Is it normal to gain weight when you first start working out



  • LvBoPeep
    LvBoPeep Posts: 2 Member
    Following up- the scale finally started moving and all at once I'm down 2.5 lbs. My energy level is much better as well- no longer dragging myself through the walks. I did have a rough couple of days at the beginning of the week- I over did it on the weekend and had some muscle soreness so I gave myself a break for two days and started back up yesterday.
  • anglergirl3
    anglergirl3 Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks to all for all for the kind words of encouragement within these posts. I have been struggling with my weight for some time now. I was always on the thin side, but once I hit around 45 it's been an uphill battle.

    My stats: 52-years / Female / 5'8" / 165lbs -- Sedentary (Office/Computer)

    A year ago when I started a new exercise plan I dropped a pants size in three months (size 10 to an 8). After that... nothing. Status queue. Actually, I gained over 10 lbs earlier this year and I can't shake it! The part that is killing me is that I still wear a size 8 but weigh more than when I was a 10!

    As of two weeks ago my exercise regime has been boosted from 3-4 to a mandatory 5 times a week, 1-hour a day at Orange Theory Fitness (OTF - Interval Weights and Cardio). In addition, I did notice that my eating habits have been erratic and a bit too low. Going with 1200 +440 more for my OTF burn, a total of 1600, when I was supposed to be at 2000 containing a 200 cal deficit. I lowered the calories because I thought that was too much food to eat in one day. I have trouble eating the required amount of protein and carbs as I am not comfortable eating so much food in a day. Running out of food ideas without eating a gaggle of chickens.

    Any hoo, I'm going to try harder to maintain a closer calorie intake when working out starting with 1600 cal and slowly moving back up every 2-weeks to 2000. I have also changed my calorie values to 30f 30c 40p to get more protein in my diet.

    Is there any hope for me? Please feel free to kick my butt about what I'm doing. I can really use the help and support.

    Feeling hopeless. :(
  • Yes, my father asked me to help him loose weight and I had him start on a basic workout that was full body and he stuck with it. After the first week, or week and a half, he was disappointed that the scale showed the same weight. But he noticed his clothes were fitting much better.

    Like a lot of people are saying, muscle weighs more than fat. So don't be surprised if there is a gain or no change. Always try on your clothes and see how they fit. You should notice after a while that they fit better or the might be a little loose.
  • anglergirl3
    anglergirl3 Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks, Nicky! I'll stay with it.
  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    Don't laugh. Saying muscle is heavier than fat is no different than saying muscle is more dense than fat. If you put equal volumes of muscle and fat on a balance scale, the muscle will be heavier. That's a fact.

    You seem to confusing the obviously incorrect claim that "a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat" with what OP said - which is not that at all.
  • anglergirl3
    anglergirl3 Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks for the inspiration!
  • tonyadugas82
    tonyadugas82 Posts: 1 Member
    I been eating good and stop drinking sodas a week now and I gained ten lbs. Is this normal or am I not doing something right?
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