Dollar Dances



  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    They are fun, BUT should NEVER go for more than a half hour. I was at a wedding and they did the dollar dance for over an hour then they did an auction for the garter for another half an hour THEN at midnight they passed a hat for people to pay for the dj to stay longer. You can totally handle it in a classy manner without turning your wedding into an opportunity fo panhandling.

    Wow, that is a long time! We had a little over 100 guests and I think ours lasted for a couple songs. We gave the DJ a list of songs for it and told him to play it by ear. If people keep coming up, then continue.
  • mawhite717
    mawhite717 Posts: 202 Member
    dollar dances are AWESOME!! i dont think they're tacky at all! i've never been to a wedding that DOESNT have the dollar dance. i say go for it!
  • crystal10584
    crystal10584 Posts: 334
    sounds like fun, but I'd worry about the financial pressures associated with our economic times. I agree with what someone else said... get coins and see who can collect more for bragging rights so people don't feel obligated to fork over additional money.
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    They are so fun! It's a tradition in my family, but somehow overlooked at my wedding. I kind of feel bad about it, as we didn't really have time to chat with everyone that we would have liked to.

    People are getting all uppity about a dollar??? People amaze me! Live, love and laugh!

    This post reminds me of a pic at my brother's wedding.....he's dancing with an aunt, who's holding up a MasterCard! LOL! Thanks for the smile today!

    Enjoy your special day. Remember that you can't please everyone, you'll go bonkers trying! :wink:
  • thunt1990
    thunt1990 Posts: 157 Member
    Every wedding i have been to they have had a dollar dance. They are a fun time and i dont think anyone would be offended (at least where i live). I think the tradition started so the couple would have extra money on their honeymoon. They are a great way to congratulate the couple and are cute :smile:
  • flutterqueen04
    To each their own.

    Bottom line it is YOUR wedding and its YOUR day. You plan the wedding YOU want, not the wedding your guest will want. A wedding is a reflection of the couple. What is tacky in one person's mind is ok in another. There is just no way anyone can make everyone happy. If guest don't want to participate in it then they don't have too. Its not a forced event.

    Beauty and tacky are in the eye of the beholder.

    Just enjoy your day :)
  • lclarius
    lclarius Posts: 34 Member
    I think its def a southern/midwest thing, in the northeast its not really done too much any more (from my experience). I think anything can be made tacky (this included) but if done the right way can be a lot of fun. It depends on how you and the dj approach the situation. If you are a little hesitant maybe say all proceeds will go to xyz charity (chose a charity or organization that means something to you and your fiance) . I think people are less likely to think something is tacky when its for a good cause. And as others have said anyone that doesnt like it doesnt have to put money in for the dance.
  • ales1979
    ales1979 Posts: 269 Member
    Personally I'd say that its YOUR wedding therefore its YOUR special day. If you wanna have a dollar dance, then go for it and have fun!!

    Personally I think its a great idea (we don't have anything similar in th UK) and I've lost count of the number of weddings I've ben to where I've not had a chance to say /Hi and Congrats to the couple because they're soo busy for the whole day!

    Plus why shouldn't the couple begin their married life with a bit of extra cash to help them out?? Surely you invite guests to your weddings that want to see you happy and in love and without any stresses in your life, so they would be glad to have the chance to give the Bride and Groom a 'little something' to help them start their life together without them (the guest) feeling they're being judged for the amount they give and get to spend a little time with the 'stars of the show' .

    Sounds like a win-win situation for the guests and the happy couple, to me!! :)

    If ever I get married I'll definitely demand a Pound (sterling - UK) dance at my wedding! I think it sounds like an awesome idea! :bigsmile:

    You do whatever you wanna do honey! Its only supposed to happen once, after all!! so enjoy it! :smile:
  • keljo05
    keljo05 Posts: 173
    I never considered doing one and can't remember ever seeing one done at a wedding I've been too. I agree with regional as I'm in the Northeast and that can play a role.

    however I really never thought about it in other ways that have been explained. Also as others have said its YOUR day... YOUR wedding. if this is a common thing in your area and your traditions then by all means do it and remember to just enjoy your day :)
  • kgool
    kgool Posts: 177 Member
    what is a dollar dance? ive only seen this at strip clubs

    Exactly what I was thinking and why I clicked this thread. /disappointed

    but, congrats original poster. Do the dollar dance and to hell with what anyone thinks.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    what is a dollar dance? ive only seen this at strip clubs

    Exactly what I was thinking and why I clicked this thread. /disappointed

    but, congrats original poster. Do the dollar dance and to hell with what anyone thinks.

    anybody confused....a dollar dance, or a money dance, is where there is, basically, a payment given for the chance to dance with the bride/groom. She typically carries a satin money bag to put the cash into, and everyone chips in. It can be a fun, good natured thing.