Fat girl complex



  • wvmark41
    wvmark41 Posts: 124 Member
    lol.... yep, exercise balls still kind of scare me.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I will always see myself as fat. A few years ago, I got very close to my goal weight (within 10 lbs). I felt huge still. It's a long story, but I gained it all back plus quite a bit. Now I'm trying again, and while I've lost 30 lbs, I'm still nowhere near my goal weight yet. But I remember feeling huge at that lower weight when now, I would kill to be that weight again.
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    I've had that complex before, yes. And even though at times I still think of myself that way I have been thinking differently lately. I am seeing changes in the mirror that I have never seen before. My clothes is looser and fits better than it ever has and my stomach, butt and thighs are starting to shrink and tone up. So while I still weigh a lot, I have lost a lot of inches and people can tell and they are telling me I am looking good and so I believe them. I still hate shopping, but I always have and probably always will. I am not afraid of things anymore either. Three weeks ago I was terrified that if I got on an elliptical I would either fall off or break it. I conquered that fear and now it is my favorite piece of exercise equipment. I have fat arms and don't like showing them off, but I am wearing proper workout gear to the gym now too! I am still a plus size and probably will be for quite some time to come, but I feel great about myself for the first time in a long time and I am starting to like what I see in the mirror.

    People are still rude to me though. The other day at the gym I was getting on the elliptical and two very skinny girls were a couple away from me and said " I bet that she can't even last 5 minutes on that thing as much as she weighs." I showed them. I not only lasted 5 minutes, I lasted 62 minutes and I rocked that workout. Never put a challenge in front of me because I will take that challenge and show you that I can beat it. I am stronger than I look. I am an arm wrestling champion and I am also a very stubborn person. Do not tell me what I can and cannot do, because I will most likely beat your expectations of me into the ground and I'll leave you with your jaw hanging wide open.

    I may sound conceited, but I really am not. I know that the only way I can do this is through God and that he is showing me my worth every single day. I am almost to my 50th day on here and while my signature says I have only lost 6 pounds since coming here I have lost 34 pounds since January. Now people are starting to look to me for motivation and that is a first for me.

    Anyways, I am babbling now. I will stop talking! (I actually really hate talking about myself, so me sharing with complete strangers every day is me going extremely far out of my comfort zone.)
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I really haven't tried anything because my inner fat girl is still an outter fat girl lol. I've lost nearly 24lbs and have a long way to go but I do remember about 10lbs ago I went to a restaurant and my automatic response to "Table or Booth" was "table please" because I didn't think I could fit in the booth. My mom was determined to get me to the booth because she felt like I would fit now and we went over and I slid in...stomach sucked in, *kitten* bent and realized I didn't have to do that because I could slide in comfortably...only about a 1in gap but it was a lot more comfortable...I don't think I'll ever get over that because I've been doing it for 20 years BUT I can't wait to have my inner fat girl be proven wrong time and time again :)
  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    Isn't great that we can all admit these things! To be totally honest with you in regards to the booth thing, I hope this lady wasn't totally pissed at me, yesterday I had gone into a restaurant to grab something quick for lunch and as I was waiting for my order I saw a lady come in with some of, what I assume were her co workers. She was a large woman and the co workers weren't. She tried to squeeze into a booth and one of the people she was with said "OMG you can't fit! I would seriously kill myself if I couldn't fit in a booth anymore! Maybe you need to go do laps around the restaurant" First wanted to smack the **** out of this girl! The larger woman got up to fill her drink cup and I walked over and told her "don't feel bad, I didn't fit in a booth either for a long time, if you are interested you could check out an amazing website myfitnesspal.com (which I had jotted down on a napkin for her, then I added and don't worry about people like that, they don't see the amazing heart and soul they only see the outside" then I left.

    She looked somewhat stunned and embarassed that I said anything but I didn't mean to embarass her, I just wanted to pass along the knowledge that someone passed to me once that has changed my life.
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    Isn't great that we can all admit these things! To be totally honest with you in regards to the booth thing, I hope this lady wasn't totally pissed at me, yesterday I had gone into a restaurant to grab something quick for lunch and as I was waiting for my order I saw a lady come in with some of, what I assume were her co workers. She was a large woman and the co workers weren't. She tried to squeeze into a booth and one of the people she was with said "OMG you can't fit! I would seriously kill myself if I couldn't fit in a booth anymore! Maybe you need to go do laps around the restaurant" First wanted to smack the **** out of this girl! The larger woman got up to fill her drink cup and I walked over and told her "don't feel bad, I didn't fit in a booth either for a long time, if you are interested you could check out an amazing website myfitnesspal.com (which I had jotted down on a napkin for her, then I added and don't worry about people like that, they don't see the amazing heart and soul they only see the outside" then I left.

    She looked somewhat stunned and embarassed that I said anything but I didn't mean to embarass her, I just wanted to pass along the knowledge that someone passed to me once that has changed my life.

    Amber, reading you post made me cry ! Thanks for shareing with us and her!
    (sorry for double post i have reported one)
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    She looked somewhat stunned and embarassed that I said anything but I didn't mean to embarass her, I just wanted to pass along the knowledge that someone passed to me once that has changed my life.

    I'd be willing to bet that she was embarrassed that you had overheard her companion's comment, but was grateful for the information. At least, I would have been. :smile:
  • katznkt
    katznkt Posts: 320 Member
    When I started 6th grade I was really chubby fat. Then I got sick and didn't eat for 6 months and came out a size 0. I slowly gained weight until I leveled out as a size 10 in high school, but I seriously never got over feeling fat. I felt huge and awkward during all of school and through college. I remember playing one trust game a church where you had to step on a guys hands to climb over a tall wall without a rope. I refused to do it because I thought I would be too heavy and embarrass myself.

    Then I had kids and found out what fat was. :( I look back on those pictures and think how skinny and hot I was and have made that my goal. I am also going to ENJOY it when I get back down there.
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    I definitely have this issue. I have a picture of myself from before(60lbs ago) and when I look at it makes me want to cry. I knew I was heavy but my clothes fit and my husband was very loving and affectionate so I didnt feel like I looked disgusting, but thats what I think when I look at that picture. Now I feel like- if I couldn't see myself then what do I really look like now. Someone said to me " your so skinny I cant picture you fat" I laughed out loud partly because that was the first time in my life anyone had every used the term skinny to describe me and partly cause that isnt how I see myself. Sometimes I worry that I will never be happy with the way I look and will always think of myself as a "fat girl".
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    This happens to me a lot with clothes, the other day I saw a nice dress, picked up the XL because in my head there was just no way I would fit into the Large, the XL was too big had to get out of the dressing room and go get the smaller size lol
  • bltmgray
    bltmgray Posts: 163 Member
    LOL! It's so funny that you posted this. I'm down 59 lbs and have about 20 lbs left to go on my journey. Just the other day I was talking with my friend about a trip we are taking to go see a Bon Jovi concert. The concert is about 3 1/2 - 4 hour car ride from where we live. We are going with 3 other friends and driving there. So, anyway, we are talking about the drive and in my head I'm thinking, "how are we all going to fit in the car? I'm going to squish everyone in if I sit in the back seat." Then it dawned on me, "Wait! I'm not that big anymore! I'll fit fine sitting next to my friends!" LOL! Love it!
  • swebb1103
    swebb1103 Posts: 200 Member
    I always grab clothes in a size larger than I am now, and I still hate eating in front of strangers, because for the longest time I felt like they were judging me for every bite I put into my mouth. Forget having dessert at a restaurant! Now, though, I remind myself that I worked out, have extra calories, and whatever I want to eat is MY business, not anyone else's!
  • yes_i_can
    yes_i_can Posts: 419
    I always grab clothes in a size larger than I am now, and I still hate eating in front of strangers, because for the longest time I felt like they were judging me for every bite I put into my mouth. Forget having dessert at a restaurant! Now, though, I remind myself that I worked out, have extra calories, and whatever I want to eat is MY business, not anyone else's!

    I am SO with you on the judging! That's one of the big things I'm trying to work on... every time I'm grocery shopping, or eating out, or even walk into a clothing store I feel like all eyes are on me and they're thinking "Look at the fat girl buying more food!" OR "What's she doing here? Nothing in this store will fit her!"

    I'm working on it though...
  • shelcof
    shelcof Posts: 62 Member
    I'm kinda bummed now because I was hoping some of these things would go away :(

    My biggest issue right now is assuming that if a guy talks to me, he must have a 'fat girl fetish',