Fall 2011 Marathon Support Group



  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    Runnin my first half Sept. 11th.......so glad I found this group to join for support.....good luck everyone and happy training!
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Rybo- It's so hard to decide isn't it???
    Shelly - Good luck on improving you speed and distance. Keep us posted on what you do during training to aim for those goals!
    Krislshoe- There's nothing quite like the first time!!! LOL Enjoy every step and keep us updated!

    Right now, I'm going stir crazy since I'm unable to exercise on docs orders. I should get my test results by next Thursday and hopefully all will be well and he will release me to exercise again.
    This Saturday, I will attend the first training run with my team, Team In Training. I'm mentor to 8 or so participants and really hope to get them psyched, have goofy fun and get them to reach their goals. My other job is often so serious that I like goofing off with my volunteer work.
    Catch ya'll later! Run some miles for me!!
  • FryingPanda
    FryingPanda Posts: 99 Member
    So ran 9 miles today, but now I have a small problem. I can't help but walk like a cowboy. Got some inner thigh chaffing and was wondering how others dealt with it? Need to run a recovery run tomorrow, but not sure how easy that is gunna be.
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Oh no. That is so uncomfortable!! Have you tried using Glide? It comes in a container like deoderant and is VERY helpful with chaffing.
  • Fernandomike
    Fernandomike Posts: 95 Member
    So ran 9 miles today, but now I have a small problem. I can't help but walk like a cowboy. Got some inner thigh chaffing and was wondering how others dealt with it? Need to run a recovery run tomorrow, but not sure how easy that is gunna be.

    Sorry, but I can't help but to laugh. I've been there so many times with that crazy walk and people asking me what the hell is wrong with me. Anyway, best of luck getting through it. And uh, as they say, and ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cures.
  • Fernandomike
    Fernandomike Posts: 95 Member
    Oh no. That is so uncomfortable!! Have you tried using Glide? It comes in a container like deoderant and is VERY helpful with chaffing.

    Hope you are doing well, Risa and praying for good results from your tests.
  • FryingPanda
    FryingPanda Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks for the advice Risa! I got some Glide and made it through my recovery run. My cowboy walk has also improved! :wink:
  • mollyanne01
    mollyanne01 Posts: 34 Member
    I love seeing all of the runners on here! Marathons are my favorite. I'm not currently registered for any this fall, but I'm looking at a couple of them. I have an 8 hour endurance run next month, a 50K in July. Any recommendations for a fall 26.2? I prefer smaller races myself.
    You could run the Soldier Marathon on Nov 12th at Ft. Benning (Columbus, GA). It is fairly small with around 350 runners last year.

    Thanks for the recommendation! I'm all registered!
  • mollyanne01
    mollyanne01 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for the advice Risa! I got some Glide and made it through my recovery run. My cowboy walk has also improved! :wink:

    Glad you found some relief! My thighs always look horrible when I forget the Body Glide! I had the same problem this morning:)
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Can I join too? I'm only a half marathoner though!

    I'm running the USAF Half marathon in September with a big group of friends and The Rock n Roll in Savannah with my husband in November :) So excited! The girls and I are training as a group together and we start next weekend. Building really slow for the newbies in the group. Can't wait to get started! Hoping to have some PRs at a couple 5ks and 10ks this summer as well!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
  • FryingPanda
    FryingPanda Posts: 99 Member
    Ugh... Today's run is going to be not fun. My legs feel like jello. Apparrently two weeks and my body gets sad. :frown:
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Yay! Glad the Glide helped!!
    And welcome to all half marathoners! It's no small thing to accomplish!
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    Great run this morning......the sun was rising and it was just plain gorgeous runnin by the stream.....did 4 miles in 34 min...was hoping to at least do a 9 min mile so I was very pleased:) Legs felt good....my back is a tad bit sore but nothing some ibuprofin cant handle:) Gradually workin my way up the half marathon ladder... The goal is 5 this weekend with friends.......Happy running today everyone!
  • MrsDanceBartley
    MrsDanceBartley Posts: 78 Member
    I am originally from England and ran 2 1/2 marathons over there many, many years ago. I now live in the US and decided to run a 1/2 before I turned 50 (this July). So I ran the Austin 1/2 in February 2011. I then had a trp back to England, and lost my running groove, and now it's sooooo hot in texas!

    Have run through knee issues and seem to be ok now, and need to get my motivation back to aim for my next. My training group Round Rock Fit start again in August, and I wnat to have lost about 10lbs by then and be running regularly.

    Hope to make some friends here. :)

  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Great run this morning......the sun was rising and it was just plain gorgeous runnin by the stream.....did 4 miles in 34 min...was hoping to at least do a 9 min mile so I was very pleased:) Legs felt good....my back is a tad bit sore but nothing some ibuprofin cant handle:) Gradually workin my way up the half marathon ladder... The goal is 5 this weekend with friends.......Happy running today everyone!

    Awesome job!!! Keep it up speedy!
  • FryingPanda
    FryingPanda Posts: 99 Member
    Yaaho! Half way through my training for my upcoming half in July. This weekend was tough not only for being the middle, but also because I have finally started doing kendo again (Japanese fencing). Legs feel like jello, but the good kind of jello. :tongue: This will be a nice warm up for my fall half.
  • tahoemads
    tahoemads Posts: 64 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I am training for my first marathon this September in Lake Tahoe, CA! I have lived and trained at altitude for many years, so I am not nervous about that aspect of the race. But mentally, I am terrible with hills. I used to conquer them really well while on my cross-country team in high school, but for the past year I have become very "anti-hill!" I loathe them. I skip hill repeat work outs because I just don't want to do them.

    At mile 15 of the marathon I have to climb the "hill from hell." It's much like Heartbreak Hill in the Boston marathon. It's a 600 ft climb in elevation, and although that sounds simple, it's pretty grueling.

    Anyone have any great tips, mental exercises or hill repeat work outs that have helped you? I am all ears!
  • sla0814
    sla0814 Posts: 240
    I'm training for my first marathon this fall in Detroit, MI! I'm super excited!:)
  • FryingPanda
    FryingPanda Posts: 99 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I am training for my first marathon this September in Lake Tahoe, CA! I have lived and trained at altitude for many years, so I am not nervous about that aspect of the race. But mentally, I am terrible with hills. I used to conquer them really well while on my cross-country team in high school, but for the past year I have become very "anti-hill!" I loathe them. I skip hill repeat work outs because I just don't want to do them.

    At mile 15 of the marathon I have to climb the "hill from hell." It's much like Heartbreak Hill in the Boston marathon. It's a 600 ft climb in elevation, and although that sounds simple, it's pretty grueling.

    Anyone have any great tips, mental exercises or hill repeat work outs that have helped you? I am all ears!

    I always find that I have a tendency to drop my head and shoulders when I run up hills. Kinda like I am just gunna trudge my way through it. I kinda think running up hill already makes you want to run smaller strides and the head down for me makes matters worse. Recently I have been making an effort to keep the head up and shoulders back as it has helped me maintain my stride length. But for me, up hill is the "easy part". Down hill kills my knees if I go all out.
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