Robin's 100 Lb Plus Weight Loss Group



  • Myssrenee
    Myssrenee Posts: 24
    I think I may like this =)
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    Ok I just got told off because I hadn't posted in here yet , ooooops sorry! So my story goes like this.. I'm an English guy, fast approaching 41 years on the planet, and have always struggled with my weight/size, I was the fat kid at school that got bullied and ALWAYS picked last for sports, and all through my adulthood I've been "heavy", ranging from 240 lbs at my lightest up to 350 at the worst.
    I've kinda resigned myself to the fact that I'll always be big, but now I've had a bit of an epiphany, and I KNOW I'm going to be able to conquer it now. I have optimism, belief and faith in myself that I'll get down to my target weight..It may take a while, but I'll do it!

    I've dropped maybe 10 lbs already and feel so much better for it, and I feel a lot better because I've cracked it!
  • Alotless
    Alotless Posts: 5
    Hello everyone.

    I hope everyone is well...and resisiting temptation(says she who is avoiding the crisp packet):tongue:

    well yesterday i did okay but lasted till 10pm and went on a bit of a binge...but i logged all my food and i was still way better than i would have been if i hadnt been on here. So while its not good...i feel its still postive that i actually managed to not eat everything in sight.

    Yesterday i did my workout - Chalean Extreme, Burn Circuit 1 and she kicked my *kitten* good and proper to the point where i turned over in bed through the night and though id fell out of bed..:bigsmile: but no it was muscle soreness. Getting out the car this morning the neighbours must have thought i was nutts as it took me ages to pull myself out the seat. Anyway as the day has gone on its worn off and im feeling good.

    Food today has been good- but ive upped my calories slightly to 1800 and upped my protein so im following 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat which suits what i want to achieve.

    So Tuesday is the day we talk about things thats bugging us....well i have something but its a long story but ill try and keep it short. Im off work at present due to my mum s ill health. My mum has been ill for the past 2 years with non alcoholic cirrhosis and is at the point of transplant but she cant have it due to her other health problems and to top it off she has just been diagnosed 3 weeks ago with lung cancer which hit the family kind of hard. well i am an only child and we dont have much family so everything kind of falls on me and while ive coped with her illness, supporting her and looking after my 3 kids and working full time as a childrens social worker, i finally came to a halt 4 weeks ago when i just couldnt do it anymore. So this past 3 weeks i have been off work and due to go back next week. Anyway whats bothering me is that i have been there when all my friends have been through some awful times , i have helped them pick the pieces up and cope when they have had no one yet i realised last week that i have no one....when i really need a friend ...I have no one. Anyway..thats whats bothering me but im okay..ill come through it..and i will be stronger for it!! (seems strange sharing this with people i hardly know..but it feels good to write it down)

    Wvbaywgal - its a great idea of the bracelet, something visual to see and watch grow. I would also like a personal chef but i dont have the money either so were stuck with our own cooking and grocery shopping.:sad: Food shopping always seems such a waste of time to me and i end up with goodies in the trolley which is why i order my food online and have it delivered.:love:

    Robin - I know the feeling about waking up and worrying about things you cant control and i dont have any advice on stopping worrying but it might sound strange but i actually cry and i feel much better for it. Someone suggested meditation to me..but i havent mastered it yet..maybe worth a go! As for your three days at your friends, could he not come to you and then restrict his goodies :laugh: or maybe try and take your own low fat treats. You can do it will find a way...your in hte right frame of mind!

    Myssrenee - welcome to the group, the more the merrier.

    Solat37 -Nice to meet a fellow englishman (although im a woman..but im english :laugh:) Its great that you believe in yourself and have faith as i do think this is the key to long term success. Great job on the 10lbs.

    well its supposed to be my rest day today but im going to do cardio party 3 so i can have a chocolate treat tonight without feeling guilty. Has anyone ever heard of Turbojam workouts? i love them..the music is so fantastic and whenever i hear it i just cant sit still.

    see you all tomorrow.

    ps: forgot to ask.. is there a way we can get the replies to this thread sent to us via email or do we have to keep checking.
  • Alotless
    Alotless Posts: 5
    roflmao...ohh that post was so LONGGGGG!!!!!! sorry!:yawn:
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    I am here with more than 100# to seems insurmontible but not impossible. And for what is bugging me today....people that are a normal weight that keep saying how fat they are. What I wouldn't give to be a normal weight right now!! I am working at this hard...this journey isn't easy. What I wouldn't give for an Oreo or a piece of chocolate...but I am not giving in to temptations. There...that is my vent for the day!
  • WVBayouGal
    WVBayouGal Posts: 45
    robinsegg....have you tried putting your own treats next to the BF's candy bowl? Not that I would be able to pass the candy, myself...LOL And you may be hungry at his house because you have a different routine there...and are more confined to his routine, thus causing stress. Not that it's bad stress, but stress is stress and we all have our own response to it. I have always wanted food when I'm stressed, whether good or bad stress.

    alotless...I really enjoyed reading your post. It always helps to know we each have our own problems.

    cherub- I understand that frustration when these norma weight people complain of being 'fat'. As I say..."I wish I was as fat now as I was when I just thought I was fat." We each have a body image....and in most of us it is't realistic! A quck story....years ago when I was normal weight, I was with my husband walking in the mall. In the distance I saw a gal walking toward me, and told my husband I'd like to be the same size as that gal. He said, what is she wearing, and I described it to him. He asked me what I was wearing.....I looked down and back up and realized...that 'gal in the distance' was ME, in the reflection of a mirror in the distance~~~ We both laughed, but it was an eye opening experience. Pictures taken this Easter got me to become serious about losing weight this time...THAT FAT gal was ME for sure. When I lose some weight, I'll post some before and after pics, but for now, I'm too embarassed.

    Again, I hope everyone had a wonderful day!!
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    i'm in :)

    Tuesday Bluesday: struggling with feeling upset about falling off the wagon on vacation. my scale tells me i've gained every bit that i've lost in the past few months back, but i'm not sure (plus it's still that TOM). hoping a lot of it is just water weight. i'm just upset and trying so hard to pull myself back up, but i'm at an all time low right now. it's hard for me to stay positive at the moment.
  • SarahWrittenThin
    SarahWrittenThin Posts: 595 Member
    Hi everyone :) I have about 125 more pounds to go. Definitely love the idea of this group!
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    Hey everyone .... I started this journey Jan 16th and was completely motivated and ready to go and by April 16th i had lost 24 lbs but now I have completely lost all motivation, started gaining everything back and even worst it depresses me that my sister and mother started this journey with me and have both lost almost 40 lbs each and im struggling with my little 24 .... :(

    Anyhow Im Tamaira but everyone calls me Tami, Im 29, a single mommy to 3 yr old little girl, full time grad student working to become fully licensed as a Special Education Teacher and currently working full time as a teachers aide in Special Ed.

    Hopefully Ill get back on track SOON!!!!!!!!!!
  • SarahWrittenThin
    SarahWrittenThin Posts: 595 Member
    Bluesday: Today I went way over calories, like 2600 total 2300 net. I sat there and cried when I realized how high everything was. It's finals week. I have a 25 page paper due thursday which only has 12 pages. When I think about it I nearly throw up. I'm so stressed that I have acid and heartburn all the time. I had 2 finals today and it was not as great as I would have liked for either of them. I am the deans list girl, not the oh good you passed girl. If I do not have a 3.7-4.0 I fail to me. It is not acceptable.
    Yesterday my boyfriend was supposed to visit before he left for Indiana but he was too busy at work with another pastor and didn't make it over. I saw him twice in April I think. I'm feeling kinda neglected, maybe forgotten. He said he is just soo busy right now and I know he is... but i'm selfish, I want someone to spend time with me, to talk to, to hold me. I need too much. I ask too much. But its what I want.
    He keeps encouraging me to hurry up and lose weight for our trip and it makes me both motivated and depressed. I have lost 27.5 pounds. But I don't think anyone notices. Or cares. If I don't mention it neither does anyone else. I wish someone would notice. Its not a big enough loss yet I guess. And I'm not going to get anywhere with eating fast food, pizza, chocolate and a donut all in one day.. diet hell. whhhhhhy!?
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hello everyone.

    I hope everyone is well...and resisiting temptation(says she who is avoiding the crisp packet):tongue:

    well yesterday i did okay but lasted till 10pm and went on a bit of a binge...but i logged all my food and i was still way better than i would have been if i hadnt been on here. So while its not good...i feel its still postive that i actually managed to not eat everything in sight.

    Yesterday i did my workout - Chalean Extreme, Burn Circuit 1 and she kicked my *kitten* good and proper to the point where i turned over in bed through the night and though id fell out of bed..:bigsmile: but no it was muscle soreness. Getting out the car this morning the neighbours must have thought i was nutts as it took me ages to pull myself out the seat. Anyway as the day has gone on its worn off and im feeling good.

    Food today has been good- but ive upped my calories slightly to 1800 and upped my protein so im following 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat which suits what i want to achieve.

    So Tuesday is the day we talk about things thats bugging us....well i have something but its a long story but ill try and keep it short. Im off work at present due to my mum s ill health. My mum has been ill for the past 2 years with non alcoholic cirrhosis and is at the point of transplant but she cant have it due to her other health problems and to top it off she has just been diagnosed 3 weeks ago with lung cancer which hit the family kind of hard. well i am an only child and we dont have much family so everything kind of falls on me and while ive coped with her illness, supporting her and looking after my 3 kids and working full time as a childrens social worker, i finally came to a halt 4 weeks ago when i just couldnt do it anymore. So this past 3 weeks i have been off work and due to go back next week. Anyway whats bothering me is that i have been there when all my friends have been through some awful times , i have helped them pick the pieces up and cope when they have had no one yet i realised last week that i have no one....when i really need a friend ...I have no one. Anyway..thats whats bothering me but im okay..ill come through it..and i will be stronger for it!! (seems strange sharing this with people i hardly know..but it feels good to write it down)

    Wvbaywgal - its a great idea of the bracelet, something visual to see and watch grow. I would also like a personal chef but i dont have the money either so were stuck with our own cooking and grocery shopping.:sad: Food shopping always seems such a waste of time to me and i end up with goodies in the trolley which is why i order my food online and have it delivered.:love:

    Robin - I know the feeling about waking up and worrying about things you cant control and i dont have any advice on stopping worrying but it might sound strange but i actually cry and i feel much better for it. Someone suggested meditation to me..but i havent mastered it yet..maybe worth a go! As for your three days at your friends, could he not come to you and then restrict his goodies :laugh: or maybe try and take your own low fat treats. You can do it will find a way...your in hte right frame of mind!

    Myssrenee - welcome to the group, the more the merrier.

    Solat37 -Nice to meet a fellow englishman (although im a woman..but im english :laugh:) Its great that you believe in yourself and have faith as i do think this is the key to long term success. Great job on the 10lbs.

    well its supposed to be my rest day today but im going to do cardio party 3 so i can have a chocolate treat tonight without feeling guilty. Has anyone ever heard of Turbojam workouts? i love them..the music is so fantastic and whenever i hear it i just cant sit still.

    see you all tomorrow.

    ps: forgot to ask.. is there a way we can get the replies to this thread sent to us via email or do we have to keep checking.

    You'll get your replies in this thread unless some kind soul messages you.
    I can really sympathize with you for your troubles with your mom's illness and having everything fall on your shoulders AND having all your so-called friends disappear at the same time. It sounds trite, but that is the way of life. Your friends probably care but don't know what to say. If you are the ballsy sort of person, get on the phone and start asking for little favors. I think you would be surprised. If you asked nicely I think they would be happy to help. Maybe they could come and read to your mom for 1/2 and hour or so, or make a casserole once a week to help you out. The key is you have to tell THEM WHAT YOU NEED. As I said, they are holding back afraid of the situation and not knowing what to do, they are doing nothing. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
    Hope this propels you to the phone.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Bluesday: Today I went way over calories, like 2600 total 2300 net. I sat there and cried when I realized how high everything was. It's finals week. I have a 25 page paper due thursday which only has 12 pages. When I think about it I nearly throw up. I'm so stressed that I have acid and heartburn all the time. I had 2 finals today and it was not as great as I would have liked for either of them. I am the deans list girl, not the oh good you passed girl. If I do not have a 3.7-4.0 I fail to me. It is not acceptable.
    Yesterday my boyfriend was supposed to visit before he left for Indiana but he was too busy at work with another pastor and didn't make it over. I saw him twice in April I think. I'm feeling kinda neglected, maybe forgotten. He said he is just soo busy right now and I know he is... but i'm selfish, I want someone to spend time with me, to talk to, to hold me. I need too much. I ask too much. But its what I want.
    He keeps encouraging me to hurry up and lose weight for our trip and it makes me both motivated and depressed. I have lost 27.5 pounds. But I don't think anyone notices. Or cares. If I don't mention it neither does anyone else. I wish someone would notice. Its not a big enough loss yet I guess. And I'm not going to get anywhere with eating fast food, pizza, chocolate and a donut all in one day.. diet hell. whhhhhhy!?

    I understand how frustrating it is for no one to notice your weight loss and I heard a great analogy.

    Imagine you are a roll of paper towels. When the first few sheets of paper towels comes off that represents your 30 lbs. No one notices a few sheets being gone from a big roll of paper towels. It takes a lot of sheets to be taken off before you notice the change in the roll of paper towels. When you have lost 50 or 6o pounds EVERYONE will be commenting because you will look like a skinny roll of paper towels. Every paper towel that comes off after that dramatically changes the shape of that roll of paper towels.

    Also go back to page 1 and read the article by WolffEarl about shopping for clothes. Its very inspirational. It gives you darn good reasons to keep on trying.

    Why? Toddlers don't quit trying to learn to walk do they? NO! So, you are going to keep trying, no matter how many times you fall, you are going to reach up, pull your self up and keep trying!
  • MsCracker
    MsCracker Posts: 47 Member
    Here's my Tuesday Bluesday-
    I am grateful to have a hubby that is going through this process with me, but he is overly supportive. It bothers me that he won't let me do my own thing, learn this my way without constant input. I'm not saying that he can't be right, I'm saying that I DON"T CARE if he's right or not.

    I tried walking the dogs today. I was going to walk for an hour, but one of the dogs got off her lead and ran back home (where I really wanted to be anyway). Instead of saying "Wow, that's ambitious that you'd want to be out of the house for an hour", he chastised that I was setting myself up for failure by setting a goal to walk for an hour.

    It just depressed me.
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Tuesday - Bluesday - get what’s bugging you off your chest!

    My job. I need another one! However, I am taking the necessary steps to change this. :happy:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Its Wednesday for me - am I holding strong? - eh....heh, heh, heh....well, I'm recording my foods, but I went over a little - just a little yesterday. I thought I had frozen low cal ice cream bars at my BF's house where I'm staying. Well the box was in the freezer, but it was empty !!! And he had frozen DOVE bars at 250 calories, so I had one of those, and a few too many handfuls of mixed nuts.

    Today is a good day for me. I'm seeing my step-mom today. She lives in this town - and I'm going to celebrate Mothers Day with her (no food involved - she's diabetic) She's 90 years old. She came into my life when I was 19, a year after my mom died, and was married to my dad for 15 years until he passed away. She has 2 kids of her own and they and my 4 siblings never melded into a cohesive family. I'm the only step child that has remained in touch with her. She has been one of my strongest supporters all my life and I love love love her!!!!
  • WVBayouGal
    WVBayouGal Posts: 45
    Wednesday - Midweek - are you holding strong?

    I have to far, so good. I know that upping my amount of calories allowed per day has helped me. I don't feel deprived if I go to bed with some calories left fact I feel good. That little trick on my brain has been very helpful. I went from the 1 1/2 pound wt loss/ week to 1 pound/ me those extra calories if I WANT them. As long as I have at least 1350 calories/day....and not over my maximum (1560) ...then I'm good. Now, don't ask my why that simple change has made a difference in my mindset....but whatever works!! I guess when I had 1350 and used them up by the time I went to bed...then I felt deprived. By having some leftover....I know I CAN use those if I want to....I just haven't wanted to.
  • WVBayouGal
    WVBayouGal Posts: 45
    Here's my Tuesday Bluesday-
    I am grateful to have a hubby that is going through this process with me, but he is overly supportive. It bothers me that he won't let me do my own thing, learn this my way without constant input. I'm not saying that he can't be right, I'm saying that I DON"T CARE if he's right or not.

    I tried walking the dogs today. I was going to walk for an hour, but one of the dogs got off her lead and ran back home (where I really wanted to be anyway). Instead of saying "Wow, that's ambitious that you'd want to be out of the house for an hour", he chastised that I was setting myself up for failure by setting a goal to walk for an hour.

    It just depressed me.

    This has got to be disheartening....but men think differently than women. They are 'goal setters' and we are....well, I'm not sure what it's called, but THE end goal isn't that important to us. I think that is because we have so much to do that whatever we can accomplish is good. I'm not sure if that makes sense...but I know when my son was growing up, if I accomplished half of what I intended to get done I was thrilled!!! Don't let it get you've got lots of support here on MFP!!:flowerforyou:
  • themrs08
    themrs08 Posts: 87
    I was just looking for something like this. This group is exactly what I need.
    I'm Sarah. I'm 28, I'm 5'2 and I currently weigh 289 pounds. I've lost and gained the same 11 pounds. I'll do really good, then I'll do bad. It goes back and forth like this. I have Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pounds For The Week, Leslie Sansone Walk Fast and a Gold's Gym Lose The Baby Weight Fast DVDs. I tried doing the Gold's Gym DVD and failed. I tried doing the Walk Fast and couldn't do it.....I was pretty successful with the Walk Away the Pounds For The Week.....maybe I should stick with that, but I guess I just didn't feel like I was burning enough calories. I can't afford a gym membership and I'd be embarrassed to go anyways.
    Then, when it comes to food, I eat, I count calories, but I get hungry and I eat more. It doesn't help having 3 kids and a husband in the house who all like their sweets. The kids aren't overweight at all, but my husband weighs almost 300 pounds. He keeps saying he will do it with me, but he works and falls off the wagon and doesn't get to workout.
    I just don't know what to do. I'm so SICK of being this big, but I feel like, once I start, I'm just gonna fail again. I'm a stay at home mom with no friends, really. I'd love to be able to go out and workout or go for a walk or something like that, then come home and walk.....I just don't know what to do........
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Wednesday - Midweek - are you holding strong?

    Yes! In fact today is my rest day, but I'm committed to at least getting in 30 minutes of cardio!
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    I am holding strong this work today. I took my bike to the bike shop as it has been sitting in the garage for 6 years....needs a complete overhaul and new tires. All my food is recorded as is my exercise for the day. It was a good day all around.
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