Uses for Coconut Oil



  • Aurelina
    Aurelina Posts: 197 Member
    Aurelina, did you try a refined oil for frying eggs? No coconut taste on the eggs. Thai curry, coconut flavor is a must.

    huh, maybe I never have tried refined. ?? I've been into this coconut stuff for a long time too... for years I was buying from Wilderness Family Naturals in bulk. Never occurred to me to try refined. huh... so really no taste or smell at all? wowzer....

    Oh, once I made coconut cream from scratch when I was in the Caribbean. The best dreamy creamy stuff for rum that I have ever set my tongue too.... well, nearly. ;-p
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Aurelina, did you try a refined oil for frying eggs? No coconut taste on the eggs. Thai curry, coconut flavor is a must.

    huh, maybe I never have tried refined. ?? I've been into this coconut stuff for a long time too... for years I was buying from Wilderness Family Naturals in bulk. Never occurred to me to try refined. huh... so really no taste or smell at all? wowzer....

    Oh, once I made coconut cream from scratch when I was in the Caribbean. The best dreamy creamy stuff for rum that I have ever set my tongue too.... well, nearly. ;-p

    Order a jar of Spectrum refined, No taste, no smell. And it's organic.
  • verysmallrocks
    for those asking where to get it it, I recommend the internet... it takes a little longer but you'll save money and you have more options. i'm using nature's way "efagold" extra virgin organic stuff... it's dreamy. :) it has a very coconutty flavor though so i've been having trouble getting creative ways to use it... but my top two are in coconut curry or on toast. i totally recommend toast! :) quick, easy, not too filling... nummy.

    and i know it's super healthy but eating 130 calories of nothingness is so scary :) i read on one of the websites that they recommend 4 tablespoons of the stuff every day... i'm 5'1 and that's half my calories! :) i'll have to work up to it... lol
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Unfortunately, coconut oil is loaded with saturated fat, not really a good oil type for everyday use.

    I hateto agrue with you here ... but honestly as one of my friends who replied on this thread has in her siggie Mother Nature fat in whole natural REAL foods for a reason! So don't knock the fat unless you have all the information! In reality coconut oil is heart healthy. Coconut oil does not primarily circulate in your bloodstream. It's sent straight to your liver through a portal vein to be immediately converted into energy, instead of body fat.

    Coconut oil, coconut flour, coconut butter, coconut cream, coconut water, coconut kefir, coconut milk ... the list goes on .... is awesome! More and more research and studies are coming out to reveal the magnificent truths about the humble and phenomenal oil of the coconut.

    Coconut oil has such vast possibilites from cooking with it, eating it straight, using as conditioner, facial cream, and I even read in Asia they are using it as an antimicrobial in HIV patients.

    So like I had read more on before knocking it! Unfortunately for so many years the experts told us that fat was bad ---- ironically in these decades this is when we all a world got fat! So do your own research!

    verysmallrocks- I just did a quick look up (one MFP) on coconut oil verus olive and canola oil(the so called healthy oil) and here it what came up ...
    Oil - Vegetable, coconut, 1 tbsp 117cal 0carb 14fat protein 0
    Oil - Olive, 1 tablespoon 119cal 0carb 14fat 0protein
    Oil - Vegetable, canola, 1 tbsp 124cal 0carb 14fat 0protein

    So I don't see why it's worse then other oils? And common sense tells you to eat how much you want or can handle.