anyone eat chips?



  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    I have will power and will only eat 1oz of chips (serving size) when I eat them, even if they are in a big bag. But, I prefer to not have to test that willpower so I've switched over to 100 calorie pack popcorn. Less grease and I find it to be more filling.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I have to have something crunchy if I'm having a sandwich for lunch.

    I buy Baked Lays brand (I LOVE the Cheetos!), pita chips (Atheno's are great!) and the Special K cracker chips are great. Just make sure you follow the serving size. :) Out of all 3, the Special K ones will give you the highest serving size for the fewest calories.
  • betterthanmama
    betterthanmama Posts: 57 Member
    I love chips - especially the baked lays cheddar....mmmmm.

    We used to buy the big bag but I nor my husband can stay away from them and always finished the entire bag. So we started to buy the "individual" sized ones and we stick to no more then one bag a day. I find the large ones go stale if they are open for too long (hence me eating them) but to open 2 bags seems even worse. Ended up we saved money on chips even though we are getting the more expensive individuals.
  • msmindyf
    msmindyf Posts: 133 Member
    Chips in moderation are always okay in my book. My favorite 'chips' are from Riceworks. They are made from brown rice, and they have some awesome flavors. My current fave is the Salsa Fresco.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    i do bbq baked lays or sun chips.
    sun chips are a little higher in cals, but i like the extra carbs before the gym.
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    Try Popchips! They are awesome!
    What are pop chips?

    That's the name brand. They are made with potato, but not fried or even baked. They are sold at Trader Joe's and at Costco, and more of the regular grocery stores in my area are also picking them up. The BBQ flavor is my fave :)

    The BBQ popchips are incredible and one serving is really huge! I buy a huge bag (I can only find them at Costco here and that is the only size they carry) and then I buy ziploc bags and make my own serving size bags. It is great, I throw a baggie in my lunch or have it as a movie snack.
  • nickscutie
    nickscutie Posts: 303 Member
    Look for the Cape Cod 40% reduced fat potato chips - a 1oz serving has 130 calories - this is a healthy amount of chips and they taste like the real stuff - mainly because they are. I believe the ingredients are potatoes, canola oil, and salt. They just bake them instead of fry them, but they are still pretty light and crunch for a baked chip. Forget all these other things filled with potato flakes, reconstituted potato, weird flavorings, etc. I used to eat the baked lays in various flavors and the baked Doritos, etc. but those things are filled with MSG and other bad stuff. I stick now to sun chips and these cape cod chips, and baked tostitos, when I want chips.
  • nerhardt
    nerhardt Posts: 2
    I have eaten a few Lay's Baked chips or I found veggie chips in our local super market. They are so good that even my dog likes them.
  • cc2r1511
    cc2r1511 Posts: 127 Member
    Be careful with those "light chips" because they have olestra!
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    I am hooked on Popchips. I first heard about them from Jillian on the Biggest Loser. They have several flavors: Salt & Pepper, Salt & Vinegar, BBQ, etc.....
    you can find them in the health food section, not by the regular chips.

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  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member

    That is the website, & you can put in your zip code to find where they sell them by you. My favorite is the BBQ ones as well. I get them at Target, and they only sell the big bags here.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    anything is fine in moderation...

    Try veggie straws (the ones I like are made by Clancy's)...they..are...PHENOMENAL! I found these at Aldi's for $1.49 for a giant bag...

    If it is hard for you to control yourself, then it's best not to have it near you..out of site, out of mind! My vice is cashews...I only buy them one in a blue..

    I have tried the veggie straws from Aldi's and they are very good!!!
  • Superdupermom
    Superdupermom Posts: 149
    alternatives i choose are:
    rice cakes
    veggie chips(instead of potato) found in chip aisle

    all give you that crunch feeling and you are satisfied after :)
  • JS506
    JS506 Posts: 6
    Whole wheat Pita chips rock! Made w sea salt and Rosmary. They come in a small bag at Walmart(buy the deli in my store $2.50) and I dip them in all natural hummus which I also get at Walmart! SO good. Also if you are going to do chips make sure they are whole wheat like tostitos. Whole wheat will stay with you longer.
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    Once and a blue moon ill treat myself to doritos blue ranch because those are my favvvvv- but still keep it in my calorie limit.

    Otherwise pop chips are AMAZING!!! all diff flavors and really great calorie/fat wise. Also baked chips; i hate the baked lays they taste gross to me but the baked doritos and cheetos are great. Both pop chips & baked chips come in individual bags so you dont have to worry about consuming too much!
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I love Terra chips but they aren't really low cal so I have to make sure I portion them out. So worth it IMO.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Haha, after getting more and more confused, I just realised you're talking about crisps!

    I thought this was about chips - which are fried potatoes!

    Two nations divided by a common language...

    Walkers do Worcester Sauce French Fries, at 92 calories a bag. They are thin sticks which I think must be baked, rather than fried - they're very tasty. :)
  • roxiedo
    roxiedo Posts: 154
    Special K has come up with "cracker chips" and personally I think they are great. You might also look into sweet potato chips.

    Where did u find those? I have been looking and cannot come across them
  • No more chips :) Its a new lifestyle, did you ever get skinny eating chips?
    Let me suggest get your weight you want off, ... off! and work on having it maintained, and
    it will be, as long as you stay commited to your determination the weight and health will remain
    for the rest of your life! How amazing is that!?
    I think eating that sorta stuff is our old self telling us not to be healthy. its telling us to be weak and
    that we can't do it.
    and you can do it!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    No more chips :) Its a new lifestyle, did you ever get skinny eating chips?
    I agree with you in one way, in that someone eating chips regularly is doing nothing to break the habits that got them fat in the first place.

    However, there is no food that cannot be a part of a healthy diet, it's just a question of eating it at more appropriate intervals. Last night I really fancied savoury snacks and had some - but that must the the first in at least a fortnight or two.

    The problem comes when people regard things like chips and chocolate as part of their daily diet!
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