Good morning fellow geek girls!

dhammond5 Posts: 34 Member
My name is Darla and I am trying to lose 25 pounds by memorial day weekend. I have 17 down and workout every day! I am a huge geek or you could say nerd. I love video games, read 500 pages a week, wherther is book or comic form, and costume. I have three kids and have not felt comfortable in my skin, even when I was a size five. Now that I have years and look back I am more comforatble , but am not happy that I have gained so much. Being a nerd is not always the lifestyle to lead to be a healthy weight and my goal is to fit in my costumes and actually let people take pictures of me instead of hiding. I am proud of the work I have done on those costumes, and I look at my weight the same way. I am proud of it.
Now the hardest part I have found is not having enough support. Everyone talks about losing it but when you talk about it, they have this look that makes you feel bad that you are. I had to get over the fact that others were not always going to high five me for that next pound, and do it for myself. The only way I have gotten through is a couple friends support and myself. I hope that everyone does well and would be more then happy to help support other geek girls in their efforts.



  • DarthBubbles
    DarthBubbles Posts: 138
    Hi, feel free to add me, if you'd like....I'm a fellow nerd :)
    Welcome :bigsmile:
  • stepherjensen
    stepherjensen Posts: 49 Member
    Geek Girls Unite!!
  • HurricaneJulia
    I was chubby my whole life and being one of the "weird kids" in school, I never really got into the athletic activities or anything for fear of being ridiculed. I also love the nerdier things in life (anime, video games, books, documentaries, what have you) and I am in a similar boat as far as weight loss goals. My weight has gone up and down from my highest at 180 when I was 17, though I recently made some concrete changes in my diet and began to faithfully exercise 5-6 times per week. I understand how foreign it feels to crave physical activity and how it is not always easy to feel comfortable around the people who have been athletic throughout their lives. I'll send a friend request your way and we can feed off of each other's motivation (:
  • r99samigrl
    r99samigrl Posts: 25
    Even though us nerdy girls are used to being ignored or teased, we need support for lifestyle changes like diet and exercise. I am a sci-fi/anime/gamer girl (and also loves punk rock) so I've spend most my days as an outsider or as "one of the guys." I am here to offer support if you would like to add me and good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • Colfiii
    Colfiii Posts: 124 Member
    hi :)) ... wellcome and feel free to add me too :smile:
  • EliseLives
    EliseLives Posts: 50 Member
    Yay geek girls! And I want to lose 20 pounds so it is awesome to hear you achieve what you have in the time you have. I am new too! If the no-photo wasn't obvious, haha.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    Geek girls rule! I have around 50 to lose >.> But I know I can do it! Feel free to add me!
  • Nharah
    Nharah Posts: 42 Member
    "nother geek girl here! I just started here myself and am more than willing to cheer you on! Feel free to add me...
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    omg i'm soooo a geek too. i am addicted to video games and i LOVE cant overstate that LOVE Star Wars! i am a big space, science geek too.

    i play call of everyone does..but i love all sorts of games..except sports games.
  • inatay7
    inatay7 Posts: 141
    Looking for support and a new friend?? That's me!! :)

    Fellow nerd right here, books books books gimme more
  • simone74
    simone74 Posts: 13
    Geeky girl here too. Though I gave up video games to find a healthier lifestyle for myself, I do appreciate the geekier things in life.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Darla eh? ? You didn't sire Angel by any chance? Heheh! Another lifelong geek here too - and more than happy to have lots of fellow geeky-peeps as friends!

    Re; the school thing...are there any of us who *weren't* outsiders at school? I used to be bullied something rotten, and was always called weird. I probably didn't help myself though, by saying, "Actually I think you mean *wyrd*....oh - don't you understand that?". Cue Batman-style biffs and thwacks! Being a geek in school, *and* a smug git definitely didn't help me! Especially given that I was at school in the '60s and '70s - women were expected to be in training to be housewives, not starship captains!

    Good to see there are so many of us here though! Rawr!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Geeky girl here too. Though I gave up video games to find a healthier lifestyle for myself, I do appreciate the geekier things in life.

    Give up videogames? Unthinkable!! (Esp. as my partner works in the games industry!) I'll have you know, I have the most toned thumbs of anyone I know! :laugh:
  • simone74
    simone74 Posts: 13
    Geeky girl here too. Though I gave up video games to find a healthier lifestyle for myself, I do appreciate the geekier things in life.

    Give up videogames? Unthinkable!! (Esp. as my partner works in the games industry!) I'll have you know, I have the most toned thumbs of anyone I know! :laugh:

    Yeah believe me, it's been rough. But I found that video games (MMOs mostly) were a factor in my sedentary lifestyle. I'll be back some day but just gotta my health under control for now. :)
  • ales1979
    ales1979 Posts: 269 Member
    Yup Yup geeky/ nerdy here too!! Love to learn ANYTHING!! At the moment I'm learning a new, healthy and happy lifestyle thanks to this site, moving around more and therapy (yay!! therapy!!)

    The support on here is GREEEEEAAAATTTTT so I'm sure you'll find what you need here, I'm gonna friend you too!! I've been logging for 10 days and i already have over 30 ppl in my friends list, who really are FRIENDS. they boost you when yr down, they cheer you on when you've done great and congratulate you when you get the results.

    Theres lots of mini-challenge groups going on all over the message boards too! A great way to get some comeradery going and to give that bost you need to get yr butt into gear (I know I need it kicking some days!)


    A xx
  • KaizokuNoMaiku
    I feel left out T^T geek boys have feelings to :P
    Fitness/Cardio is addicting like anny MMO its your own personal real life RPG ^^ going up in stats and losing weight etc.
  • Procellifer
    Procellifer Posts: 16
    As a fellow geek girl I salute you! Feel free to add me :)
  • ales1979
    ales1979 Posts: 269 Member
    I feel left out T^T geek boys have feelings to :P
    Fitness/Cardio is addicting like anny MMO its your own personal real life RPG ^^ going up in stats and losing weight etc.

    Would that make it an RLRPG ? cool! interesting concept! I like it!! Playing my own RLRPG! :D Thanks Mike :D
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Chalk up another geek girl here! There's no question mammoth gaming sessions (computer/board - you name it) with accompanying booze and pizza helped my weight gain no end!
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Fellow geek!! I love reading (including graphic novels) and am a killer for geek tv. I had a Dr Who Marathon (started at 5.30am right through until 7pm) for the Easter weekend Dr Who episode on TV. :)