Robin's 100 Lb Plus Weight Loss Group

RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
This is a new group for people with at least 100 lbs to lose. It is especially dedicated to those who are having trouble on that journey. It is an adjunct to an earlier Forum I started.

We also have a "theme" each day.

Monday - Check In -how did the weekend go for you. Is this the day you weigh in? (It doesn’t have to be !)

Tuesday - Bluesday - get what’s bugging you off your chest!

Wednesday - Midweek - are you holding strong?

Thursday - Meditation or deep thoughts time.

Friday - Fitness - have you been exercising this week?

Saturday - Honesty. Have you been true to yourself this week?

Sunday - Biography (you can be as brief or wordy as you want, but tell us a little about yourself!)

There are NO MEMBERSHIP requirements. Just post and you're a member. We have no limits on number of members. Every one is welcome!


  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    This sounds great!
  • Alotless
    Alotless Posts: 5
    Im in it too...
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi I'm Robin - and I am struggling to lose 100 lbs. I've been here since Aug. 2010 and have lost - and gained - the same darned 15 pounds over and over again. First it was Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then Valentines Day, then a back injury. Excuse after excuse. Mostly my problem has been an odd lifestyle - I spend 4 days at home alone dieting, then travel to my BF's place and spend 3 days off diet. He likes to go out to eat for breakfast and dinner. Its easy for him because he can eat anything and not gain a pound. He has one of those "high" metabolisms. I, apparently, have NO metabolism.

    So, I am starting this forum for those of you, like me, who are really struggling to get a grip on the diet and exercise and discipline required of us to do this. My next post is an inspirational message I found while viewing another forum. I think it embodies a distinct sense of what we really want to have happen over the next several months.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I give credit to this pep talk to WolffEarl, who posted this in another forum in response to a woman who couldn’t find clothes that fit on a shopping expedition:

    "Here are my thoughts on this (keep in mind I a guy so what do I know:). Part of me fully understands your frustration. You want to feel "normal", go where the some of the other ladies go and pick out your favourite clothes, just to find that most stores still subscribe to the "Our clothes are only for the skinny, undernourished folks" philosophy. Instead, it feels like you are being sent to the back of the bus, with the other rounder kids. So, I sympathize. But and it is a big BUT:) let us not forget a few things:
    First of all, somehow, maybe through exercising, through healthier eating, through changing how much you eat, YOU managed to lose a LOT of weight and with that came of alot of inches no doubt. SO, BE PROUD!. Give yourself another year or two or even five and keep going the way you have and you too shall arrive one day. Imagine yourself as two people. The one that keeps going (as you have) and in five years floats in and out of any store she desires, maybe even with a backpack, running shoes, cruising down the aisles. That will be you. And then imagine the other you, that gives up, eats her way back into depression and then 5 years from now once again longingly looks into the stores. Now imagine meeting your other self and being amazed and getting the courage to ask: How did you do it? The reply would be: Simple, I just kept going, I refused to listen to that voice of frustration, sadness and instead took it one day at a time.
    Lastly, I want you to remember back to the time you learned how to walk . When you first learned how to walk, you fell down many times, hurt your knees, got frustrated BUT most of all you got up again and tried and tried again. NOT ONCE, even as a toddler, did you say to yourself: "I give up" I will never walk, I guess I just keep crawling the rest of my life.
    I suggest you find that toddler attitude again:) Be well. Life is good."
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    Count me in, 100lbs seems like a dream, but that's what I gotta drop.. Let's do this!
  • SarahJaneDeschamp
    SarahJaneDeschamp Posts: 359 Member
    this sounds great x
  • Able0104
    Able0104 Posts: 23 Member
    Im in :) I need more encouragement!
  • rebecca1608
    rebecca1608 Posts: 15
    I'm in, I started this journey with over 100lb to loose, now its only 80something and that's only been since jan. Proud of myself for the first time! We can all do this together.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    sounds awesome, i guess i'll just jump in with monday check in :)

    i had a pretty bad week this week. my calories have been good, and i've been pretty active, but the scale hasn't been moving. i guess it really is true that if i go off my diet at all, i won't lose. i've been trying to "eat clean" and that's really been working for me. i stayed within my calories on easter, on thursday when i had company, AND yesterday at my grama's, but i had "regular" food. the scale is up almost 2lbs and i'm hoping it's just water weight, maybe from all the sodium or eating food that i'm not used to. back to my raw veggie salad every day this week!! :)

    also, tomorrow is my 100th day of MFP and my first day of QUITTING SMOKING!! if you have or are quitting, or just wanna send me a few extra "DON'T DO IT"'s if you see i'm having a craving, then friend me cuz i'm gonna need all the help i can get :)

    thanks :)
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Awesome! I'm here to offer any support as I have 146-156 pounds to lose in total. I've lost so far 100 pounds. Very tough journey, but worth it. :wink:

    Over the weekend I remained focus and tried very hard to keep on schedule with exercising despite my move. I stayed on target food wise. This was a pretty good weekend!
  • Alotless
    Alotless Posts: 5
    Hi everyone
    My names April and im 39yrs old and live in North east England in the UK. I have been overweight for the past 20 years and gained with each of my three pregnancies. In Aug 2010 my Gp referred me to bariatric clinic for surgery, i went to the open evening and it scared the living day lights out of me and surgery is just NOT for me!!! Hence why i am here. I have a poor relationship with food and i turn to food when im stressed and feeling down, it doesnt help that my job is very stressful and my mum has just been diagnosed with lung cancer. when im feeling stressed.....i intend to log on here and support others.

    I weigh in on a sunday morning and yesterday i was 280lbs which is nearly my heaviest weight ever. So i have 140 very long pounds to lose and this group will help me get there. Ive tried every diet going i think but i i havent really calorie counted, it always seemed so time consuming but the myfitnesspal on my blackberry made it seem i logged on here and found all the added support from the message boards.

    Robin, thanks for starting this group at just the right time.

    Solat37 , nice to meet you.

    SarahJaneDeschamp, i love your profile you watch biggest loser by any chance? lol i love her!

    Booklover89 , nice to meet you too

    rebecca1608 , losing 20lbs is a lot to be proud of, keep up the good work. You inspire me!

    craft338 , thanks for the friend request. Great job on trying to eat clean...that is one of my goals. I gave up smoking 10years ago and after a few months I have never looked back. You can do this but keep occupied as much as you can. I also found changing my routine up helped. Ie: i used to love sitting with a cup off coffee on a morning and a you know what before everyone in the house woke up so i changed it so i wasnt sitting and i got up with everyone and there was no time.

    tryinghard2012, You have lost 100lbs already..that is amazing!!

    well im looking forward to getting to know you all better.
  • WVBayouGal
    WVBayouGal Posts: 45
    I'm IN!!! Weight today is 240.4,... my weight last Monday, the day I started was WooHoo for me! I know that won't continue throughout my journey, but it's nice for a start. Lood forward to taking this trip with y'all!!!

    I read on the message board where a group of gals used a 'bracelet' to document their weight loss. They made bracelets (not sure out of what, but I'm gonna buy some small leather 'thread') and put a bead on it for every pound they lost. Well, I'm gonna start with that...the bracelet NEVER comes off, and each week a bead will be added for every pound I lose. She said it was a good incentive for NOT reaching for that cookie that was calling her name when she wasn't really hungry. I'm gonna make mine by tying it together with a knot, and each Monday, cut it off and, hopefully, add a bead and tie it back together. Hopefully it will be a double strand bracelet in a year!!
  • WVBayouGal
    WVBayouGal Posts: 45
    I give credit to this pep talk to WolffEarl, who posted this in another forum in response to a woman who couldn’t find clothes that fit on a shopping expedition:

    "Here are my thoughts on this (keep in mind I a guy so what do I know:). Part of me fully understands your frustration. You want to feel "normal", go where the some of the other ladies go and pick out your favourite clothes, just to find that most stores still subscribe to the "Our clothes are only for the skinny, undernourished folks" philosophy. Instead, it feels like you are being sent to the back of the bus, with the other rounder kids. So, I sympathize. But and it is a big BUT:) let us not forget a few things:
    First of all, somehow, maybe through exercising, through healthier eating, through changing how much you eat, YOU managed to lose a LOT of weight and with that came of alot of inches no doubt. SO, BE PROUD!. Give yourself another year or two or even five and keep going the way you have and you too shall arrive one day. Imagine yourself as two people. The one that keeps going (as you have) and in five years floats in and out of any store she desires, maybe even with a backpack, running shoes, cruising down the aisles. That will be you. And then imagine the other you, that gives up, eats her way back into depression and then 5 years from now once again longingly looks into the stores. Now imagine meeting your other self and being amazed and getting the courage to ask: How did you do it? The reply would be: Simple, I just kept going, I refused to listen to that voice of frustration, sadness and instead took it one day at a time.
    Lastly, I want you to remember back to the time you learned how to walk . When you first learned how to walk, you fell down many times, hurt your knees, got frustrated BUT most of all you got up again and tried and tried again. NOT ONCE, even as a toddler, did you say to yourself: "I give up" I will never walk, I guess I just keep crawling the rest of my life.
    I suggest you find that toddler attitude again:) Be well. Life is good."

    I LOVE this.....TODDLER'S ATTITUDES RULE!!! That's gonna be my motto(signature)
  • EileenB42
    EileenB42 Posts: 125 Member
    i'm in. Thank you for this group. I started in march at 280.6 and currently at 273.4. hoping to eventually be about 150. its a journey!

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    sounds awesome, i guess i'll just jump in with monday check in :)

    i had a pretty bad week this week. my calories have been good, and i've been pretty active, but the scale hasn't been moving. i guess it really is true that if i go off my diet at all, i won't lose. i've been trying to "eat clean" and that's really been working for me. i stayed within my calories on easter, on thursday when i had company, AND yesterday at my grama's, but i had "regular" food. the scale is up almost 2lbs and i'm hoping it's just water weight, maybe from all the sodium or eating food that i'm not used to. back to my raw veggie salad every day this week!! :)

    also, tomorrow is my 100th day of MFP and my first day of QUITTING SMOKING!! if you have or are quitting, or just wanna send me a few extra "DON'T DO IT"'s if you see i'm having a craving, then friend me cuz i'm gonna need all the help i can get :)

    thanks :)

    Sandra - Congratulations tomorrow on making 100 days on MFP and Quitting Smoking. That is just AWESOME. I quit smoking a long long time ago, and at moments of stress, the urge is sometimes there, but I picture ugly diseased lungs, and it passes. Stock up on a LOT of SUGARLESS GUM, Plastic Straws, anything to keep that oral fixation busy. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I'm IN!!! Weight today is 240.4,... my weight last Monday, the day I started was WooHoo for me! I know that won't continue throughout my journey, but it's nice for a start. Lood forward to taking this trip with y'all!!!

    I read on the message board where a group of gals used a 'bracelet' to document their weight loss. They made bracelets (not sure out of what, but I'm gonna buy some small leather 'thread') and put a bead on it for every pound they lost. Well, I'm gonna start with that...the bracelet NEVER comes off, and each week a bead will be added for every pound I lose. She said it was a good incentive for NOT reaching for that cookie that was calling her name when she wasn't really hungry. I'm gonna make mine by tying it together with a knot, and each Monday, cut it off and, hopefully, add a bead and tie it back together. Hopefully it will be a double strand bracelet in a year!!

    What a great idea - I'm thinking I'd need a necklace though.............
  • WVBayouGal
    WVBayouGal Posts: 45
    That's why I said a double strand bracelet....LOL I guess it depends on what size beads I use.....:laugh:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Monday Check In - got thru the day and under by 13 whole calories - victory ! :laugh: My sleep last night was all screwed up and I only slept an hour or two here and there then took a nap from 4 pm til 5:30. I hope I can sleep tonight through. For the past few weeks I've been waking around 3 am and worrying about things I have no control over.

    Do any of you have tricks to stop worrying?
  • WVBayouGal
    WVBayouGal Posts: 45
    Well, today is 'get what's bugging you off your chest' day. I have to say, at this moment, I have nothing to report. I guess that is a good thing!! I do wish I was rich and had someone to shop and cook for me because I hate doing both!! But, since I have to do both, I'm going to the grocery store today and I have my list ready......

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Tuesday Bluesday - I had a Great nite's sleep last night so I'm in a great mood. I'm worried about temptations though. I'm going to the grocery store too, to get chicken and broccoli, then I leave and go spend 3 days at my PLATONIC BF's house (he's 68 years old, and I'm 60) and we just enjoy each others company. But I am always hungry at his house, I don't know why. I am really going to push the water this time and see how I do. His candy jar between our two chairs is a constant source of temptation, URGH!!! And he won't move it!