Things that make me go: Grrrrrrrrr.....



  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Sorry... I thought muscle weighed more than fat... am I crazy?

    A pound is a pound no matter what, a pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of bricks. Fat is more squishy (proper technical terminology used :smile: ) than muscle so appears thinner but it all weighs the same.

    I find this argument interesting. I mean, I'm a left brain, so usually things like this annoy me (by things I mean omitting facts while stating things). But In this case, I look for the givens in the equation. By volume muscle weighs more then fat, which is to say it's much more dense then fat. Which is what people on here mean (the given) when they say such things. Saying a pound is a pound is meaningless unless you are trying to give a baseline for other values; but you would need qualifiers. I.E. ON EARTH a pound is a pound but on the moon a pound equals 1/6th of a pound (where the former, as always denotes the baseline and the latter denotes the comparison)
    Saying a pound is a pound is like saying a penny is a penny or air is air. It's always true, so why say it unless you have the given implied or put a qualifier before or after it?
    In conclusion of my metaphysical dilemma, I say we must have the tolerance to assume people "meant" to say by volume, or else they are just babbling nonsensical stuff "A......Horse is a horse of course of course...."

    Oh my philosophy teacher HATED me in college.:tongue: By the end of the semester he wouldn't call on me any more. But he gave me an A- :devil:
    AND YES! I took philosophy! I had to, I needed a 3 credit social sciences course and it was either that or (ick) psychology of personality *shiver*
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    People in the self checkout lane at the grocery store that start scanning their items and letting them go down the belt before you even have a chance to bag all of your items. OH and then those that are ahead of you that take 10 minutes to bag ONE item. I mean, it's not rocket science people!

    When you are in the left lane, behind 5 slow people and the person behind you is practically laying on your rear bumper.....and you are trying to leave a little bit of room between you and the car ahead...and then the person behind you suddenly veers over and in front of you, in that little space you were trying to leave for safey reasons. OH, and they aren't any better off than they were anyway because there are STILL 5 slow cars ahead!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

    But maybe they do feel better because at LEAST they are ahead of YOU! :grumble:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    The thing that annoys me is people buying scratch tickets, Just GIVE IT TO ME! I'll invest it or something, then cut you in for 1/2 the profit in 5 years. Scratch tickets have like a 1 in 4 return. That's insanity to me. You'd be better off going and playing roulette at least you have a 40% chance there if you play right!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    People in the self checkout lane at the grocery store that start scanning their items and letting them go down the belt before you even have a chance to bag all of your items. OH and then those that are ahead of you that take 10 minutes to bag ONE item. I mean, it's not rocket science people!

    When you are in the left lane, behind 5 slow people and the person behind you is practically laying on your rear bumper.....and you are trying to leave a little bit of room between you and the car ahead...and then the person behind you suddenly veers over and in front of you, in that little space you were trying to leave for safey reasons. OH, and they aren't any better off than they were anyway because there are STILL 5 slow cars ahead!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

    But maybe they do feel better because at LEAST they are ahead of YOU! :grumble:

    The whole left hand lane stresses me out so. A year ago I was the driver that was so annoyed by people going slow in the left lane....but now four tickets later, I get annoyed when I am already going 5 over and trying not to get pulled over and people are riding my bumper.

    That being said, I still understand that it is common law of the road that if you're going slower than the flow of traffic that you should move over and let others by. But now I am hearing that some cities by me may pass the law that if you are going slower than the flow of traffic, you can get pulled over. Yes, that means even if you are doing the speed limit. Like I said, I understand its annoying to other drivers and it impedes traffic, but I just don't understand how the police can pull you over for going THE SPEED LIMIT. Esspecially when they would just as quickly pull you over for being one of those faster drivers trying to get around the one going the limit. Ugh!
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    things that annoy me.... but there are so many lol

    crumbs in the butter...
    people who drive on my *kitten*...
    when my son grinds his teeth....:explode:
    people who make gulping noises when they drink.....
    people who talk to me with their mouth full of food:sick:
    people who chew with their mouths open...
    when people say fustrated.... its fRustrated!!!! (thats a big one for me)
    when people park so close to me i can barely get my door open...
    people who say " i axed you a question" .... if im not bleeding you sure as heck didnt AXE me
  • Steffykins
    Steffykins Posts: 176
    Jackeh I LOVE you icon thingy, it made me chuckle a lot :laugh:
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    I have a t-shirt that says it too.... makes me smile every time i see it :laugh:
    BEFORE Posts: 1,291 Member
    When you meet me in the elevator and I'm heading to the gym, you aren't the first person to ever think of asking me to exercise for you. :grumble:

    Why are you taking the elevator to work out. (stairs)
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    When you meet me in the elevator and I'm heading to the gym, you aren't the first person to ever think of asking me to exercise for you. :grumble:

    Why are you taking the elevator to work out. (stairs)

    maybe she's tired from circling the parking lot for an hour waiting for a good spot. :laugh:
  • alifelessevident
    i'm not a phone person... really don't like it, so when someone calls to just chitchat and not have anything in particular to talk about..... kinda annoys me... but hey at least they called right? yeah.... :grumble: :grumble: :happy: :tongue:
    BEFORE Posts: 1,291 Member
    When you meet me in the elevator and I'm heading to the gym, you aren't the first person to ever think of asking me to exercise for you. :grumble:

    Why are you taking the elevator to work out. (stairs)

    maybe she's tired from circling the parking lot for an hour waiting for a good spot. :laugh:
    I have to admit that years ago when I belonged to a gym on a legs day I would have left using the elevator. I have whimpy legs they will hurt for no reason let alone a good workout.
    BEFORE Posts: 1,291 Member
    People on cell phones period. MAke sure you talk loud enough so everyone knows you are important. By all means continue your phone conversation while working with a cashier or store clerk also.
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    I also hate when people don't use their turn signals...there is a reason cars have them!

    I hate when people don't get in the turn lane to turn, they go from the lane they are in across some traffic instead of sitting in the turn lane!

    I hate when people stand in the middle of the aisle at wal mart and they block the way

    I hate when people don't put things back where they found it!!!!!:explode:

    I hate when people cut you off even though there is nobody behind you! Could they not have waited that extra second longer????

    I hate when people only go 25mph or less on a 35mph road!!!!!!

    Alright, I can't think of anymore right now, but I know there is!!!!
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    When you meet me in the elevator and I'm heading to the gym, you aren't the first person to ever think of asking me to exercise for you. :grumble:

    Why are you taking the elevator to work out. (stairs)


  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    How about people that defy physics to turn in front of you (even though there are no cars behind you) then drive at a turtles pace!!!! :explode:

    There's a reason I could never drive with a gun in my car. :embarassed:
  • JennyGetsFitness
    BEFORE Posts: 1,291 Member
    When you meet me in the elevator and I'm heading to the gym, you aren't the first person to ever think of asking me to exercise for you. :grumble:

    Why are you taking the elevator to work out. (stairs)


    I was thinking of this very picture.

    Paula I hope you take this as just kidding around and are not offended. Just being funny on a Friday.

    More things that annoy me...

    When women say "is that it after sex." What am I supposed to continue for your pleasure now.
    When women see me naked and then point and laugh. Guys with small penises have feelings too.
    When I google my name and it comes back "WHY?"
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    When you meet me in the elevator and I'm heading to the gym, you aren't the first person to ever think of asking me to exercise for you. :grumble:

    Why are you taking the elevator to work out. (stairs)


    I was thinking of this very picture.

    Paula I hope you take this as just kidding around and are not offended. Just being funny on a Friday.

    More things that annoy me...

    When women say "is that it after sex." What am I supposed to continue for your pleasure now.
    When women see me naked and then point and laugh. Guys with small penises have feelings too.
    When I google my name and it comes back "WHY?"

    Oh of course. (By the way, I work on the 33rd floor) :smile:

    Headin' out of here soon, enjoy the weekend all. :flowerforyou:
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I hate when peple slow way down in the regular lane, to get into the turn lane.....or when they are still sticking half out of the turn lane. The very function of it is the name of it....TURN LANE. Pull into it, then slow down and turn, ah!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    When people dont get up for elderly, handicap or children on the bus and the bus is filling up and someone sits on the outside seat and puts there bag on the other. (dont be rude move in)

    folded clothes in the hamper
    dont put a new roll of toilet paper on when they used the last
    a days notice to do something (like to plan at least a day ahead)