Body Fat Percentage & Lean Body Mass..?

I'm 5'4 , and at 141 at the moment. I have 32% of body fat.
Apparently, 32% of body fat is equivalent to around 45.1 pounds of fat. ( 141 x 0.32 )
And I have a lean body mass of 95.9 pounds. ( 141 - 45 )

My goal is to go down 15-20 percent of body fat.

..Is this possible to achieve with a super clean diet and daily cardio, in like 4 months? I'm re-doing Insanity.
dafsfdsgfdgkfhg it seems so impossible! >:


  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Are you asking why your number is so high? or so low? I am confused. If you are asking why it is so high... then I would say that is because you are doing too much cardio and not enough weight training... cardio burns muscle along with fat...

    Read the link in my signature it answers your question to the T.
  • AUPerry
    AUPerry Posts: 166
    Wait, what are you trying to achieve?
  • professor_
    professor_ Posts: 7
    Sorry for the confusion.

    I was asking if I could lose that much weight, and possibly 15-20 percent of body fat. I'll fix my post. c:
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Well... As a female, I seriously wouldn't recommend going to 15. A woman's body is meant to hoard some fat. Several reasons, but I would say stay at the least at 17. Tends to screw with your hormones too.
  • professor_
    professor_ Posts: 7
    Well... As a female, I seriously wouldn't recommend going to 15. A woman's body is meant to hoard some fat. Several reasons, but I would say stay at the least at 17. Tends to screw with your hormones too.

    Alright, thanks ! Is it possible to go from a 32% to a 17% then? :D
  • AUPerry
    AUPerry Posts: 166
    Oh, well I think you should maybe extend your goal time-period. That is a ton to lose in that amount of time. It may be possible, but it will probably be very difficult! Good luck though :)

    From my experience:

    My starting was around the same as yours, 148 lbs and 31% body fat.
    I am now 122 lbs and 19% body fat. And that took me around 6 months.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Again I say, Read the link in my signature... your solution is definately going to be that you need to lift more along with your cardio.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    4 months seems too quick.
    Thats 16 weeks ....I'd try to lose around 20 pounds in that time. Otherwise you'll lose a lot of muscle as well.

    Weight training is gonna be the key to lowering your bodyfat percentage.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Again I say, Read the link in my signature... your solution is definately going to be that you need to lift more along with your cardio.

  • professor_
    professor_ Posts: 7

    Thank you so much :] I'll try my very best, and great results AUperry!
  • flash53
    flash53 Posts: 46 Member
    Women should be between 20 to 25% Men 15 to 20%. That 95 lbs, is probably if you don't have any fat on you. 120 is probably as low as you should go.
  • lyn267
    lyn267 Posts: 58 Member
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    The "healthy" range of body fat for women is 21-32%. That means that your body has enough essential fat to line the underside of your skin, protect your organs, aid in digestion, and absorb your fat-soluble vitamins (A,D,E, and K). Attempting to achieve a body fat lower than 21% means that you are denying your body some small amount of fat it really needs for normal, everyday funtions.

    To get in the lower range of healthy (which you are in!), zig-zagging your calories is the method I recommend for my clients. The number of calories you eat every day is based on your current weight, average daily activities, and body composition.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    why do women "need" more bodyfat than men?
    30 percent is outrageously high IMO.
    I will never let myself get over 20.
  • rakelros
    rakelros Posts: 67
    Well... As a female, I seriously wouldn't recommend going to 15. A woman's body is meant to hoard some fat. Several reasons, but I would say stay at the least at 17. Tends to screw with your hormones too.

    Alright, thanks ! Is it possible to go from a 32% to a 17% then? :D

    I´ve been training for 2.5 months now (as in high intensity with a private trainer), and I managed 5% in that time... so you should be able to get down to about 22 in four months... I wouldn´t try getting any lower than that in a not longer time...
  • rakelros
    rakelros Posts: 67
    why do women "need" more bodyfat than men?
    30 percent is outrageously high IMO.
    I will never let myself get over 20.

    Since women have a couple of items that men don´t have (yes, boobs and female reproductive organs), we need a little bit more fat than males do.
    A good number range for women is usually about 22-24%, unless you´re going for the really really "cut" look you see in the fitness mags.
  • Mommyof3texans
    Oh, well I think you should maybe extend your goal time-period. That is a ton to lose in that amount of time. It may be possible, but it will probably be very difficult! Good luck though :)

    From my experience:

    My starting was around the same as yours, 148 lbs and 31% body fat.
    I am now 122 lbs and 19% body fat. And that took me around 6 months.

    That was pretty much my starting point except my bodyfat % was even higher (talk about skinnyfat!)...can you tell me how you accomplished that change in 6 months? I am trying to get under 25%, thanks!
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member

    Since women have a couple of items that men don´t have (yes, boobs and female reproductive organs), we need a little bit more fat than males do.
    A good number range for women is usually about 22-24%, unless you´re going for the really really "cut" look you see in the fitness mags.

    Thanks. I figured that might be part of it. Wasn't sure and wanted to know.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Oh, well I think you should maybe extend your goal time-period. That is a ton to lose in that amount of time. It may be possible, but it will probably be very difficult! Good luck though :)

    From my experience:

    My starting was around the same as yours, 148 lbs and 31% body fat.
    I am now 122 lbs and 19% body fat. And that took me around 6 months.

    That was pretty much my starting point except my bodyfat % was even higher (talk about skinnyfat!)...can you tell me how you accomplished that change in 6 months? I am trying to get under 25%, thanks!

    BUILDING MUSCLE is the quickest way to lower body fat percentage... So start lifting weights like crazy! That is the quickest and pretty much only way to change those results... Cardio wont do it, and diet alone wont do it either.
  • Mommyof3texans
    Oh, well I think you should maybe extend your goal time-period. That is a ton to lose in that amount of time. It may be possible, but it will probably be very difficult! Good luck though :)

    From my experience:

    My starting was around the same as yours, 148 lbs and 31% body fat.
    I am now 122 lbs and 19% body fat. And that took me around 6 months.

    That was pretty much my starting point except my bodyfat % was even higher (talk about skinnyfat!)...can you tell me how you accomplished that change in 6 months? I am trying to get under 25%, thanks!

    BUILDING MUSCLE is the quickest way to lower body fat percentage... So start lifting weights like crazy! That is the quickest and pretty much only way to change those results... Cardio wont do it, and diet alone wont do it either.

    Thank you :) I know I need to add this in to my fitness routine although I don't have much of a routine right now. I am going to make it a priority to add that!