Hot by holloween!

Ok, so i need to lose 40 lb. by Halloween. I say Halloween because my goal is to be down to 135 in time for my cruise in December. I really only need to loose 35lb but I'm going to account for thanks giving so that is the reason behind the 40 lb. by Halloween lol. So I want to start a healthy eating and exercise group that would like to be Hot by Halloween. So if you have 40 lb. or so to loose and would like to be Hot by Halloween please feel free to join me. Now I work out 5 days a week but my problem is eating healthy. My husband is a chef so I eat good lol. It is so hard to not eat what him and the kids eat. So please let’s help each other!!


  • angelskye6
    angelskye6 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm in!!! I need to lose 40+ lbs and goals are great for me, too. :-)
  • happyhappyjoy72
    Awesome!! Let's weight in Tomorrow morning then every two weeks their after. I know if I weight in every week and don't see the scale go down I get discouraged lol
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am so in for this ! I have lost 37 so far and would love to loose 40 by Halloween ! I have another 74 to go now !
  • happyhappyjoy72
    Awesome!! I hope we can get more to join!! So let's weigh in tomarrow and do this!!
  • js775219
    js775219 Posts: 98
    I'm in, Halloween is my annual pilgrimage back to my alma matter in Washington DC, I would like to lose 45 lbs by then, that would bring me to Onderland and my lowest adult weight ever (although every pound I lose after 238 is my lowest "adult weight" that I remember! LOL) I would also like to complete the Couckto5k program by then too. So 2 goals.
  • happyhappyjoy72
    This is great!! I'm going to take a before pic and try to post it so have something to look back on after this is all over with. I know if we all stick together and help each other with healthy eating and motivational support we can do this!!
  • Emalyn
    Emalyn Posts: 60
    I'm in, too!!! I've lost 8 pounds, and need to lose 40 more. I was hoping to be able to wear a nice bathing suit this year, but Halloween seems like a better goal, hehe!! I'm totally in - I should go on the treadmill now. xD

    I'll be weighing in tomorrow and post. :)
  • happyhappyjoy72
    Well this sucks, I gained back one lb over the weekend. So my weight in today is 170. I need to kick this into high gear if I want to loose 40lb by Holloween.

    SW 170 5/10/11
    Mini GW 165 5/24/11
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    I'm in!
    I have 34lbs to lose and would like to have lost it by Halloween a that is when hopefully me and my boyfriend are going on our first holiday.
    My problem is I can't exercise so I'm doing this strictly by eating healthy.

    I weighed myself yesterday morning and always weigh Mondays so if it's ok I'll go with my weigh in from yesterday and just update you every Monday.
    Yesterday I weighed in at 172.4 - a weight loss of 0.7lbs from last Monday. I'm ok with that as I had a bad week eating out and went to a few parties so I know this week will be better! :)
  • StrongerMomto7
    StrongerMomto7 Posts: 1,158 Member
    I'm in! I have 65 more lbs to reach my goal. :)
  • happyhappyjoy72
    The more the merrier!! If you want to weigh in on Mondays that is fine!! My problem is eating healthy, I suck at that. So if i can do that then i will have this made. No gym if going to be hard, so I'm here for you!!
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    It must be hard for you with a husband as a chef too! You can do it though!!
    It is very hard especially as I have the fitness bug in my mind but can't do anything about it. I feel like I NEED to exercise but not allowed and everyone on here is so happy exercising! ha ha!
    Never mind, come October I should be slowly easing myself back into fitness. Yay!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I weighed in this morning at 199.0 and i woud love to loose 40 pounds by halloween !
  • Emalyn
    Emalyn Posts: 60
    Well this sucks, I gained back one lb over the weekend. So my weight in today is 170. I need to kick this into high gear if I want to loose 40lb by Holloween.

    SW 170 5/10/11
    Mini GW 165 5/24/11

    I'm with you, then!! My starting weight as of today is also 170 - WE CAN DO THIS!!! :) 130 here we come, baby!!

    I weighed in today and at first it said 169.5, but then I tried it again and it said 170.0! Tricksy little scale. So - starting weight: 170
  • happyhappyjoy72
    Ok I have been at this for 16 days and it feels like I’m starving myself and working my tail off and I’m not losing anything!! My side has been hurting for about three weeks now and today it really hurts!! UGH!! I’m getting really frustrated here, help!!! Today I had Mc Donald’s for breakfast (not cool) and I just want to cry!! I just feel like I’m getting up at 5:30 am and busting my hump at the gym for nothing.:sad:
    Sorry for the rant!
  • Emalyn
    Emalyn Posts: 60
    Don't be sorry for the rant, we all feel like that. Do not starve yourself!! Eating enough food can boost your metabolism. If you starve yourself, your body will latch onto any food that enters your body and hang onto it, but it won't be so greedy if you give it some more. :) Have you thought about maybe trying a different exercise?

    I've flubbed up and eaten McDonalds a couple times, too. I know it isn't good, but I try to stay within the calorie limits. Sometimes there's no time to grab anything else.

    Have you been doing any strength training or exercises? Your body could be building muscle, and therefore you aren't losing weight, you're staying the same or more by gaining muscle. I don't know much about this stuff, but I'm sorry you're a little stuck right now!!

    People say that pain is good after exercise. I say it is too, but to a point. If your side is hurting that bad, maybe you could try an exercise less strenuous? Do you have access to a stationary bike?

    Don't get discouraged - you can do it!!
  • rjvt006
    rjvt006 Posts: 146 Member
    Count me in for the Halloween fun:devil:
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    If you're hurting that badly you should take a break from exercise to heal. Maybe you've over done it and strained a muscle.
    I'm not exercising at all and have lost 8 lbs in about 3 weeks just from eating healthy so maybe switch it up a bit?
    Try not exercising so you heal and just eating healthy, even if it means eating different from your family. It's working for me! :)
    You know you can do it, I can see more hurdles in front of us. If we get the momentum we can just jump straight over them and keep going! :happy:
  • happyhappyjoy72
    Good morning all!! I hope all is going well!! I took today off from the gym to rest. Tomorrow I will just do a little stretching and maybe walk on the treadmill. I did lose 2 in from my waist and 1in in my hips:smile:
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    Woohoo! Well done!