Starting Insanity



  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    I hadn't even noticed about the cardio abs thing before you mentioned it. How strange!

    Awww, thanks for the get wells guys! I am ill quite a lot though :frown: i'm hoping that getting fitter will help me not get sick so often.

    Did the power yesterday, felt really good afterwards but had to push through cos I had no motivation to do it!

    For the next two days I'm not at home, I've got to go back to university to do a couple of exams but I think I'm going to take the cardio recovery with me, I don't think my housemates would be too happy with me jumping around my room (and I don't trust the floorboards in that house!).

    Good luck all for pure cardio :happy:
  • Mbeforethes
    Mbeforethes Posts: 51
    Wow great effort HurrcaneShaunn, you go girl!!!

    God luck with the exams LU123.

    I've realy struggled all weekend and yesterday, I was absolutely exhausted and really grouchy. I was so tired last night that I had a quick protein shake as I went to bed, and wow what a difference. Even tho my littl'un was poorly last night and I was awake from 2 till 4.30, I still (almost) bounced out of bed at 6.00 and rocked the Pure Cardio, and really enjoyed it - as opposed to yesterday when I hated every minute.

    It was only then that I remembered that for the first fwe days I'd been having the protein shakes as a last meal, which I guess was fuelling me for the early starts - but had stopped cos I wasn't sure if it was upsetting my tummy (lactose & gluten intolerant - so v sensitive). Def won't be cutting them out again.

    Fired up and raring to go again!!!! BRING IT ON!!!!!

    Good luck today all - looking fwd to your results today Zelsaweb - fingers crossed they're awesome!!
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Great Mbeforethes, looks like the protein is really what your body wants. I'm gluten intolerant too but not too severe, I can handle a bit of gluten like in sauces but can't do pasta & bread etc, found it has really made a difference to how I feel cutting gluten out. I dunno how you cope with no gluten or lactose!

    I am SO annoyed though. Am up at University now but the netbook I took with me's disk drive doesnt work :sad: so i cant even do that little bit of cardio recovery. Might just do a few lunges, crunches, plank kinda stuff to keep up doing something. The only good thing here is I have to walk 15 mins to uni and back up and down steep hills and I was walking round uni for AGES today running errands so I burnt some calories!
  • Mbeforethes
    Mbeforethes Posts: 51
    Big hugs LU123:flowerforyou: , hope you manage to find someway to keep the momentum going.

    Just want to register how much I hate the drills, ab crunch thingys, and in out thingys on Plyo, was in a heap on the floor this morning. Made the mistake of having my protein drink with my eve meal yeasterday, and even though only a few hours before bedtime - really didn't feel the benefit this morning. Looks like bedtime protein is the only way for me to go.

    Re the gluten and lactose thing it's not so bad, what makes it slightly more difficult is that I can't do chicken eggs either, and most of the shop bought gluten free stuff has egg in it. Just means my diet is pretty plain, and therefore mostly healthy, so not a bad thing. Unless I can be bothered to make my own goodies that is. Have managed to adapt the elite nutrition plan really well so far, fingers crossed I don;t get too bored of it!!

    Hope everyone else doing well, good luck all - we're over the hump of week two!! xxx
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    My MIL and SIL both have celiac so I'm familiar with the gluten free lifestyle. It really is (especially in their case) a forced healthier diet. I can't imagine never drinking beer again though! I was doing decent with the elite meal plan, but I went grocery shopping yesterday while really hungry and bought chocolates and ice cream in addition to my healthy stuff. I had a little of it today and felt really really crappy. In a way I'm glad that I could see the difference in my body/energy right away, it's more motivation not to eat the junk in the future.

    I was dreading the Level 1 drills today. I don't mind the pushup/run/jump sets, but the ski abs and in-and-outs I can only do about half of. I wonder if I'll even be able to finish the whole set by the end of this month!

    Good job at least walking around Lu123. Everything counts!
  • Arkie_Ali
    Arkie_Ali Posts: 106 Member
    I just started last Thursday too. The stretching in Cardio Recovery really helped me with soreness from the day before.
  • Mbeforethes
    Mbeforethes Posts: 51
    Talking about eating naughty things, I was craving something sweet yesterday. Nearly had a small bag of Haribo's, figuring the fat content was negligible.....until I checked out the calories and realised at 300 cals for a handful of sweets they were equivalent to one meal. I dropped them so fast you'd have thought they burnt my fingers!!!

    On a different note, is anyone else struggling to keep their core tight throughout? I only realised yesterday how it feels to sucessfully keep my core tight when I got it right a few times. Guess it'll come with more practice and once the abs workouts kick in from tomorrow.

    Good luck all xxx
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    I have some trouble keeping it tight during fast plank stuff, like the plank runs and fast pushups, and those pesky Level 1 drills. The first few days my lower back was sore, and that was a big reminder I needed to keep my core in. It's been slowly getting easier.

    I tweaked something in my right knee during the pure cardio jumping lunges on Tuesday. It isn't really painful, but I've had some weakness on and off in it the past few days. Luckily it didn't bother me at all during the Power workout this morning.

    I'm starting to see some changes in my legs, waistline and arms which I am really excited about since it's only been 2 weeks!

    Really nice job putting down the Haribo's!
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Cor blimey guys! I did pure cardio and cardio abs today (only realised after I'd done the wrong day:blushing: lol) wowza my abs have definatly been worked, it was hard but I can def see myself improving the abs :)

    Yeah I have some trouble keeping the core tight, I get wrapped up in the exercise and getting it right that I forget.

    Yay hurricaneshauna glad you can see the changes! Hope you knee gets better soon :flowerforyou:

    Ooo haribo, been AGES since I've had that. God of you to resist, not sure I'd have been that strong!
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Just did the Fit test again because I'm not able to do it on Monday here are my results:

    Switch Kicks 100
    Power Jacks 55
    Power Knees 105
    Power Jumps 25
    Globe Jumps 9
    Suicide Jumps 16
    Push Up Jacks 33
    Low Plank Obliques 44

    So an improvement in all but the plank obliques... hmmm wonder what happened there :huh:

    Looking forward to seeing what you guys thought of cardio abs and your fit test results on Monday! Good luck guys :drinker:
  • Mbeforethes
    Mbeforethes Posts: 51
    Excellent job lu123:bigsmile:

    Well it's official, I am insane!!! I had a friend round last night, we finally finished chatting at 03.45am, and on consideration of the kids being awake in a few hours and that I'd have to get up at 6am to do my workout after a couple of hours sleep I decided to get changed and do the pure cardio and cardio abs there and then. Downed a banana and a protein drink and cracked on at 4am - it was getting light. Finally got to bed at 5.30am after a shower and the kids came in at 7.30am (thankfully my little boy didn't wake at 6am like he's been doing recently!!) more than a little tired on 2 hrs kip, feeling ever so slightly nauseus but incredibly virtuous!!

    O...MG!!!! Core abs is vicious in places:explode::noway: , but boy can you feel it working. Managed most of it but the C position, knees in then lift legs up thingy - NOT A HOPE!!! Hopefully will come with time. Expected to have really sore abs this morning, guessing that'll be tomorrow!! Tempted to do the abs workout more frequently than scheduled but guess Shaun T knows what he's talking about, don't want to overdo it!!

    Found the 'tight core' thingy easier this time, still not totally there but can finally feel the difference and how it should be done, makes a big difference with that tight core I've kind of been ignoring cos I couldn't get the hang of tightenening it - all good, yay!! :laugh:

    After reporting back last week that my 1% bf loss had become a 2% loss it instantly went back up to a 1% loss which was disconcerting. Tried the scales this morning and has gone from a 1% loss to a 3% loss, will stay open minded tho as only the scales calc of it so guessing is not ver accurate. Seeing more definition in my arms and shoulders, and I 'm pulling my stretch jeans up often where they were a snug fit before - so think am definitely on the way.

    Great job this week all - keep up the good work, enjoy your rest day and catch up on Mon.

    Have a great weekend xxxxx :flowerforyou:
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    Wow, Mbeforethes- 4 am on no sleep! YOU are officially insane! I'm impressed.

    I switched the rest days around again and did a rest day yesterday, so I just finished Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs. I liked the abs- definitely easier than the P90x Ab Ripper, but still hard, especially the lift up part of the C curl things! I like all the oblique work too- hurts in a good way. Managed to make it through Pure cardio only pausing a few times on the push-up jacks, which is a big improvement!
  • Mbeforethes
    Mbeforethes Posts: 51
    Hi all

    Fit test results from this morning:

    Switch Kicks 58 62
    Power Jacks 60 64
    Power Knees 82 100
    Power Jumps 30 35
    Globe Jumps 10 12
    Suicide Jumps 13 15
    Push Up Jacks 22 25
    Low Plank Obliques 40 65

    Progress on all thankfully, wasn't really fired up so worried I'd do worse and scored on a blank sheet - was pleased to see improvements in all. Starting to get nervous about month two, it's coming up fast!!

    Good luck all, keep sweating & smilin xxx
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    Switch Kicks 65 57
    Power Jacks 52 61
    Power Knees 109 116
    Power Jumps 36 35
    Globe Jumps 9 11
    Suicide Jumps 16 19
    Push Up Jacks 17 19
    Low Plank Obliques 54 74

    Huge improvements on a few things, but a decrease in switch kicks and power jumps. I also wrote them down on a blank sheet so I couldn't compare and I was pretty surprised. I know that my power jumps were good form today and were NOT last time so I wasn't too worried about that. But the switch kicks seems crazy low. I did make a note that I wasn't paying attention the first set and could have lost count, so that might explain it. I'm excited to retest again in two weeks and see if those two change.

    It was nice to see that I didn't feel as un-recovered in between testing sets today.
  • Mbeforethes
    Mbeforethes Posts: 51
    Great job HS, as you say I'm sure form improvement accounts for the drop in numbers.

    I'm really struggling today, and in a foul mood - really lost my mojo. Didn't start Plyo till 7am which is late for me, and before I'd even got through the workout I switched it off cos I was just going thru the motions, wasn't even nearly breaking a sweat.......will try and give myself a big kick up the behind today and get back on the horse tonight.........approach with EXTREME caution!!! :explode: :sad:
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    I'm struggling today too! I didn't get enough sleep, and feel like I am fighting a cold. I did the plyo workout this morning, but I definitely paused several times during the Level 1 drills. My energy was low and my right knee felt a little wonky again. AND I ate a small chocolate bar as a mid-morning snack. If I had found any ice cream in the freezer I probably would have had that for breakfast post-workout, luckily there wasn't anything else to tempt me. I have the hardest time with willpower when I am getting sick!

    Hope your day turns around M!
  • Mbeforethes
    Mbeforethes Posts: 51
    Thanks HS, feeling better now - tho not excited by the prosepect of Plyo once I go home, will do it tho, come what may.

    Managed not to succumb to choc today, tho did have a big lunch and have been grazing all of my 'meals' all day at work, and chomping gum like it's going out of fashion. All afternoon cuold think of nothing but sweeties, but thankfully our work shop shuts quite early - tho I've not walked past the vending machine on my way home yet!!

    Hope you feel better soon and your cold is a 24 hous nasty that you'll soon be over xxxx
  • Mbeforethes
    Mbeforethes Posts: 51
    Got home last night and flaked, was in bed by 9.30pm - so got up and 5.30 this morning and caught up.....Plyo, Cardio & Abs....aaarrrgggghhhhh, just about made it thru but boy am I gonna ache tomorrow.

    Hope everyone else doing ok and your cold isn't feeling too bad HS. xxx
  • HurricaneShaunna
    HurricaneShaunna Posts: 61 Member
    M- wow, all 3? you are amazing! I haven't gotten full-on sick, just feel tired and run down and am craving carbs in a big way. I put in Pure cardio last night, and didn't even make it through the first set of the warmup before realizing I didn't feel up to it and it would be a bad idea to keep on going. Today I'm going to do Cardio recovery and then Pure Cardio as long as I have the energy after work.
  • Mbeforethes
    Mbeforethes Posts: 51
    Not feeling so amazing today - did the recovery yest morning and felt exhausted all day. Have eaten pretty much the same things for last three days and think something hasnt been agreeing with me, all bloated and headachy, so was in bed by 9ish again last night after falling asleep on the sofa and hoping I'll feel better through today, to feel like P&R session later on. Don't feel like eating though as not sure what to have, suspect could be peanut butter - though I've never had a problem with it before :0(

    Working from home today so may get chance to do insanity in the middle of the day if all goes well. Perhaps we're just at a point in the program where our bodies have got past the euphoria and excitement of all this training and are starting to rebel!!! Lets hope it passes quickly for both of us.

    Hope you feel brighter later xxx