Do People Get Annoyed With You Because You Count Calories?



  • Chuckw40
    Chuckw40 Posts: 201
    I may be annoying them but not nearly as they annoy me with their constant temptations. How many times do I have to tell them I can't eat the junk food they are eating.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Well, I don't make it the center or focus of conversation. If I'm eating with friends, I mentally do some rough calculations in my head, make the best choices I can, and then add things in later. Nobody wants to hear about anyone else's diet. That's rule #1.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,240 Member
    Not more than once . . . actually people have been pretty good, but since a major health event (small stroke) precipitated my weight loss, those who are my friends and family and actually care about me want me to get and stay healthy. Maybe I annoy some of them, but that is there problem. Counting calories in some way is likely going to be part of my life as I cannot afford to go back to being fat. I may take breaks at times for a week or so but overall I figure that will be what I need.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    My sister told me I'm despressing to eat with, haha!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Nope never
  • Tiffy11011
    Tiffy11011 Posts: 81 Member
    My friend does it. When I'm around him and come on here, he's like 'god, you're on that dieting website again, just eat healthily and exercise'. Jeez! Easier said than done for him who has never had to watch what he shovels in his mouth and has remained slim his whole life. I think maybe he says it because I have a past with EDs, but if anything this helps me stay away from that track, but he doesn't understand.

    Oh man... "eat healthily and exercise" what does he think you're doing on here?!?!

    I think that's the great thing about this website it holds you accountable to eat healthy and exercise.
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    I get questions about my diet... and people apologize for offering me crap food!

    It took a while to get to that point... I think people see the physique and think oh, he must be training for something... They even ask me what I am training for...
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    My pals aren't annoyed, more mystified. They seem to have a game of it now. I work in a store that sells crappy food (a gas station, you know the kind) and my co-worker will walk around holding up random items and yelling "How many calories in this?"

    With more than 4 months of practice, I can guess calorie content pretty well now :bigsmile: I'm usually within 30-50 cals when I guess. I enjoy the game! I am glad that my pals don't condescend me for being careful about my foods. How can they make fun of me when I lost 20 lbs this year and all they have is gained / stayed the same? (yep, they are 'trying' to lose weight, too)
  • jmathews
    jmathews Posts: 196
    My husband and one son really get on me about it. I try to be discreet about it around certain ppl. I'm in the same boat as you...just maintaining. It IS a way of life for me and I definitely don't want to go back to where I was 2 years ago.
  • she_elf
    she_elf Posts: 108
    My parents get at me all the time for it. My mom will make comments like, "God, first you're vegetarian, and now you're counting calories... we just can't win!" My dad makes fun of me for it.

    It's really hurtful, but I think they do it because I'm making them more aware of what they're eating, and they don't like it (I grew up a junk food junkie). I think they'd rather pretend that two giant platefuls of pasta is perfectly healthy for them, or that the diet pop they drink by the gallon is great (because it's diet!), or that fast food isn't "that bad" when you're only eating it.... 8 or 9 times a week.... So I try to brush it off.

    I've lucked out with my friends because they're all super supportive. I know my boyfriend gets annoyed with it sometimes just because it slows everything up when I'm constantly measuring things and making him go check calorie counts and brands. But he puts up with it and rarely says anything. But most of the time he's really great about it and helps me measure things and makes things according to package directions so I don't have to guess about stuff.
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    I met a prospective beau, and the conversation got around to eating out, and I casually mentioned I would check the restaurant website information for calorie counts, and his response was judgy and rather cruel "oh you're one of THOSE. I didn't realize you needed to do THAT".

    Hell yes I am. Don't nobody have to like it, but it is going to do down that way.

    Needless to say, his application for beauship was DENIED. lol.

    Aside from that, though, my family and friends are supportive and kind about it.
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    Only a few times. And I don't blame them. Calorie counting in front of other people that don't do it can get VERY annoying. So I'm at both ends of the problem. I enter my stuff as slyly as I can. If they don't realize I'm doing it the better.
  • farmgirl88
    farmgirl88 Posts: 91 Member
    To avoid potentially making my friends uncomfortable, I either mentally log what I have and then add it via phone once I get back into my car OR better yet, I plan out ahead of time what I want to eat when going out, put it in the diary before I leave, and then I'm held accountable for eating just that much :)
  • littttlelaurra
    littttlelaurra Posts: 229 Member
    I have had this happen, some like it because they never realized themselves how much calories or sodium were in something that they themselve ate and took for granted, I also have a daughter who had an eating disorder so for me to mention calories of food around her sets her off into a rage because she is scared she will go back into not eating again and starving herself because she will start obessing over numbers. I have to be careful when she is around that I dont blurt out my shock over somethings I enter and start it out loud. I can truly understand her concern as she has fought her illness and is a healthy weight now , and when she goes to the drs asks them not to tell her the number, also. I find it annoying at times with other people though but try to ignor it, I guess my constantly logging and talking about it to them could be annoying or come across as condescending if they themselves could stand to lose weight too but havent made any choices to do so and they might take my interest and excitement of my own discovery on my journey the wrong way perhaps which is never intended as the case and I am now aware to be more sensitive to them as well.
  • jesseBYAH
    jesseBYAH Posts: 446 Member
    Not yet... but I can see people potentially doing that at some point. If I were you, I'd just remember that they don't really understand what you're going through so oh well if they give you crap about it. I mean, your dedication is amazing and you're doing things to better yourself and stay healthy. Nothing to be ashamed about, even if others think it's neurotic.

    But, I understand how something like that would get annoying. I would just have a comeback ready that will get their mind off of it. Maybe something like, "haha ok, so I'm addicted to staying healthy, at least it's not as bad as other addictions. I appreciate you looking out for me. Now I know that you won't hold back if I decide to take up a crack habit." Lol. Something like that. They're probably just worried about you getting "too obsessed" or something but they just don't understand that this is now a part of your (healthy) lifestyle.
  • AndreaWyland
    AndreaWyland Posts: 142 Member
    Yes my husband and friends. I just ask them to be supportive of me. I say "dont you want to be supportive and help me be successful???" I usually get the response of yes and the subject is dropped:)
  • AndreaWyland
    AndreaWyland Posts: 142 Member
    To avoid potentially making my friends uncomfortable, I either mentally log what I have and then add it via phone once I get back into my car OR better yet, I plan out ahead of time what I want to eat when going out, put it in the diary before I leave, and then I'm held accountable for eating just that much :)

    I do this often:) good idea.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    My friend does it. When I'm around him and come on here, he's like 'god, you're on that dieting website again, just eat healthily and exercise'. Jeez! Easier said than done for him who has never had to watch what he shovels in his mouth and has remained slim his whole life. I think maybe he says it because I have a past with EDs, but if anything this helps me stay away from that track, but he doesn't understand.

    Oh man... "eat healthily and exercise" what does he think you're doing on here?!?!

    I think that's the great thing about this website it holds you accountable to eat healthy and exercise.

    I think he thinks I'm using it to obsess over food like I used to etc, but I don't see it as obsessive. For example I some times don't log food properly for a day or 2, but I always remember what I've eaten. I don't come on here on my own if I'm out having a laugh with friends or whatever. He'll say 'let me guess what site you're on... calorie counter'. Rather annoying!! Some people just don't get it. He doesn't NEED to 'obsess' over food & exercise because he has a good metabolism and can eat pizza etc without having to think about it. But one day, I'll be healthier than him- HA! :wink:
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    It's sort of a running joke for my family and co-workers. I don't feel got at, they know I'm doing it, but I'd never make a comment on what other people are eating, unless they invited it!

    My sister was most unimpressed with the iPhone app; "When you can take a photo of your plate of food, and have the phone work out the calories in it, THEN I'll be impressed!" she said.
  • ktblueyz
    ktblueyz Posts: 72
    I met a prospective beau, and the conversation got around to eating out, and I casually mentioned I would check the restaurant website information for calorie counts, and his response was judgy and rather cruel "oh you're one of THOSE. I didn't realize you needed to do THAT".

    well I count calories too but I can still go out to ANY restraunt. If it turns out to be a high-calorie place then I eat less or just have soup/salad etc, and if not then lucky me. but guys dont like the "high maintenance" girls much when they are hard to even take out to dinner. I know you probably arent high-maintenance but if you wana avoid coming off that way I wouldnt mention your calorie counting unless someone specifically asks why you arent eating that much at a certain restraunt. just go home later and finnish your meal with some of your own healthy food. just a tip from a fellow calorie counter :)