6 week PUSH YOURSELF challenge, Week 5



  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Way to go, you got in some nice minutes today! Great Job!
    Here is my results for day five, week five.
    - I did a Fitness walk for 45 minutes and according to my treadmill 349 calories.
    - I went for a 28 minute walk on the treadmill and burned 162 calories.
    - My strength lasted for 19 minutes and according to MFP I burned 165.
    - I got in 5 glasses of water.
    Total: 92 minutes. 73 minutes is cardio and 19 minutes is strength.
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    Wow I'm up late!( My older son chose daddy over me to lay with him until he fell asleep.) 60 minutes in and 8 glasses.
    Well since it's after midnight "Happy Mother's Day"! So great being a MOMMY!!!!!!!:love:
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Can you believe, everyone, that we will begin week 6 tomorrow? Where did our time go?
  • Kforest0714
    Kforest0714 Posts: 93 Member
    Week 5 I lost 3.6 pound...woo hoo!...i burned 3,123 calories...i need to update my ticker more often and log my exercise...lol. I got in all my water and then some everyday. I didnt meet the 3,500 but I was close. I looked back and added my loses for the last five weeks and ive lost 7.8 pounds... I thought I had lost 6 in four weeks but it was actually 4.2 I added an extra week by accident. But I have it right now 7.8 in five...so awesome...so proud of myself. I would love to do this challenge again! Everyone congrats you are all doing a great job,lets rock week 6!!!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    OH MY, way to go! this is fantastic and I am so glad that your hard work is showing. Way to go you have sone a GREAT job.
    Week 5 I lost 3.6 pound...woo hoo!...i burned 3,123 calories...i need to update my ticker more often and log my exercise...lol. I got in all my water and then some everyday. I didnt meet the 3,500 but I was close. I looked back and added my loses for the last five weeks and ive lost 7.8 pounds... I thought I had lost 6 in four weeks but it was actually 4.2 I added an extra week by accident. But I have it right now 7.8 in five...so awesome...so proud of myself. I would love to do this challenge again! Everyone congrats you are all doing a great job,lets rock week 6!!!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Can you believe, everyone, that we will begin week 6 tomorrow? Where did our time go?
    I know it! It's crazy. Do you have any more events coming up soon lol? We could start another one. This is by far my favorite challenge, because all I have to do is meet the numbers.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Well, here are my results for Week 5, Day 7

    I did a 65 minute walk with my dogs and burned, per my HRM, 620 calories

    I have had 15 glasses of water so far today

    My weekly results, so far, are 343 minutes of cardio and 115 minutes of strength, and 274 minutes of other for a total of 732 minutes this week and I burned 9295 calories

    I am feeling there is light at the end of the tunnel for this cold. Still gripping me, but I am breathing slightly better and was able to walk just a tish faster today before I would begin to cough. All the coughing has my chest and throat so sore! I can honestly say I would rather be sore from working out than from coughing. Ugh!

    So, here is what I managed to accomplish today, Day 6, WEEK 5, WOW!

    I did a 62 minute walk and burned, per my HRM, 592 calories
    I did a 35 minutes, slower, bike ride, and burned, per my HRM, 460 calories

    I have had 12 glasses of water so far today

    I am going to count today's bike ride as "other" because it wasn't really cardio but more just getting some exercise in. I kept my heart rate right at 101-103 BPM's because if I go over that I am coughing and having a hard time breathing. So, it was more a leisurly bike ride than a cardio one.

    My weekly results, so far, are 343 minutes of cardio and 115 minutes of strength, and 209 minutes of other for a total of 667 minutes
    Well, I have had a head cold, since Tuesday, and as of Wednesday it moved into my chest and lungs. Well, I still did quite a workout on both Wednesday/Thursday and I think I totally wore down my body. I had all the intentions to do the same thing on Friday, but managed to barely get a 30 minute walk in with my dogs. It was tough. So I gave myself a break and took the rest of the day to lay on the couch, cough, take tons of medicine, and try to sleep here and there. Slightly better today, but still have it in my head and chest.

    So, my results for Week 5, Day 5

    I did a 30 minute walk with my dogs and burned, per my HRM, 300 calories

    I drank and drank and drank water because of all of the coughing and because the medicine made me feel really parched. I think I finished the day out with 22 glasses of water.

    My weekly results, so far, are 343 minutes of cardio and 115 minutes of strength, and 112 minutes of other for a total of 570 minutes
    Okay, here are my results for today, Week 5 Day 4 and let me tell you, this was one day that was REALLY hard to complete due to a horrible head/chest cold going on!

    I did a 40 minute walk with the dogs and burned, per my HRM, 422 calories
    I did 25 minute circuit training of half cardio half strength and burned, per my HRM, 337 calories
    I did a 45 minute kettlebell class and burned, per my HRM, 606 calories

    I have had 17 glasses of water so far today

    My weekly results, so far, are 343 minutes of cardio and 115 minutes of strength, and 82 minutes of other for a total of 540 minutes

    Here are my results for Week 5, Day 3

    I did a 42 minute walk with my dog and burned, per my HRM, 405 calories
    I did a 60 minute workout with my personal trainer and burned, per my HRM, 1046 calories
    I did a 45 minute step aerobics class and burned, per my HRM, 736 calories

    I have had 12 glasses of water so far today

    My weekly results, so far, are 283 minutes of cardio and 105 minutes of strength, and 42 minutes of other for a total of 430 minutes

    Here are my results for Week 5, Day 2

    I did 45 minutes on the Elliptical and burned, per my HRM, 633 calories
    I did a 70 minute Muscle Pump class and burned, per my HRM, 711 calories

    I have had 19 glasses of water today

    My weekly results, so far, are 213 minutes of cardio and 70 minutes of strength for a total of 283 minutes

    I began feeling a head cold coming on, last night, during my second class, and by the time I got home my body was weak and I felt exhausted. I took tons of medicine before bed and felt slightly better this morning, but it was in my chest and head. It really hurt to workout today. So, while I put in the minutes I didn't PUSH it as hard as I usually do. I was glad it was a Muscle Pump class, on the schedule, for tonight, because it was just the speed that I needed to go with this cold.

    How are the first two days going for everyone else?
    So, here we go week 5! Here are my results for Week 5, Day 1

    I did 80 minutes of run/walk intervals and burned, per my HRM, 1078 calories
    I did a 44 minute Hula Hoop class and burned, per my HRM, 661 calories
    I did a 44 minute Kettlebell class and burned, per my HRM, 688 calories

    I have had 17 glasses of water so far today.

    That puts me at 168 minutes of cardio, thus far.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Tracie, you've burned off plus two pounds of calories this week. I had to divide your number by 3500 because I was curious to see how many pounds that would be lol. You are rockin this challenge!
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Hey gang!

    Hope everyone had a great Sunday.....and a Happy's Mother's day to all you moms in the group.

    So here's my results for today:

    47 minutes-walk
    120 minutes-cycling Finally starting to feel like my cycling legs are coming back to me. I was not sure how I would feel after 2 days of longer rides but they felt great today. I would have kept riding but had to get to lunch with my parents.

    6 glasses of water (this continues to be my biggest struggle)

    (I forgot 15 minutes of walking on Friday when I walked to all of my staffings.)

    Total for the week: 1251 minutes and according to MFP I burned 10594 calories.

    I gave myself an extra challenge this week....at the start of the month, I was looking for other challenges to join as I have really enjoyed this one. One that I looked at was to do 24 hours of exercise in the month.....I wanted to see how close I could get to that number in just a week. Missed it by 189 minutes but very happy with my efforts.

    Hard to believe that we are heading into the last week of the challenge....need to find something else to motivate me! This has really helped me to get moving every more!

  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    102 minutes today and 14 glasses of water.
    544 total minutes for the week. All waters + each day.
    Really can't believe we are entering week 6! This challenge is really what I needed to push myself, so glad I saw it!!! Thanks Tracie! Great work everyone!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Here is my results for day seven, week five.
    - I got in 5 glasses of water.
    Total: 0 minutes. 0 minutes is cardio and 0 minutes is strength.

    chickadee's week five progress:
    Total Weekly Minutes: 408
    Total Weekly Cardio Minutes: 303
    Total Weekly Strength Minutes: 105
    Total Weekly Water Intake: 44 glasses

    chickadees total 6 week progress:
    Total Challenge Minutes: 1975
    Total Challenge Cardio Minutes: 1471
    Total Challenge Strength Minutes: 459
    Total Challenge Water Intake: 168

    It is so hot, even in the house, and I didn't feel like doing anything. At seven, I decided I'd try. I was also watching a tv show at the same time. I made it through one exercise and then didn't feel like doing anymore so I didn't even count it. I miss fall and winter! Summer is definately not my favorite time of year, because it's so hot and I don't like to swim lol. Hope everyone's had a good week!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Well thank you although I really have to admit that I have been so disappointed being sick this week and not putting in the workouts that I have been during this challenge! 15 months ago that is not something that I would have ever thought of, this week I was down and disappointed because I couldn't workout like I wanted to.
    Tracie, you've burned off plus two pounds of calories this week. I had to divide your number by 3500 because I was curious to see how many pounds that would be lol. You are rockin this challenge!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    AWESOME Jenn! Wow is all I can say for our amount of minutes! I am willing to bet that you have burned more calories than that.

    I think I will have to come up with another kind of challenge! It seems that this one really got a few of you going! Although not everyone stayed with us, those of you that did have done this challenge proud!
    Hey gang!

    Hope everyone had a great Sunday.....and a Happy's Mother's day to all you moms in the group.

    So here's my results for today:

    47 minutes-walk
    120 minutes-cycling Finally starting to feel like my cycling legs are coming back to me. I was not sure how I would feel after 2 days of longer rides but they felt great today. I would have kept riding but had to get to lunch with my parents.

    6 glasses of water (this continues to be my biggest struggle)

    (I forgot 15 minutes of walking on Friday when I walked to all of my staffings.)

    Total for the week: 1251 minutes and according to MFP I burned 10594 calories.

    I gave myself an extra challenge this week....at the start of the month, I was looking for other challenges to join as I have really enjoyed this one. One that I looked at was to do 24 hours of exercise in the month.....I wanted to see how close I could get to that number in just a week. Missed it by 189 minutes but very happy with my efforts.

    Hard to believe that we are heading into the last week of the challenge....need to find something else to motivate me! This has really helped me to get moving every more!

  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    I really don't blame you about working out in the heat! Although I complain about the cold here I would much rather live in the cold than a place that gets extremely hot!

    You did more than the requirements for the week and should be happy with your results for the week.
    Here is my results for day seven, week five.
    - I got in 5 glasses of water.
    Total: 0 minutes. 0 minutes is cardio and 0 minutes is strength.

    chickadee's week five progress:
    Total Weekly Minutes: 408
    Total Weekly Cardio Minutes: 303
    Total Weekly Strength Minutes: 105
    Total Weekly Water Intake: 44 glasses

    chickadees total 6 week progress:
    Total Challenge Minutes: 1975
    Total Challenge Cardio Minutes: 1471
    Total Challenge Strength Minutes: 459
    Total Challenge Water Intake: 168

    It is so hot, even in the house, and I didn't feel like doing anything. At seven, I decided I'd try. I was also watching a tv show at the same time. I made it through one exercise and then didn't feel like doing anymore so I didn't even count it. I miss fall and winter! Summer is definately not my favorite time of year, because it's so hot and I don't like to swim lol. Hope everyone's had a good week!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Way to go, you really pushed yourself hard and put in a great week! Nice job!
    102 minutes today and 14 glasses of water.
    544 total minutes for the week. All waters + each day.
    Really can't believe we are entering week 6! This challenge is really what I needed to push myself, so glad I saw it!!! Thanks Tracie! Great work everyone!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Time to move over to the new thread, WEEK 6! WOO HOO
  • MoM2LayLa09
    MoM2LayLa09 Posts: 152
    I ended up with 294 last week - gotta up it this week! Off school and have a lot of fun stuff planned so I feel like I may surpass all my last weeks!

    Good luck to everyone and as of yesterday I am down since starting this challenge!
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 317 Member
    Finally getting around to posting my stats. Sorry for the delay!

    Mon 5/2
    30 min – elliptical
    30 min – running intervals
    30 min – kettleball
    Tues 5/3
    37 min – wii MY routine
    30 min – kettleball
    30 min – EA Sports
    Wed 5/4
    120 min – walking
    Thurs 5/5
    30 min – running intervals
    Fri 5/6
    120 min – walking
    37 min – wii MY routine
    Sat 5/7
    60 min – walking
    Sun 5/8
    60 min – walking
    90 min – brisk walking

    Total Week 5 = 704 mins
    Cardio = 270 mins
    Strength = 74 mins
    Other = 360 mins
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