My run went great today! Thanks!

    Alegria- Thanks! Pink let me know about podrunner and that really helped with my pacing today. I totally know how you feel. I’ve had a lot of struggles with being ok working out in front of people ( I am a sweat beast, I literally drip from only a little exercise). It took me awhile to get over my self-consciousness and start working out in public but now I don’t even think about it, well not much. ;) You’ll get there!

    Crystal- Glad your babies are feeling better! As for shoes I wear Brooks Adrenaline wide. But I got specially fitted for my running shoes. Best advice I can give in this area is to find a shop the specializes in running shoes and have them fit you for them. It will certainly be worth it. I used to have terrible shin splints and cramps in my feet but I’ve not had one problem since getting fitted!!

    Cazzincall-Hope you feel better soon! Yay to losing water weight!

    My run went great! I knocked 5 minutes off my time from Tuesday -HAPPY DANCE- Podrunner saved my life! Thanks everyone for the congrats, so happy to be back in ONEderland. Hope everyone is having a good day!

    1) Shaved 5 minuts off my 5k time. (so it's still 45minutes but still awesome)
    2) I started my new schedule today(well my intro to new schedule) by getting up (well horizontal) by 9:30am. My goal is to stat getting up everyday by 8am.
    3)It's my day off!!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Ok, Pink... that iPhone band looks so freaking cute! I may have to splurge on one since I can't find shorts I like with pockets in my new size!

    Cenedria... Glad you liked Podrunner, that's what I used too and it was awesome! And great job on getting a new PB on the 5K!

    I hope all the sickies are feeling better soon.. I hate being sick or when my kids are sick so much. Thankfully we've had a really good year and haven't had much to worry about, but it's NOT fun!

    I did my last training run this morning, 5 mile tempo run and it totally ROCKED!!! I ended up doing 5 miles in 52 minutes!!! If I can keep up that pace for the entire race I should finish my 10k in about 1:05 which would be 10 minutes faster than what I was hoping for!!!! Even if it's not quite that, I think I'm going to be on cloud nine when it's over. I've been training for this since Feb 1, so I'm ready for it to be done! Plus, I want to start training for my first 1/2 marathon, which I'm looking at for September. I'll have to start my 16 weeks of training the first week of June, so I'll take a month and focus on strength or something else but I don't know if I can do without my runs.... we'll see. My hubby won't be able to cheer for me at the race, his company just gave him a load to deliver in New Orleans Saturday, which means he can't possibly be back in Michigan that morning! I'm disappointed, but trying to look on the bright side... I'm sure I'll find one... right?

    My happy's for today are... my run ROCKED! My new dress pants arrived and I love them (size 8!!) and I realized I'll have the $$ to get some new walking sandals possibly this weekend if I can find the time to shop for them!!!!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    my cat was missing this morning when i woke up.. i hope he just got out, instead of crawling somewhere in the trailer and dying.. Im soo much more upset than i thought i would be.. i was hoping he would show up inside the house when i came back. but no.. :(
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    my cat was missing this morning when i woke up.. i hope he just got out, instead of crawling somewhere in the trailer and dying.. Im soo much more upset than i thought i would be.. i was hoping he would show up inside the house when i came back. but no.. :(

    April I'm so sorry that you're having a hard time lately, and I know that missing a pet can be very upsetting. I really hope he turns up ok very soon! <hugs>
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    my cat was missing this morning when i woke up.. i hope he just got out, instead of crawling somewhere in the trailer and dying.. Im soo much more upset than i thought i would be.. i was hoping he would show up inside the house when i came back. but no.. :(

    I'm really sorry!!! (((hugs)))

    Cenedria - That is great about your time!!! You deserve to do a happy dance. :flowerforyou:

    Nikstergirl - GREAT job on the run!!!!! :bigsmile: Have fun finding those sandals. :happy:
