Starting Insanity



  • Mbeforethes
    Mbeforethes Posts: 51
    Thanks lu123, here's hoping I'll adjust :happy:

    As for the red face :explode: , just show's you were working hard enough - well done...and I can feel the soreness sneaking up on me as the day goes on. Hope you're not too sore. x
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    Holy moly! Giant puddle of sweat on the floor!! :p HRM said I burned 590 calories in 45 minutes, and I even skipped some of the level 1 drills. My quads were already a bit sore from the fit test yesterday so I know I didn't push as hard as I could have... but what a workout!

    I'm an evening exerciser usually and I still felt like I had low energy, especially compared to the people in the video. I'm hoping more will come with time.

    It was nice knowing that other people were doing the same workout today while struggling through those basketball jumps. :)
  • pinkdimonds
    I'm on day 4 of insanity! :) all i can say is... insane!! but loving it :)
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Way to go HurricaneShanna! Those basketball jumps were nasty!

    Just did the cardio power & resistance, even though it was slightly shorter than yesterdays I still feel as if I may have died somewhere along the way... in a good way though :smile:
    Its quite nice to KNOW that the workout is doing something (as in I can definitely feel myself working), all those sore muscles will not be in vain!

    Good luck for today everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • Mbeforethes
    Mbeforethes Posts: 51
    Good job guys!! :smile:

    Found myself waking up at 5am this morning, so got up and my Cardio Resistance - pure evil!!! But in a good way.

    Love the way the 40 mins just flies by with all the circuits, just when you think you've nothing left to give, a quick drink, and bam - you're doing it all over again but faster!!

    Wasn't too enthusiastic about this mornings session but am looking forward to tomorrow's.

    Good luck everyone, keep up the great work :bigsmile:
  • lynnmarsh52
    lynnmarsh52 Posts: 116 Member
    Have bought mine, but still waiting for it to come in the post! U.S. to Australia - not sure how long it's going to be!!!! Have to say though, I'm feeling quite excited!!! I really want to challenge myself, but slightly scared about the fact that I may have many days where I am not actually able to stand up, let alone walk!!! lol Look forward to joining in with you all!!

    Keep up with the good work everyone! :o)
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    Nice job ladies-got my workout in this morning too. The time does fly by! Fun but in an evil way.

    I need more practice doing fast pushups, for now I just did about half as many slower with good form.

    Sore quads and back- going up and down 3 flights of stairs at work is gonna be funny today!
  • Mbeforethes
    Mbeforethes Posts: 51
    Morning all....

    Boy, was I glad for a recovery day today - though I actually found some of the exercises harder - much more muscle burn tho was nice not to be panting throughout the workout LOL. Enjoyed the yoga stretching, and my 8 year old even joined in, bless her!!

    Managing to maintain my weight, which I'm pleased about - but have managed to reduce my body fat by 1% already!! Yay!! Bodes well for day 60!!

    Hope the stairs didn't cause you too much grief Hurricane Shaunn, and that your dvd's arrive soon lynnmarsh52.

    Managed to persuade my husband to massge my poor weary muscles yesterday and it really helped - def recommend.

    Hope you all have a great day. x
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Well, recovery was definitely a change of pace. but ooo my muscles were BURNING! Which was good cos I sometimes can get a bit bored while stretching and doing non-fast moving stuff but I did feel like I was working my muscles :smile:

    Mbeforethes congrats on the 1% reduction! :drinker:

    HurricaneShaunna i think the pushups will get faster as we all improve, I couldn't go nearly as fast as they could and still keep the correct position especially without collapsing half way though. I lack upper body strength, hopefully all these pushups and planks will improve that :smile:
  • currlygirrl
    currlygirrl Posts: 82 Member
    So I took pictures and measurements today.....I'm excited to see the changes when I get even to day 60! My goal is to reduce my BF% to a healthier range.

    I have to agree with the recovery comments, my mucles were BURNING! and my arms felt like noodles all day after that. I hope that means when I'm done they will have some better definition. :happy:
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    WOW just finished the pure cardio workout. I sure was glad when I saw the grey bit moving along the bottom of my screen toward me! Felt like a good workout though, less repetition of the exercises than in the other workouts which was nice.

    On another note, I measured my waist again today and I have already gone down 1/2 inch! How exciting! :bigsmile:

    Have a great day everyone and keep up the good work!
  • Mbeforethes
    Mbeforethes Posts: 51
    Totally agree with your comments LU123, and 1/2 an inch is pretty impressive - now where did I put that tape measure lol.

    Pure Cardio - phew, 30mins with no respite, but as usual the time flew by. I love the way that no matter how fit the guys on the dvd look - they are all out of breath and having a hard time, even Shaun T - gives me hope I'm not as unfit as I thought I was, and that gasping for air the whole way through is quite normal!!

    Still enjoying it but must say I'm looking forward to a day off on Sunday.

    Good luck today everyone, keep burning those lbs and/or %'s x
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    1/2 inch already is awesome! What are you guys doing for a calorie range? I'm trying to keep it between 1200-1500 net calories, but I usually end up at or over my AMR one day a week. By the math that should work out to .75-1 pound a week which would be great.

    My quads actually weren't as bad as I expected on the stairs. It was more of a pain around the knee instead of in the quad which is good because I need to strengthen those knee stabilizing muscles. Legs are feeling pretty good today considering all those lunges and squats!

    My obliques are feeling it after that recover move yesterday- that was fun! I really enjoyed the cardio today. It was challenging but I felt like I had a lot more energy. It is nice knowing that even the fit ppl in the video need to take breaks!

    I won't have a chance to work out tomorrow so I'm switching the rest day to tomorrow and will do plyo on Sunday.

    Have a great weekend!
  • currlygirrl
    currlygirrl Posts: 82 Member
    1/2 an inch is definately awesome! Good work.
    I agree that seeing the people in the video about to collapse really does make me feel better about the breaks I have to take. I'm starting the second week and I think that it was a little easier the second time, hopefully I can master this DVD......we'll see.
  • Zelsawaf
    Zelsawaf Posts: 111 Member
    Ya, pure cardio is no joke! They really work you! Glad to see everyone is having so much success and enjoying themselves so far. I'm holding off on the measurements and all that good stuff till my official weigh-in day Tuesday
  • Mbeforethes
    Mbeforethes Posts: 51
    Cardio Plyo really wipes me out - too much work in close proximity to the floor - way too tempting to collapse in a heap on the floor when the energy levels are starting to dip. Scales have told me I've lost another 1% body fat - so that's 2% in this first week (not sure how accurate the scales measurement is), though I'm up 1lb at the mo - not too worried tho as trying to maintain weight rather than lose (hence weighing myself most days to keep an eye on what's happening. Sure I can drop that over the weekend dropping my cals a little.

    Hurricane Shaunn, I'm looking at 1500 - 1600 cals a day, but as my aim is to tone rather than lose then I guess it would be a bit higher.

    Must say I'm looking forward to rolling over tomorrow when my body clock wakes me up to exercise at 5am, instead of jumping out of bed - but I'm sure I'll feel quite lost without doing it.

    Good luck all with the workout's and have a great day off today Hurricane Shaunn, and tomorrow everyone else. Looking forward to seeing how well you've done on Tuesday Zelsawaf. Week one done people, yay us!! :drinker:
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Well I was unwell yesterday:sick: stupid body :grumble: so I didnt do the plyo, I did is this morning. But i am still feeling alittle fragile so I took it easy and skipped a few of the exercises... so less of a calorie burn but I'm still very glad I did SOMETHING!

    Hope everyone is having a nice day off
  • Mbeforethes
    Mbeforethes Posts: 51
    Hope you're feeling better LU123 :flowerforyou:

    Feeling quite wiped out, tho not sure I'm getting enough sleep. My youngest was poorly last night so ended up in our bed which is extremely rare, still woke at 5 ut snoozed a little before embarking on the workout. Did ok though, am amazed that I can actually do press ups already, I've never been able to do more than one and whilt they're still a challenge I can certainly tackle what's needed so far. Amazing!!

    Question - I have a pure cardio & cardio abs disc in my set, and a seperate cardio abs disc. Can't see any reference to cardio abd on the planner without being pure cardio & cardio abs, am a little confused. Also, when we do pure cardio & cardio abs do we do the whole pure cardio work out and cool down and then the cardio abs - anyone know how much time they take together, ahven't had chance to look.

    Thx - good luch with power & resistance today all - keep digging deeper!! LOL xxx
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    Hope you're feeling better LU123!

    I ended up with two rest days since I got home too late to work out last night. I'm going to do resistance today as planned, and will try to add on as much of the plyo video as I can this afternoon as a "make up". That could be interesting! At least I am well-rested and nothing is sore anymore.

    My disc set has cardio abs separate, so I just assumed to do all of pure cardio (including the cooldown), then pop in the cardio abs. I wonder if yours are the same workout. I know with P90x, many of the weight days had a setting to do ab ripper right after the weight workout video ended and also had ab ripper as a separate disk.
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    Well I managed to do both videos and survived. I did all of the plyo video, then skipped the warmup/stretch of the strength video but did the rest of it.

    Those Level 1 drills are evil!