LADIES who are 5'4'' or 5'5''



  • carobert95
    carobert95 Posts: 26
    My weight crept up to about 160 last fall thanks to depression. My normal, just coasting along, wouldn't mind losing, but ok if I don't and can eat whatever I want, weight was around 145. When I started getting healthy, I didn't care about the number on the scale at all... I just wanted to be fit enough to run a 5k. Then I joined MPF and had to put something in for my goal, and chose 135.

    When I got back down to somewhere around 150-145, I bumped it down to 130, because I hadn't seen much difference in the first 10 to 15 pounds I lost. But to be honest, I didn't see much difference in the 10-15 I gained, either. :laugh:

    Now, I'm 137, and really happy with it. There's still a few mushy parts I'd like less mushy, but I don't care about the scale again. I'm still aiming to lose .5 a week, but fitness is once again my primary focus. If I lose the mushy bits without losing another pound, that's just fine. Fitness wise? Got no problem running those 5ks now, and I'm training for 10k.

    I've been thin and even skinny before. As a kid, it was just a fast metabolism and in my early 30s it was a jaw problem that prevented me from eating normally. Now that I'm strong and fit and exercise like a fiend, I'm going to weigh more than I did then because I didn't have the muscle tone I have now, even if I get to the same size I once was.

    So... my advice is just to play it by ear. Re-evaluate your goal every 5 or 10 pounds. Take pictures, too. I don't always see the change in the mirror, but when I see photos, I think, "Hot damn! I look GOOOOOD!"

    Thanks every helpful :D
  • jjclem07
    jjclem07 Posts: 127 Member
    Depends, I would be happy at 170. I was 150 and couldn't go any lower do to my frame. I have a large bone structure and I build muscle very easy. So, the old method or scale of 120-135 +/- doesn't apply. I would set small mini goals and see where that takes you.
  • sbperry72
    sbperry72 Posts: 12
    Yes, good goal. I'm 5'4 1/2, medium to large frame, and my goal is about the same. I lost about 60 pounds 7 years ago (went from 180ish-123) but have gradually crept back up to 153. I've been at this for just a week and am aiming to get to 130-135.

    Don't get me wrong, it was great to be in tiny clothes at 123 lbs and I maintained that weight for a couple years. But, at least with my frame, genetics and base metabolism, it required a very active lifestyle, with as much exercise as an athlete. I was dancing, jogging and doing other exercise constantly and made lunch my main meal with just a light snack at dinnertime. I always went to bed with my stomach grumbling for more.

    Now that I'm older (running is very hard on my knees), married (so dinner is family time and I'd like to have a glass of wine with my husband every now and again), and have more responsibilities (so I can't get away to the gym for 2 hours a day), that's just not realistic. Looking back at pictures and clothes sizes (at 130-135 I was wearing a 6-8) and how I felt at different weights, I decided 130-135 is optimal for me at this stage in life and more realistic to get to and hopefully maintain while leading a normal life with moderate exercise and the ability to eat meals with family.

    My mom's also my height and build and has been very healthy right around that weight for all of her life so I figure it should be a natural set point, too.:smile:
  • carobert95
    carobert95 Posts: 26
    Depends, I would be happy at 170. I was 150 and couldn't go any lower do to my frame. I have a large bone structure and I build muscle very easy. So, the old method or scale of 120-135 +/- doesn't apply. I would set small mini goals and see where that takes you.

    I am exactly like you. i have a large bone structure and alot of muscle but i have all my fat in the hips. I find them to big. Im a size 9 in pants
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    I have a large frame (as a dr once told me when I was in the hospital prior to giving birth to me oldest- I've got a body made for birthing & carrying babies- LMAO!!) so my goal is 150-ish. I'll re-evaluate then and see how I feel.
  • I really want to be 120 or more likely 125 but do not go under 117.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I'm 5'4" (164cm) and am heading in the direction of 62kg (136ish pounds).
    But, I don't think I've been that size as an adult and I'm not sure how it will look, I may well be happy with about 70kg (just over 150 pounds I think). I'm planning to see how I feel once I get closer.
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    I'm 5'5", and currently 154ish. My body seems to enjoy being between 150-155lbs (have been here for years and it's always my sticking point after having kids), but my goal is135-140 with a medium frame.

    Before kids I was 125-135 and looked pretty good, though I was way less fit than I am now 20lbs heavier. Go figure. :D
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'm 5'5 and I'm shooting for 130 too! Weighed in this morning at close!!

    Sue :smile: x
  • Hootsmamma
    Hootsmamma Posts: 254 Member
    I'm 5' 4 1/2 too! Currenly I am way too heavy for my med frame (cw230, gw 135)--so I think you are " right on" in your target weight goal range. Best of luck to you!!
  • th1nkth1nmama
    th1nkth1nmama Posts: 158
    I'm 5'5" and my goal is 135. Yrs ago (10yrs ago) I was 138 at my lowest and I use to think I was fat all the time! What I wouldn't kill to be there again! LOL
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    I like to refer to myself as pushin 5'5" : ) I have a small frame. I started at 136lbs. (tho I have been up past 150) and my orginal maintenance goal was 125lbs. I reached that and kept going till my body just said this is where I should be. My current maintenance goal is 115lbs and I've been maintaining for almost a year now I think. Now I typically weight b/t 110-112lbs. depending on the week. Much sucess on your journey!!! Just listen to your body is my best advice : )
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I am 5ft 4 and 142lb- I think up to 143/144 is "healthy" and I am not happy being the top end of the range!

    I would ideally like to lose 14lb but 10lb would be lovely.

    I was 9lb lighter when I got married 2 years ago (why do we all put weight on after our weddings?!) and want to get back to at least that for August/sept when we go on hols- at the moment I feel like a fat blob in a bikini and although I have never been skinny- I never had an issue with my body until now :(
  • joonieboo
    joonieboo Posts: 1
    Well i'm actually 5'4 and a 1/2 and weigh 155 lbs, around your weight.
    I weight mostly size 5-7 size jeans and medium sweatshirt is way too big for me.
    im not sure whether that's because my body size is a bit weird but i'm trying to get down to 110-115?
    Because people like me, it takes a lot of weight loss to see that i've lose weight.

    Good luck!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I work in kg, so this will sound weird... No round numbers!

    I started losing weight at around 154, then stopped around 132 for a while. At 132 I still have a double chin, and my waist was still two sizes bigger than my hips.

    Just after Christmas I decided to aim for 121 and I got there pretty easily. For me, the bottom of my range is a BMI of 20 because less can affect your fertility.

    Goal weights can change and you can always go lower/higher later.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I'm 5'5" and my goal is 140 lbs and a flat tummy...if I get there and the tummy hasnt budged I will go a bit lower but now lower that 130 - 135lbs....I have a medium frame and the last time I was 125 pounds was in my teens and I was hipless and boobless so I gave myself some extra pounds for the lady bits lol (hoping I get to keep them). I'm aiming for a curvery frame but toned so I dont mind a couple extra pounds once its all within a healthy ranges, some prefer a more athletic looking body so it depends and what you want....
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    I'm 5'5" - thought I was 5-4 but recently measured myself - and my goal is 145. I don't know what a realistic goal for me since I haven't been under 160 my entire adult life. I'm aiming for 145 and I'm going to see how I feel from there. If I feel like I'm OK weight wise I'll probably emphasize toning and see where that takes me.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    I'm 5'4 medium frame, started at 145ish now 130-131 with a goal of 125. I'll reassess at that point. I want to be in the 120's but nicely toned with muscle definition so I may need to go lower to reduce body fat percentage or it may be fine being higher.
  • I'm really closer to 5'3, but I say 5'4 ;) A doctor once told me if I were perfectly proportioned I would weigh 120, but I have a "large" body frame and 125-130 is really a lot more comfortable for me. Try not to focus on the number, but more on how clothes fit and your muscle mass. Good luck!
  • mathergirl
    mathergirl Posts: 16 Member
    I am 5' 4 and startedst 145, I am currently at 133-132 and have not lost anything for a month. I would love to get to 130 bit my original goal was 135 so maybe I am already at my goal.
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