The last 10 pounds



  • alygoo615
    alygoo615 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 10 lbs away from my goal... 5-10 to be happy and 15-20 to be ecstatic- although I don't really think I will see that ecstatic phase. I don't think my body will let me get that low. Hopefully I can get to happy though!
  • ledack
    ledack Posts: 10 Member
    I am 10 lbs from happy and 15 from ecstatic! I too have seemed to hit a plateau.
  • bryony_pie
    bryony_pie Posts: 40
    I am about ten pounds from happy, 13 from my ultimate goal weight. My goal for May is to SWEAT everyday - even if that means dancing around like an idiot on the days I don't have a lot of time! Love to join the group!
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    I'm down to those last very very stubborn pounds too!! I had hit a plateau back in February and kept working it for a month, until I got so frustrated I gave up... So I'm here for the support to make it through this last phase! Best of luck to all of you!!
  • acgarner
    acgarner Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in!!! I have been at a plateau for the last 6 weeks. I have ten more to satisfaction!!!
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    Hi! I've only got 2 pounds to go to the goal I originally set when I joined MFP.
    I've now extended my target weight by another 6 pounds, so I'm currently 8 lbs from my dream goal!
  • kat0052
    kat0052 Posts: 8 Member
    I need to lose 10 lbs, but would love 15lbs! I'm getting married in October and refuse to be a fat bride. I've been gaining and losing the same 10 lbs for the last year. I need the motivation and support to reach my goal!
  • JPRobocker
    JPRobocker Posts: 74 Member
    I'm in!!! I have been at a plateau for the last 6 weeks. I have ten more to satisfaction!!!

    Same here. I'm in.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I'm in. I've got 9 pounds to go until I'm at my lowest weight in 10 years... then another 4-10 until I'm at my final, final goal (healthy BMI). So 13-19 pounds, depending on how I feel when I get there. I'd like to lose that first nine before I hit the Florida beaches in June... don't know if it will be possible, but I'm certainly trying!
  • Brilynn1988
    Brilynn1988 Posts: 14
    I will join. I have about 9 pounds to loose to hit my goal and 10-11 to be completely satisfied. I would like to loose at least 2-3 pounds by May 18. Here's to hard work and dedication! We can do it!
  • seabuckaroo
    seabuckaroo Posts: 85
    I need to lose 10 lbs, but would love 15lbs! I'm getting married in October and refuse to be a fat bride. I've been gaining and losing the same 10 lbs for the last year. I need the motivation and support to reach my goal!

    This is me. I lose it, then gain it back. I work out like crazy or sit on my butt and same results. i know its my diet. Carb/sugar addict. Maybe I will do like the other girls in the group and cut my carbs.
  • seabuckaroo
    seabuckaroo Posts: 85
    I'm in.... I am having May as my carb-cutting/lowering month.

    How many carbs are you eating? I know it would help if I ate less but I have to have some. I tried atkins and the first day all I could think about was biscuits. silly, I know.
  • mckant
    mckant Posts: 217 Member
    I'd love to get in on this! I just started Ripped in 30 and I want a nice, flat tummy, a little less booty, and a little less thigh. I'm thinking with lots of toning and five or ten more pounds I might actually be there. I can't wait to see our progress!
  • seabuckaroo
    seabuckaroo Posts: 85
    For people interested in low-carb I just pulled this off the web. Source:
    300 or more grams/day - Danger Zone!
    Easy to reach with the “normal” American diet (cereals, pasta, rice, bread, waffles, pancakes, muffins, soft drinks, packaged snacks, sweets, desserts). High risk of excess fat storage, inflammation, increased disease markers including Metabolic Syndrome or diabetes. Sharp reduction of grains and other processed carbs is critical unless you are on the “chronic cardio” treadmill (which has its own major drawbacks).
    150-300 grams/day – Steady, Insidious Weight Gain
    Continued higher insulin-stimulating effect prevents efficient fat burning and contributes to widespread chronic disease conditions. This range – irresponsibly recommended by the USDA and other diet authorities – can lead to the statistical US average gain of 1.5 pounds of fat per year for forty years.
    100-150 grams/day – Primal Blueprint Maintenance Range
    This range based on body weight and activity level. When combined with Primal exercises, allows for genetically optimal fat burning and muscle development. Range derived from Grok’s (ancestors’) example of enjoying abundant vegetables and fruits and avoiding grains and sugars.
    50-100 grams/day – Primal Sweet Spot for Effortless Weight Loss
    Minimizes insulin production and ramps up fat metabolism. By meeting average daily protein requirements (.7 – 1 gram per pound of lean bodyweight formula), eating nutritious vegetables and fruits (easy to stay in 50-100 gram range, even with generous servings), and staying satisfied with delicious high fat foods (meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds), you can lose one to two pounds of body fat per week and then keep it off forever by eating in the maintenance range.
    0-50 grams/day – Ketosis and Accelerated Fat Burning
    Acceptable for a day or two of Intermittent Fasting towards aggressive weight loss efforts, provided adequate protein, fat and supplements are consumed otherwise. May be ideal for many diabetics. Not necessarily recommended as a long-term practice for otherwise healthy people due to resultant deprivation of high nutrient value vegetables and fruits."

    I think I will try!
  • CarliBez
    CarliBez Posts: 19
    I am in too! I have about 14 to go, want to get rid of 10 before the end of June. What are your plans of action? I'm finding the last 10 to be sticky little suckers. They just won't budge!
  • ledack
    ledack Posts: 10 Member
    I'm planning on starting Kon-jac root fiber. I saw it on Dr. Oz. It's an all natural fiber, and basically fills you up, so you don't over eat. Pretty reasonably priced too. I just ordered it yesterday, so I'll let you know how it works. I need a kick start.
  • linemansgirl
    linemansgirl Posts: 152
    This week I have been keeping my carbs around 50 to get things going. I will probably stick with that for another couple weeks. I then will bump up to 100 until I reach my goal. Then I would like to stick with 100-150 most of the time, for life.

    I have added HIIT ( ) on the treadmill to P90X weight training. It is supposed to really accelerate fat loss.

    So that is my plan for the moment! I tend to change things up often and that works well for me to keep things going! :happy:
  • becauseicanhan
    Wow this is me! Add me please :) x
  • becauseicanhan
    Oh and ive completely cut out carbs, aiming to do this for 4 weeks. Only on day two, but it seems to be going okay :) Im following the atkins plan, and see how that works for me. :)
  • chic_mama_25
    Me too - the last 15 lbs!