hip bones, collar bones or ribs...



  • annarface
    annarface Posts: 77 Member
    I keep feeling for my hip bones because I've never been able to feel them before. I often find myself touching them when I'm asleep and wake up with my hands on my hip bones LOL.

    I've never been able to see my collar bones before and now I can. I used to be freaked out by bones because I never saw mine, but now I'm overcame that fear.

    I don't like ribs though. I can see mine now and it's scary. D;
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    Hips and ribs, not been able to feel my ribs in years and can't remember when I last felt my hip bones, always seem to have been able to feel my collar bones tho
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    I was excited when I could SEE my collarbones! Starting to be able to feel my hips and ribs again too!!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    All of mine are already prominently exposed...So much, that they're now anatomically named pelvic bones, clavicles, and intercostal notches...I just want my damn abs to come out. They're very slowly revealing themselves.
  • rainydayboys
    Hips for sure!
  • breezey77
    breezey77 Posts: 89 Member
    HIP BONES!!!! When I can see/feel my hip bones I know I'm on the right track. Even at my heaviest my collar bones were visible.
  • ColeyCannoli
    ColeyCannoli Posts: 147
    I find visible ribs a little creepy but I'd kill for some hip bones poking out :D
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    I just finally got to the "overweight" category, and have been able to see my collar bones for a while now. I did recently notice that I can see the outlines of my ribs at the top of my chest. I can feel my hip bones, but it will definitely quite a while before they are visible. I'm really hoping that I will at least have a suggestion of a waist when I get to my goal weight. I have a freakishly large rib cage and am short waisted, so I know there won't be much, but hopefully something. I guess I'm most excited currently that my wrists are quite well defined.
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    Umm, I think I'd be happy if I just had visible knees. :embarassed:
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I must have a really small frame, as I have to be about 120 lbs or below to get anywhere near seeing any of them, and even then they aren't defined.
  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member
    I hope to see my hipbones too. Ive lost 20 pounds and I can. already feel them. I just wish that they are visible.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    my muscles. sometimes I sit and hold them while they are flexed. totally serious post. I even asked my friends the other day if it was weird that I was sitting and holding my flexed calf muscle.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    I find I stroke my collar bones a lot now...lol.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I'd rather see muscle definition, striations and vascularity than bones...
  • cavia
    cavia Posts: 457 Member
    I find I stroke my collar bones a lot now...lol.

    Ha! I catch myself stroking mine a lot since they've reappeared!
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    I'm actually pretty disappointed in my hip bones now, they look weird on me. I've always been able to see my collar bones. I know I'm too skinny when my ribs are visible (how I'm built, not knocking anyone else).

    I am very excited to be able to actually see muscle definition in my legs and arms. I can flex my legs and see the outlines of muscles instead of just wiggling fat? Hellz ya!
  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    I'd rather see my Serratus Anterior than my ribs. That would make me insanely happy more than any bone of mine poking out. :happy:
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    I want my extra belly flub to take a hike.
    Never cared about bone protrusion, sounds a bit pro-ana for my liking.
  • littlehedgy
    littlehedgy Posts: 192 Member
    I want my extra belly flub to take a hike.
    Never cared about bone protrusion, sounds a bit pro-ana for my liking.

    See that's how I know I've got all the stubborn belly fat is my hip bones frame my lower abs. No one is saying they want to be skeletal and stop eating. Seeing hints of the outlines of certain high bones is a marker in weight loss for many.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I'd rather see my Serratus Anterior than my ribs. That would make me insanely happy more than any bone of mine poking out. :happy:

    Mine are growing!!! I can see them. Dumbbell pullovers :D

    I could already see my ribs, and the muscle is much better looking, imho.

    Collar bones are also visible on me (always?), but hipbones aren't. My lower abs aren't, either. That's the fat zone on me, lol :)

    I don't know that I'll get thin enough to see hipbones; I can't remember if that's ever normal for me. While lying down, maybe. I remember that from high school, at least.