Advice from a 100+ lb LOSER!!!!



  • timragan
    timragan Posts: 117 Member

    That is a great post!

    I've had a lifetime struggle with weight and my recent changes in how I view food and the future have been the essential element in losing weight.

    As I think about the role that food has played in my life it is no wonder that I gained tremendous amounts of weight. I ate to celebrate with family, I ate when I was unhappy, I ate because it smelled good. There was no logic.

    I've worked with doctor through my loss and he says that we should view food as a necessity (much like going to the bathroom) and only eat to replenish energy and then forget about it. I think that is extreme but I don't look to food for any kind of comfort now. I am more in touch with now I feel when I don't get enough nutrition. This is a completely new experience because I was never hungry long enough to know what was going on with my body.

    I listened to a fellow speak recently who had weighed 563 lbs and was down to 200. One of his comments that stuck with me is that you have to change what you love. People like me (us) simply can't be in love with cheeseburgers, fries, pizza, etc. and expect to lose or maintain a healthy weight. I have to change what I love or this cycle will only end with my death. Its that simple.

    Milestones in my life since I began this weight loss:

    I was on 6 airplanes in the last 3 weeks and didn't need a seat belt extension! I've been using extensions for at least 10 years. My seat mates were happy too.

    I can cross my legs. How many years since that could happen? I can't recall

    I am no longer taking 7 prescribed medications (including 2 strong Diabetes pills) every day.

    Diabetes is just about gone.

    I rode in the back seat of an Acura last week and it was comfortable.

    I have stopped breaking the arms off of chairs. It actually happened at 2 clients. Yikes!

    Down from a size 62 waste to 48. Down from a 5X shirt to 2X (and some of them are too big).

    Sex. It happens now and I am pretty sure my wife enjoys it. I hope she does.

    Fresh foods taste really good. Greasy, high fat, processed foods don't.

    Sleep Apnea gone.

    Sleeping nest (large throw pillow, 3 regular pillows, 2 smaller pillows) gone. One pillow works.

    Snoring gone.

    Most of my shoes are too big. Didn't really know that my feet were fat too.

    My energy level and ability to think clearly and focus has returned. All were absent from my life.

    I could probably go on for a while but I know its boring.

    Drink lots of water, forgive yourself for the past, KNOW that you will not make good choices all the time and don't let it derail your efforts, be thankful for the strength you find to keep at it and know that it does work.

    Tim R
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    Incredible Job Tim! Thanks for the post!:drinker:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Thanks Tam! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member

    That is a great post!

    I've had a lifetime struggle with weight and my recent changes in how I view food and the future have been the essential element in losing weight.

    As I think about the role that food has played in my life it is no wonder that I gained tremendous amounts of weight. I ate to celebrate with family, I ate when I was unhappy, I ate because it smelled good. There was no logic.

    I've worked with doctor through my loss and he says that we should view food as a necessity (much like going to the bathroom) and only eat to replenish energy and then forget about it. I think that is extreme but I don't look to food for any kind of comfort now. I am more in touch with now I feel when I don't get enough nutrition. This is a completely new experience because I was never hungry long enough to know what was going on with my body.

    I listened to a fellow speak recently who had weighed 563 lbs and was down to 200. One of his comments that stuck with me is that you have to change what you love. People like me (us) simply can't be in love with cheeseburgers, fries, pizza, etc. and expect to lose or maintain a healthy weight. I have to change what I love or this cycle will only end with my death. Its that simple.

    Milestones in my life since I began this weight loss:

    I was on 6 airplanes in the last 3 weeks and didn't need a seat belt extension! I've been using extensions for at least 10 years. My seat mates were happy too.

    I can cross my legs. How many years since that could happen? I can't recall

    I am no longer taking 7 prescribed medications (including 2 strong Diabetes pills) every day.

    Diabetes is just about gone.

    I rode in the back seat of an Acura last week and it was comfortable.

    I have stopped breaking the arms off of chairs. It actually happened at 2 clients. Yikes!

    Down from a size 62 waste to 48. Down from a 5X shirt to 2X (and some of them are too big).

    Sex. It happens now and I am pretty sure my wife enjoys it. I hope she does.

    Fresh foods taste really good. Greasy, high fat, processed foods don't.

    Sleep Apnea gone.

    Sleeping nest (large throw pillow, 3 regular pillows, 2 smaller pillows) gone. One pillow works.

    Snoring gone.

    Most of my shoes are too big. Didn't really know that my feet were fat too.

    My energy level and ability to think clearly and focus has returned. All were absent from my life.

    I could probably go on for a while but I know its boring.

    Drink lots of water, forgive yourself for the past, KNOW that you will not make good choices all the time and don't let it derail your efforts, be thankful for the strength you find to keep at it and know that it does work.

    Tim R
    Hey Tim! Thanks so much and you are full of great info as well! I think all the things you have listed are great examples of why this is about SOO much more than the number on the scale.

    I was a snorer too!! And I don't do it anymore! Just the fact that I could run yesterday on the treadmill after already doing an hour + workout on the elliptical was amazing to me. I wasn't even winded! The only reason I stopped was because my legs were tired from all I had done previously!

    I wish I could take what I have learned and immediately transfer it into everyones brain! Because essentially, that is what it will take for everyone on here to be successful. They have to get to that same place in their brain.

    Take care!!
  • SGFlyinHi
    SGFlyinHi Posts: 469 Member
    Tami you ROCK!!!!!
    Keep up the great work.
    I'm so proud of you!!!!!!!!!
    :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    {ahem} Is this thing on??18ia.gif

    (Sung to the tune of "I am Woman" )

    "She is Tam, hear her roar
    with weight loss too big to ignore
    And she's worked too hard to gain it back again!

    Because she's made that treadmill fly
    and she's made her grocer cry
    thinking of all the food she'll never buy again!

    Oh, yes, she is Tam
    and you better listen to her
    Because she know the how and why to tell your fat to hit the door!"

    {apologies to Helen Redy}

    thank you, thank you.

    Shows every night at 7:00pm--tip jar by the door! slider_thankyou.gif
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Thanks Tam for the post. :flowerforyou:

    I am wit cha on the french fry thing. Went to NYC and had a slice with peperoni..I was sick for days. :frown:

    Anyway, you really motivate and encourage me. I want to be the mom whose 25 yr old son friend says " That is your MOTHER?!) ha ha
  • pinktoque
    pinktoque Posts: 340 Member
    Wow. Just wow! Both of you, Tami and Tim... how inspirational! There are almost no words to describe how overwhelmingly powerful your messages are. :heart:

    I am thankful for you both so much. THANK YOU for being that inspiration and giving it your all. And congratulations on such amazing success!

    It's love and support like this that has set MFP apart from those other sites out there I've looked into. I've only been here 5 days now and in the morning when I get up now I'm so energized to work out, log it, log my food and watch my progress and I can't wait to hop on the boards and see what everyone else is up to and how they're doing. And I realized today that SoupNazi lives in my hometown and we even know some of the same people. What a small world it is! Who would've thought I'd find her 1800 miles away from "home" while living in a different country even? It really is like a little family and even though I am new I already feel like I'm part of it because of people like you. (Yes, you! *points at everyone*)

    Thank you Tami and Tim! :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • 2day4ever
    2day4ever Posts: 178
    Tam, you are as beautiful inside as you are outside. Thank you! i, too, read your posts and I am sooooo inspired by you. Thank you for taking the time and having the heart to share your story. It really, really helps me remember that this is a commitment, a dedication to better health. Thank you for showing it can be done in a healthful, mindful manner.

    and, Tim, thank you for your words, too!!! So glad your health has transformed as much as it has. Just totally reinforces Tam's message that treating your body well will have positive results.

    And, Shore, the lyrics are AWESOME!!!!

  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    {ahem} Is this thing on??18ia.gif

    (Sung to the tune of "I am Woman" )

    "She is Tam, hear her hoar
    with weight loss too big to ignore
    And she's worked too hard to gain it back again!

    Because she's made that treadmill fly
    and she's made her grocer cry
    thinking of all the food she'll never buy again!

    Oh, yes, she is Tam
    and you better listen to her
    Because she know the how and why to tell your fat to hit the door!"

    {apologies to Helen Redy}

    thank you, thank you.

    Shows every night at 7:00pm--tip jar by the door! slider_thankyou.gif

    Woohoo!!! :laugh: :laugh: I love that! Thanks!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Thank you all for the wonderful comments. You will NEVER know how much it means to me to know that I am helping to inspire you to keep going. I KNOW how hard it is to be VERY overweight and I know how hard it can seem to lose it. Now, I know that it CAN be done and done in a healthy way. WOW! I wish I had figured this out a long time ago! That is why I am trying my hardest to save you all a lot of time and instill the lessons I have learned so you can skip right to the success part! :wink:

    :heart: to you all!
  • timragan
    timragan Posts: 117 Member
    Thanks for all of your kind words.

    As Tam has already said I hope that the posts offer some help because I know that it helps me to be are part of the MFP community. I hope I never forget how hopeless I was feeling with regard to my weight and health. I've still got about 60 lbs to lose and I plan to get there.

    Tam - I am doing the Elliptical for 1 hour and working with weights too. I only did the Elliptical this morning and plan to make it by the club at the end of the day for a session with the weights. I still can't believe I have the energy for this.

  • JennyGetsFitness
    Hi, there neighbor!
    Very inspiring post, Tam!
    Love it!
    thank you for the inspiration!
  • krystalmoore1986
    krystalmoore1986 Posts: 216 Member
    you are both an inspiration, thank you so much.
  • Kirsti
    Kirsti Posts: 53
    Wow.... that's all I can say to you both.... wow!!!!!!!!
  • mknipp
    mknipp Posts: 106
    Hey all!

    I have gotten a lot of emails asking me how I have managed to lose the weight I have. I am happy to receive and answer any email I get but just wanted to post something for those that might not feel comfortable emailing me.

    I am not an expert by any means, though I feel like I have learned a lot over the past few months. The thing is, I didn't put too much pressure on myself. I started by making one small change after another. At first I just started lowering my calories, then after a few weeks, I started to pay attention to where those calories were coming from, which lead to getting more nutritious foods into my whole grains, healthy fats, lean protein, low-fat dairy, fruits and veggies. Also, from day ONE, I was drinking a lot of water. I have these cups I got from Ikea...and each one holds 24 ounces. I drink one first thing in the morning before I even allow myself my one mug of coffee for the day. My goal in the day is to drink down at least 3 of these cups, but I often get more than that. Then, that lead to watching my sodium intake....and then I started to add more exercise, slowly upping the time and resistance as I went along. I used to hate exercise and now I absolutely LOVE it and love how it makes me feel.

    My point is that if you just take it a week at a time and take baby steps as you go, you start to realize that these changes are almost happening automatically because you are changing the way you think in the process and also educating yourself. No one is saying you have to become a fitness or nutrition expert overnight. You just need to make wiser choices for you.

    Probably the biggest piece of advice I can give to anyone embarking on this journey, especially if you have a lot of weight to to work on your brain. Honestly, it is ALL mental. You absolutely need to change your relationship with food and change how you view food for this to be a permanent change.

    I used to think I had to starve and suffer and was basically afraid of food. Yes, I LOVED it and used it to comfort myself, but that wasn't a healthy way of looking at it. I still enjoy food. I love to cook and go out for a nice meal and try different things but I think of it in a completely different way now. I love how you can add a ton of interesting flavors with herbs and spices without a lot of fat. I love realizing that you can enjoy delicious meals and still lose weight. I love that nourising and fueling your body just feels SOO great that it becomes easy to eat healthy. My body protests now if I even eat ONE french fry because I have gotten so used to not eating it and my body is HAPPY because of it.

    I just wish I could pass on the willpower I have been granted while on this journey. I am a religious person and pray DAILY for many things, and included in those prayers are that I can continue on this journey with the same willpower and strength that has gotten me this far. I also pray that all of you can find that same strength and willpower to reach YOUR goals.

    I haven't come to these realizations overnight. It took many failed attempts to lose weight for me to realize that this HAS to be done right for it to be forever. Yes, losing weight slow and healthy WILL take longer but it won't take near as long as you think IF you stay focused and keep on, keepin on!! September 6th will be ONE year to the day that I started this. And the way my life has changed in this year is astounding!! And by taking the time to change my relationship with food, I am going to enjoy the HOPEFULLY many years to come so much more!

    So, the point of this is that I want all of you who are struggling to try to view things differently. Think about why food is even here. It is here to fuel us. To give us energy. To keep us alive. Yes, it can bring us joy and give us something great to taste but that CAN be done in a healthy way too. Food is supposed to contribute to our health, not take away from it. When you start thinking of it that way, it becomes SO easy to eat the foods that will nourish you.

    Good luck everyone!!!! I KNOW you can do this!!! You are all in my prayers!

    Very well said, Tami! Thanks for your prayers. I pray, too, but it's nice to know we aren't alone in this. You've been fantastic in keeping on with what you started. Would you please pray that my back will heal soon (from the fall I had Tuesday night) so I can start walking again? I really miss my daily jaunts, and I'm wondering if my neighbors who walk, too, have missed me. I sure have missed them.
    Keep up the good work. Bless you for your strength and kindness.
  • mknipp
    mknipp Posts: 106
    {ahem} Is this thing on??18ia.gif

    (Sung to the tune of "I am Woman" )

    "She is Tam, hear her roar
    with weight loss too big to ignore
    And she's worked too hard to gain it back again!

    Because she's made that treadmill fly
    and she's made her grocer cry
    thinking of all the food she'll never buy again!

    Oh, yes, she is Tam
    and you better listen to her
    Because she know the how and why to tell your fat to hit the door!"

    {apologies to Helen Redy}

    thank you, thank you.

    Shows every night at 7:00pm--tip jar by the door! slider_thankyou.gif
    How cool is that! You are quite a song writer! Thanks for sharing your talents. See you tonight a 7:00. Hmm, now where did that tip jar go??? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • shashod
    shashod Posts: 103
    Thanks Tami!! Yours is such an inspiring success story :drinker: :drinker:
  • jessicasue13
    Wow! Two very inspiring stories. Thanks for sharing those. I will use these as motivation for my journey:happy:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hey all!

    I have gotten a lot of emails asking me how I have managed to lose the weight I have. I am happy to receive and answer any email I get but just wanted to post something for those that might not feel comfortable emailing me.

    I am not an expert by any means, though I feel like I have learned a lot over the past few months. The thing is, I didn't put too much pressure on myself. I started by making one small change after another. At first I just started lowering my calories, then after a few weeks, I started to pay attention to where those calories were coming from, which lead to getting more nutritious foods into my whole grains, healthy fats, lean protein, low-fat dairy, fruits and veggies. Also, from day ONE, I was drinking a lot of water. I have these cups I got from Ikea...and each one holds 24 ounces. I drink one first thing in the morning before I even allow myself my one mug of coffee for the day. My goal in the day is to drink down at least 3 of these cups, but I often get more than that. Then, that lead to watching my sodium intake....and then I started to add more exercise, slowly upping the time and resistance as I went along. I used to hate exercise and now I absolutely LOVE it and love how it makes me feel.

    My point is that if you just take it a week at a time and take baby steps as you go, you start to realize that these changes are almost happening automatically because you are changing the way you think in the process and also educating yourself. No one is saying you have to become a fitness or nutrition expert overnight. You just need to make wiser choices for you.

    Probably the biggest piece of advice I can give to anyone embarking on this journey, especially if you have a lot of weight to to work on your brain. Honestly, it is ALL mental. You absolutely need to change your relationship with food and change how you view food for this to be a permanent change.

    I used to think I had to starve and suffer and was basically afraid of food. Yes, I LOVED it and used it to comfort myself, but that wasn't a healthy way of looking at it. I still enjoy food. I love to cook and go out for a nice meal and try different things but I think of it in a completely different way now. I love how you can add a ton of interesting flavors with herbs and spices without a lot of fat. I love realizing that you can enjoy delicious meals and still lose weight. I love that nourising and fueling your body just feels SOO great that it becomes easy to eat healthy. My body protests now if I even eat ONE french fry because I have gotten so used to not eating it and my body is HAPPY because of it.

    I just wish I could pass on the willpower I have been granted while on this journey. I am a religious person and pray DAILY for many things, and included in those prayers are that I can continue on this journey with the same willpower and strength that has gotten me this far. I also pray that all of you can find that same strength and willpower to reach YOUR goals.

    I haven't come to these realizations overnight. It took many failed attempts to lose weight for me to realize that this HAS to be done right for it to be forever. Yes, losing weight slow and healthy WILL take longer but it won't take near as long as you think IF you stay focused and keep on, keepin on!! September 6th will be ONE year to the day that I started this. And the way my life has changed in this year is astounding!! And by taking the time to change my relationship with food, I am going to enjoy the HOPEFULLY many years to come so much more!

    So, the point of this is that I want all of you who are struggling to try to view things differently. Think about why food is even here. It is here to fuel us. To give us energy. To keep us alive. Yes, it can bring us joy and give us something great to taste but that CAN be done in a healthy way too. Food is supposed to contribute to our health, not take away from it. When you start thinking of it that way, it becomes SO easy to eat the foods that will nourish you.

    Good luck everyone!!!! I KNOW you can do this!!! You are all in my prayers!

    Very well said, Tami! Thanks for your prayers. I pray, too, but it's nice to know we aren't alone in this. You've been fantastic in keeping on with what you started. Would you please pray that my back will heal soon (from the fall I had Tuesday night) so I can start walking again? I really miss my daily jaunts, and I'm wondering if my neighbors who walk, too, have missed me. I sure have missed them.
    Keep up the good work. Bless you for your strength and kindness.
    Hey, I pray for everyone on MFP to have the strength and will to reach their goals but I said an extra prayer for you to heal quickly and be walking again! Feel bettter!!!
