Hot by holloween!



  • Emalyn
    Emalyn Posts: 60
    Yayyy Cammons! And - no! You won't need kernels to cover you up! Good job, I wish I had your strength.
  • cammons
    cammons Posts: 126 Member
    The Corn on the Cob costume idea came from Instructables last was so cute but I didn't have a (working) sewing machine at the time so I couldn't do it. (

    If you're looking for ideas you should totally check out the Halloween Costume section at
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I have lost another pound to be at 195.0 i would like to dress up as something cute and creative this year to hand candy out to the kids in my neighborhood ! Maybe dress up as a princess or something !
  • Happyhappy352
    You are all AWESOME!! I wish I had your strength!! I can’t seem to get my act together. I don’t know if I’m depressed because my son is leaving this Saturday for college or if it’s because I can’t work out like I want because of my side muscle problem or maybe both. I go back to the doctor today but it is still hurting so I know what he is going to say. Maybe I will go to my Chiropractor and see if he can help. I know I got to get out of this slump!!! Sorry for the rant, I’m done!
  • Emalyn
    Emalyn Posts: 60
    You are all AWESOME!! I wish I had your strength!! I can’t seem to get my act together. I don’t know if I’m depressed because my son is leaving this Saturday for college or if it’s because I can’t work out like I want because of my side muscle problem or maybe both. I go back to the doctor today but it is still hurting so I know what he is going to say. Maybe I will go to my Chiropractor and see if he can help. I know I got to get out of this slump!!! Sorry for the rant, I’m done!

    I haven't been "with it" much either. I can't seem to exercise consistently and I just feel out of it. But keep holding on, you'll get through it! I hope the hurting subsides. My sister is leaving me in a week in a half. I know it isn't a child, but changes are always hard. Make sure to call him all the time and bug the heck outta him! :)

    Cammons: The corn on the cob costume is cute! I can never decide on costumes, and I don't really do anything on Halloween anymore. But I should just dress up for the fun of it. Thanks for the link! :)
  • Happyhappy352
    Well doctor says I have a ruptured abs muscle and I can go back to the gym but I have to take it easy. No abs exercises, no cardio kickboxing, I can do my elliptical just at a lower resistance and if it starts to bother me then cut back on the time. I just have to take baby steps but at least I have the green light!!
  • Emalyn
    Emalyn Posts: 60
    That's good! :) Just regular walking can help a lot, too. I wish I had access to an elliptical! I hope your baby steps turn into huge leaps soon.
  • cammons
    cammons Posts: 126 Member
    Happy-- Make sure to get plenty of will help with the healing.
  • cammons
    cammons Posts: 126 Member
    This evening I planned out every workout from now until the end of October. They are in my planner and all they need are the times which I will assign week by week so I can work things into my schedule. I'm hoping to have some time this weekend to move everything into my Google Calendar and set alarms for workouts....that should sync with my phone so that even if I don't have my planner with me (yes, I still keep a paper planner) I still know what to do!

    One thing I've learned is that if I don't actually schedule (with a time!) a workout it won't necessarily happen.
  • LaurelleV
    LaurelleV Posts: 5 Member
    Hi guys,

    I need to lose about 40lbs by halloween time too, as I'm off on the trip of a lifetime at the beginning of November! I'm going to join you guys in the challenge, if that's ok?!

    Laurelle x
  • cammons
    cammons Posts: 126 Member
    You found us! I was just looking up the link to send your way. Welcome!
  • Emalyn
    Emalyn Posts: 60
    This evening I planned out every workout from now until the end of October. They are in my planner and all they need are the times which I will assign week by week so I can work things into my schedule. I'm hoping to have some time this weekend to move everything into my Google Calendar and set alarms for workouts....that should sync with my phone so that even if I don't have my planner with me (yes, I still keep a paper planner) I still know what to do!

    One thing I've learned is that if I don't actually schedule (with a time!) a workout it won't necessarily happen.

    That's a really good idea. I always look at the hours that MFP wants me to put in for exercise and stuff...but I never really plan to do it at certain times. I'm just like "oh, I'll go on the treadmill tomorrow", and that hardly ever works. Good for you...I should do the same. *Grabs calendar*
  • cammons
    cammons Posts: 126 Member
    One thing that a friend taught me was that you need to be sure that you have your workouts on each of the calendars that you use will do you no good to write a workout on the kitchen calendar if your primary calendar is the one on your phone. While it may seem a little awkward to have your workouts written on your work calendar it definitely helps me when I'm scheduling meetings which can seem to happen at any time.

    The calendar on my Palm syncs with my Google calendar which also syncs with the calendar on my work computer which syncs with the calendar on my iPod. That way all I have to do is sync (by hand) my daily paper planner with the bathroom family calendar and my Google Calendar which sends the info out to my electronic calendars.

    In typing this I realize two things: 1. I have way too many calendars. 2. It sounds like way more work than it really is.
  • Emalyn
    Emalyn Posts: 60
    Hahaha woah. Yes, that's a lot of calendars. I have one above my desk and one on my iPod, but I don't use my iPod much except for exercise music. xD It sounds like a good idea then, cause you have calendars from all angles pretty much yelling at you to do your exercise. My schedules are really unpredictable, so I can never set a time, but I bet it would work if I had that many calendars. Teeheehee! But my exercises are kinda boring - treadmill or stationary bike. I have a tiny step climber thing, but I always tire of it really quickly. I gotta go biking outside sometime...
  • cammons
    cammons Posts: 126 Member
    It's always much easier to get exercise in when you can do it outside. I bet I'd even like strength training if we could do it outside....then again that would be a really bad idea, Cleveland weather isn't a good match for outdoor weight lifting! :D

    I don't schedule times until the week, sometimes two days in advance. I don't know what I'm doing on Wednesday of this coming week let alone the third Wednesday in August but knowing what I should be doing helps me to assign an actual time frame a few days beforehand. I can't be trusted to "fit it in".
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    Well after everything that's happened recently and the fact that my operation was canceled on 8th June my October deadline is no longer valid really. I doubt there will be a holiday for me and my partner as soon as October now as I have to wait for more tests, the results and then another appointment for an operation.
    I will still attempt to get to my goal wait by October though as life must go on!
    Hope everyone's been having a great few weeks!
  • Emalyn
    Emalyn Posts: 60
    Eeeek! I'm so excited! I weigh myself every other Wednesday now (ever since two weeks ago). This morning I weighed myself and found out that I lost 5 pounds in the last two weeks. :) Maybe the October deadline is actually possible!
  • cammons
    cammons Posts: 126 Member
    @Phoenix---How long before you can get another surgery date? Hope that the tests go well and they don't make you wait too long.

    @Emalyn---That is an excellent loss, way to go!
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    Well done Emalyn!

    @Cammons I'm not sure how long it is before I can get another date. I know there was a woman in the bed next to me at the hospital who had her original date in January and had to have hers cancelled because her blood pressure rose too high on the operating table to continue safely with the op. They gave her a date for 6 months later. I'm in the same position now so I hope it's not in 6 months :(
    My first date was 23rd Feb which was canceled because of funding, 2nd date was 8th June, canceled because blood pressure was too high and was having heart palpitation but I'm pretty sure it's just because I was so anxious about finally having the op. I really hope I get this one asap, at least so I know I can have a fixed hip in time for Halloween would be nice :)
  • cammons
    cammons Posts: 126 Member
    Alright, hamstrings are SCREAMING! I've been upping the weight at the gym when I do my dead lifts the last few weeks and although I still feel like I could lift more at the time I can barely raise my foot behind me for days and days afterwords. Last week they were sore for a full five days! I took yesterday off from working out (I was scheduled to run for 30 min) but I was up and walking around until 2:00am so at least I wasn't sitting on the COUCH OF DOOM! I'll make up the run today before I visit with my trainer.

    I was hoping to see the show that my husband's kids are doing today at the School of Rock where he works (he's been doing a summer camp all week) but I just got a call from a contractor at work that will finally (if he knows what's good for him) show up to work on the internet so I suppose that's out, which is a real bummer. It does work out in a way, my trainer couldn't reschedule for tomorrow morning so we can have our last appointment together at our regular time.

    Given that I will have a little spare time on my hands here this afternoon I'm going to take my measurements. I know I should probably have done this when I started but it's such a pain in the butt that somehow I never get around to it. :( It would have been really nice to have measurements from five weeks ago before I started with my trainer to compare to, I'm much stronger and I haven't lost a huge amount of weight through this whole time so I'd like to pretend that something about me is improving.