...*ladies question only!*...



  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Well, this may not be of interest to you (as it isn't for everyone), but I find that using a menstrual cup really has helped my cramps (they are a lot less using it). I don't know why, but it works (and I have heard the same comment from others). Now I can't use tampons anymore though, because they itch, but the DivaCup is a great thing. :smile:
    Ditto the Diva Cup... it's awesome.
    I also use cloth pads. The two together have definitely helped me have a lighter period and much less cramping.
  • kaveril422
    kaveril422 Posts: 116 Member
    try soaking in a hot tub then excercising. Works for me.

    You shouldn't take baths - this can lead to internal bleeding.


    Internal bleeding? Really?! Besides sitting in water being a little awkward during TOM, so I never do it, I had no clue it was that serious...*Googles*

    Ibuprofen works for me. I just keep it moving.
  • VickiMitkins
    VickiMitkins Posts: 249 Member
    Try to exercize through it. You may not always feel like it, but exercize does help. Like the others suggested, drink plenty of water and motrin or other pain medication. I agree with one of the other posts that you should insist on a blood panel to look at what might be going on. I had very similar issues and one of the things that made it all worse was my underactive thyroid.

    Since we are on the topic, I would like suggestions for how how to deal with MS impacting weight loss. Some background might help. As a teen I had horrible cramps, mood swings, bloating, constipation and was somewhat irregular. I regularly missed school because of it. I went on the pill when I was about 18 and it really helped. I'm almost 48 now and have gone on and off several times. I always went back because they helped so much. The last ime I went off all my symptoms got worse, including the addition of very heavy bleading and a 20-22 day cycle (except cramps - they are not that bad now or maybe I am more tolerant of pain now). I convinced the doc at the age of 46 to let me go back on the pill. Earlier this year he insisted I stop. Now the bloating, constipation, 21 day cycle are back. It seems like as soon as I have my MS I am starting right over with the bloat, etc. I have continued to exercize, eat well and drink plenty of water but I just can't seem to lose more than 1-2 lbs a month. Before I was averaging 3 lbs, which I was happy with. I also take the usual supplements to help with MS symptoms (calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, Omega-3, St. John's Wort, and a multi-vitamin). Any suggestions
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Well, this may not be of interest to you (as it isn't for everyone), but I find that using a menstrual cup really has helped my cramps (they are a lot less using it). I don't know why, but it works (and I have heard the same comment from others). Now I can't use tampons anymore though, because they itch, but the DivaCup is a great thing. :smile:
    Ditto the Diva Cup... it's awesome.
    I also use cloth pads. The two together have definitely helped me have a lighter period and much less cramping.

    Thirding the Mooncup! My friend is an official UK retailer, and for years she urged me to try it (they have a money-back guarantee, and a lifetime guarantee as well). I can honestly say she was right, and my only regret was not listening to her earlier. Quite apart from the benefit to us, they are eco-friendly too, and pay for themselves within a few months. I've been using mine for seven years or so, and I'd never go back to using towels or tampons.

    Regarding exercise, if you can manage a walk, you might feel better for it; however, speaking as someone whose TOM knocks her for six, I completely understand the need to just snuggle under a duvet and sleep! I agree with everyone about drinking lots of water too.

    If you do need proprietry pain medication, ProPain might help, as might Feminax. Syndol is also very good but if you've never used it before, you might find it makes you really sleepy. I really would go back to the surgery though, and ask to see another doctor, because it does sound as though you've been fobbed off. There *are* things which can help you, and your GP should at least be able to give you some options.

    I really hope you find some relief. x
  • dmkaiser83
    dmkaiser83 Posts: 89
    I take 800mg ibuprophen and try to push through. I skipped yesterday because the first day has a way of kicking my butt straight to the couch. making up for it today. hope you can get some relief!
  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    sorry I dont know any answers,,,,prior to my hysterectomy last august, I used to lose 2 - 2 1/2 weeks per month from the gym if thats any consolation for you....so....it could be worse.

    good luck and just chug along
  • pinkcess22
    pinkcess22 Posts: 60
    On the 1st day I usually have alot of pain I take nurofin zevance wich is really good
    And put warm clothes on heat up a towel and rap it around
    My weist and at night I get the hubby to do circuler
    Massages around the lower back area works for me try light excersies
  • kmunk0793
    kmunk0793 Posts: 2
    i am also blessed with terrible cramps... i take advil before i work out and try not to drink caffine... also while im still "warm" from running i stretch as much as i can.. drink plenty of liquids even though you are retaining some water, all of the water weight will come off after that week
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    The other thing you could do is nip into Boots and ask to have a consultation with the pharmacist. S/he is likely to be a bit more sympathetic to your needs than your GP. The Boots near you has this facility - just go to the counter, ask to speak to them, and then you'll be taken to a little booth. It's all very private.
  • tonicia
    tonicia Posts: 145 Member
    THERMACARE HEAT WRAPS.....basically a heat pad to go. wrap it under your clothes. pop an aleeve. and go. walking at least would be good