


  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member

    running from the garage to the car SOAKED me! my hair is now dripping water down my back!

    Ok..ok... let's keep this Pg-13. Getting a little racey there with the imagery. I will be back in 3-5 minutes...

    I'm really more of a PG kinda girl. PG-13 NEVER worked for me!
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    MajorleagueInfidel.jpg Might I suggest you respond to name calling with the above?? Again Thanks to ALL who serve, not just the ones in harms way. The families also serve.

    Proud Father of a US Army Airborne Medic Afghanistan Veteran
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    It's Ted!!!!

    Glad you joined us!

  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    I dig the new pic, btw!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member

    running from the garage to the car SOAKED me! my hair is now dripping water down my back!

    Ok..ok... let's keep this Pg-13. Getting a little racey there with the imagery. I will be back in 3-5 minutes...

    I'm really more of a PG kinda girl. PG-13 NEVER worked for me!

    See. I can't see you as a PG girl.. most of our threads have boarderd on NC-17... lol...

    JK... I know you are a upstanding southern girl... uh huh..
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Thanks, while you guys were here having fun, I was outside exercising!! LOL!! Trying to get rid of my BFA don'tcha know!
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member

    running from the garage to the car SOAKED me! my hair is now dripping water down my back!

    Ok..ok... let's keep this Pg-13. Getting a little racey there with the imagery. I will be back in 3-5 minutes...

    I'm really more of a PG kinda girl. PG-13 NEVER worked for me!

    See. I can't see you as a PG girl.. most of our threads have boarderd on NC-17... lol...

    JK... I know you are a upstanding southern girl... uh huh..

    no n, you are correct. I'm pretty sure I could offend a sailor without even making an effort lol
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    Thanks, while you guys were here having fun, I was outside exercising!! LOL!! Trying to get rid of my BFA don'tcha know!


    Am I going to regret asking that? lol
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Thanks, while you guys were here having fun, I was outside exercising!! LOL!! Trying to get rid of my BFA don'tcha know!


    Am I going to regret asking that? lol
    that would be my Big Fat *kitten*!
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member

    I was tyring to come up with something that started with Balls.... and nothing made sense!

  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Nah! Not going to go there... Too easy.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    I am not easy!

    ...not without a few drinks at least...
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    and I killed the thread... AWESOME!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    Nope.. as long as you are talking about how eay you are.. with drinks.. this thread won't die

    I had to run a qucik errand.. I am still at work you know..
  • quinnybear
    quinnybear Posts: 243
    I know my wife is a D cup but I have no idea about her pant size size. She is 5'11" so the D's don't look that big on her.

    Myself, I would say I am about a solid A maybe a small B... dam man boobs.

    haha...i make fun of matt because he is starting to get...some weight on him...but he has a skinny build so it looks funny. he looks stick skinny in clothes, though. DAMN HIM. lol he has a "liquid grain storage facility" pretty bad the past year or so...and now he is starting to get some looseness in the chest i "feel him up" all the time to piss him off HAHA

    my hubby has man boobs as well. I love 'em! EVERY time I talk to him on skpye I ask him to bounce his moobs for me. It's not fair that I can't do that! =/

    oh man! can he do the twitchy titty thing? lol i think only guys can do that...or girls who have manly amounts of muscle. matt can do it too. My friend calls it the "pec dance" but i like twitchy titties better. :o) lol

    yesssssss! I love it!

    My husband pisses me off... He can eat whatever he wants, whenever he wants, I swear when he's home I have to cook like I'm feeding 10 people. IF he gains anything, he goes to the gym once or twice and drops 2 or 3 times MORE then what he gained. Now, because he has SO much time on his hands (because Obama is doing EVERYTHING in Afghanistan) he's been working out every day and he looks AMAZING... six pack, the dimples in his lower back, the sexiest back/shoulders on the effing planet! He doesn't even have to try! IT'S NOT FAIR!

    3 weeks before our wedding my dress was just a little too tight, so he said "I'll diet with you to make it easier on you" He lost 10 pounds, and he cheated all the damn time!! I KILLED myself and lost 6, then gained it ALL back and then some on our honeymoon. GRRRR

    On a side note... I'm going with "SweetDelicious" too much inuendo? alot of explaining involved?
    I'm indecisive, in case you hadn't noticed... lol

    you left off "PerfectLittle Mouth"

    haha wow. you, my friend, are INSANE. :o)

    Not insane... Crazy

    Crazy, how it, feels tonight.
    Crazy, how you, make it all alright love.
    You crush me, with the, things you do,
    I do, for you, anything too oh.
    Sitting, smoking, feeling high.
    And in this, moment, ah, it feels so right.

    Lovely lady, I am at your feet, oh, God I want you so badly.
    And I wonder this could tomorrow be so wondrous as you there sleeping.

    Lets go, drive til, the morning comes.
    And watch the, sunrise, and fill our souls up.
    Well drink some, wine til, we get drunk, yes...

    Its crazy, Im thinking, just knowing that the world is round.
    Im here Im dancing on the ground.
    Am I right side up or upside down, and is this real, or am I dreaming?

    Lovely lady, let me drink you, please, I wont spill a, drop no, I promise you.
    Lying under this spell you cast on me.
    Each moment the more, i, love, you. crush me, come on. oh, yes.

    Its crazy Im thinking, just knowing that the world is round.
    Im here Im dancing on the ground.
    Am I right side up or upside down?
    Is this real, oh lord, or am I dreaming?

    Lovely lady, I will treat you sweetly, adore you, I mean, you crush me.
    Oh its times like these when my faith I feel.
    I know, how, i, love, you. come on, come on, baby.

    Its crazy, Im thinking just as long as youre around.
    Im here Ill be dancing on the ground.
    Am I right side up or upside down?
    To each other, well be facing.
    My love, my love, well beat back the pain weve found.
    You know, I mean to tell you all the things Ive been thinking, deep inside my
    With each moment the more I love you. crush me, come on, baby.

    So much you have, given love, that I would give you back again and again.
    Oh, the love, many now hold you but please, please, just let me, always

    Not to butt in... but I clicked on this topic because I saw your username and I love me some DMB! Crush is my favorite Dave song!!
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    Nope.. as long as you are talking about how eay you are.. with drinks.. this thread won't die

    I had to run a qucik errand.. I am still at work you know..

    bahahahahaha and the smart *kitten* remarks start!

    you mean you actually WORK at work?! WEIRD!
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    Not to butt in... but I clicked on this topic because I saw your username and I love me some DMB! Crush is my favorite Dave song!!

    Welcome! =)
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    As you can see, we love us some DMB!!!!

    That wasn't meant to ryhme.

    Feel free to jpin us, friend us or whatever.
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    hahahhaha ok im all caught up now. i feel much better. i had like super crash issues. why? idk.
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    Nope.. as long as you are talking about how eay you are.. with drinks.. this thread won't die

    I had to run a qucik errand.. I am still at work you know..

    bahahahahaha and the smart *kitten* remarks start!

    you mean you actually WORK at work?! WEIRD!

    You know you love my smart *kitten* remarks....

    Thats part of our chemestry....

    And yes, sometimes.. just sometimes.. I do a little work during my actual workday. But I make sure it is just enought o keep form getting fired..,. lol.. who am I kidding.. I am a GS employee and disabled VFet.. they can't fire me.... lmao...

    I do owkr, its just rare that it inteferes with my MFP time..