

  • RENEA72
    RENEA72 Posts: 3 Member
    First name: Char
    Height: 5'4
    Starting weight: 123.8
    Goal weight by 7/4/11: 117
    What are you doing to get bikini ready?Cardio 60min/5xweek, cutting down on carb and sugar intake
    Bikini picked out? Yes several so I better get busy(:
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    Username: Momof3babes
    First Name: Haley
    Height: 5'6"
    SW: 150
    GW: 138
    What are you doing to get bikini ready? 30 day shred 6x per week: 5k training 5x per week; push up challenge
    Do you have a bikini picked out yet? Nope, but I'd love to go shopping if I hit my goal!!

    Hey! Momof3babes

    I saw that you're doing the 30 day shred 6x a week and I was listening to one of Jillians podcast and she reccomended going the shred at most 4 times a week. Because you need your muscles to relax in between days so they have a chance to rest and build:)
    I'm going the pushup challange as well! What week are you on? My friend and I are finishing the first week today !
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Ok- my starting weight is 168.8. I'm not happy about it but that's what the scale said. My goal to get down to 150 lbs is going to be one heck of a challenge is such a short amount of time but I am determined to get there!!

    I had a half day yesterday so with my extra time I did Level 1 of 30 Day Shred, Level 2 of Ripped in 30, 5 of 6 circuits of Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism and took my dog for a 45 minute walk. I am so happy I found this thread- just the motivation I need!
  • atlraine
    atlraine Posts: 172 Member
    What a great group ladies, I'm so excited for all of us!! I'll start working on our little excel layout that I'll be posting. In the meantime, get eating healthy, drinking lots of H2O and working out!!!!

    I am so EXCITED!!! I am taking the slow boat to losing weight and it is working for me. I did the 30 Day Shred challenge and it worked well for me. I am hoping this is motivation too.
  • atlraine
    atlraine Posts: 172 Member

    Hey! Momof3babes

    I saw that you're doing the 30 day shred 6x a week and I was listening to one of Jillians podcast and she reccomended going the shred at most 4 times a week. Because you need your muscles to relax in between days so they have a chance to rest and build:)
    I'm going the pushup challange as well! What week are you on? My friend and I are finishing the first week today !

    Seriously? Only four days a week? I did it every day and during March and saw results. I thought it was for 30 days every day?!? Wow, what an eye opener. Thanks for the tip!!!
  • amandal15
    amandal15 Posts: 108 Member
    Username: amandal15
    First name: Amanda
    Height: 5'6
    Starting Weight: 144.0
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 125.0
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? eating healthy, exercising!
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! not yet! Hope too soon!
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member

    Hey! Momof3babes

    I saw that you're doing the 30 day shred 6x a week and I was listening to one of Jillians podcast and she reccomended going the shred at most 4 times a week. Because you need your muscles to relax in between days so they have a chance to rest and build:)
    I'm going the pushup challange as well! What week are you on? My friend and I are finishing the first week today !

    Seriously? Only four days a week? I did it every day and during March and saw results. I thought it was for 30 days every day?!? Wow, what an eye opener. Thanks for the tip!!!

    I did it for 30 days straight too, in January. Who knew!?!? LOL
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    What a great group ladies, I'm so excited for all of us!! I'll start working on our little excel layout that I'll be posting. In the meantime, get eating healthy, drinking lots of H2O and working out!!!!

    Thanks for starting this!!! You rock!!
  • momof3babes
    momof3babes Posts: 103

    Hey! Momof3babes

    I saw that you're doing the 30 day shred 6x a week and I was listening to one of Jillians podcast and she reccomended going the shred at most 4 times a week. Because you need your muscles to relax in between days so they have a chance to rest and build:)
    I'm going the pushup challange as well! What week are you on? My friend and I are finishing the first week today !

    Seriously? Only four days a week? I did it every day and during March and saw results. I thought it was for 30 days every day?!? Wow, what an eye opener. Thanks for the tip!!!

    I did it for 30 days straight too, in January. Who knew!?!? LOL

    I didn't realize it was only 4 days...oops! Do you have a good push up challenge you would recommend?
  • momof3babes
    momof3babes Posts: 103
    Hey girls- thanks for that info.I didn't realize at all that 4 days/week was recommended. I guess I will need to back off a day or 2. I haven't started the push up challenge yet. Still looking around. Do you recommend one? I'd really like to tone up these arms!
  • kellylou1367
    kellylou1367 Posts: 91 Member
    Username: Kellylou1367
    First name: Kelly
    Height: 5'4
    Starting Weight: 150lbs
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 122
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? Have my fabulous food/exercise journal to record everything in and going to the gym 4-5 times a week doing cardio plans in my Women's Fitness magazine.
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! Not yet, but I'm going away in August so will definitely need one!
  • moremari
    moremari Posts: 119 Member
    is this impossible? 10 lbs. In 8 weeks?
    Username: moremari
    First name:mari
    Starting Weight:137
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11:127
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? Hiking, stationary bike (last 2 days)
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! Sittin' in my top drawer gathering dust :0(
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    is this a closed group?
  • jocelynrinear
    I want to join.

    username: jocelynrinear
    first name: Jocelyn
    Height: 5'8
    Starting Weight: 171
    Goal Weight: 160
    What am I doing: joined MFP end of March, Zumba, Turbo Fire and eating 1200 cal a day.
    YES! I have a bikini! I am going to San Diego July 9th so I want to look good!
  • Helen_Ch
    Helen_Ch Posts: 37 Member
    Can I join too?

    username: IamWillow
    first name: Helen
    Height: 5'6
    Starting Weight: Started at 140, now at 132
    Goal Weight: 128
    What am I doing: Chalean Extreme, Turbo Jam, running, step aerobics
    I've had a bikini in my closet for years, but have not felt confident enough to wear it. This is the year!!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    If not I'd like to join:

    username: acidaloha
    first name: Becca
    Height: 5'5
    Starting Weight: 117.4
    Goal Weight: 110
    What am I doing: stick to my calorie goals (except sundays), eat the right things, running 3 x a week, 6 week 6 pack when possible.
    Nope not yet! I want to reward myself with the VS Miraculous Bikini
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    Options is the challange. It'll probably take me about 7-8 weeks to complete, so it's a greAt time to start now! Even doing the challenge starting with girl pushups is great too.Whoever is interested we can all record our progress and motivate each other on here! Pushups work more than your arms! Sick core and legs WO too Look up all the benefits, it has "beach bod" written all over it!:) I just finished week one today with a partner! :) let's do this!
  • pixycats
    pixycats Posts: 62
    Username: pixycats
    First name: Becca
    Starting Weight:140
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 128
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? C210k 3 x week, group power and group centergy classes 2 x week, adding in a little hiking and biking for variety.
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! Not yet! I think I'll start looking at the end of this month as long as things keep going well!
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    Username: mtkautz
    First name: Michelle
    Height: 5'2"
    Starting Weight: 160.2
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 130
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready?
    HIIT training on elliptical 6x per week, 10k training (nike+ coach), Ab Ripper X 4x per week, 4 mile walk 4x per week
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?!
    YES!! Neon coral little number from Victoria's Secret, it's hanging on my closet door screaming for me to get in it!!!!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    This is great- I actually ran for 17 minutes yesterday. I'm not much of a runner but I love the calorie burn and the burning in my stomach. It's such a great feeling! We can do it ladies- BIKINI READY here we come!