"H20" Exploding the Pounds - 10 Week Challenge - Week 3



  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm going to go catch myself up and everyone's posts. BRB!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    JustJenn - Look at you kicking Asthma's *kitten*! Glad you got some great miles in. Hope your knees don't give you too much trouble.

    linemansgirl - 20 of straight running!

    Alegria - I haven't made up my mind about the haircut. :laugh: I'm 90% sure I'm going with the $60 place, but I'm still tempted to go to the $15 place because I finally got an honest review of the place (and it was favorable). As far as being crafty...I'm a crafty girl, but I'm not a sewing girl. I think I'm going to see if they fit my SIL (she's in the 6th grade and is officially taller than me, and I'm 5'7"). If that doesn't work out...then I'm going to have to think of a plan B.

    Nikstergirl - Boo to that wall of cold. I totally know what you mean about that! My college was in a coastal town and the store I worked at there had floor to ceiling windows and sometimes a wall of engulfing fog would just come in and take over everything, out of nowhere. That salad bowl planter sounds really cool! Is there a website for the product? I want to take a look at it. I'm so glad you got yourself the spiffy armband! I hope you love it.

    CrystalS - Those flowers are gorgeous! What are those pointy bell-like ones?

    JeninBelguim - I think you should totally add your swimming distances to your ticker!

    nursee - Very nice job with the bike mileage! I'm glad you got some sun. :) Good thoughts for your MIL.

    cenedria - Amazing job keeping up with your running.

    AprilVal - WOW 7 inches! That's a big big change. It looks cute! I'm totally cool with the two week challenges. Are we going to start a new thread for the new week and float the challenges over? Or keep the same thread alive for two weeks?

    Cazz - Hey there skinny minnie! Love the picture! I'm so glad you're hearing praise for your hard work. I imagine you're just full of happiness!

    emilysebastian - Howdy!

    elysetoplin - Congrats! That's awesome. :)

    mollybeslimmer - Nice to see you again!

    HI! Sorry I haven't been in here recently, just had a few days where I barely opened my computer. I guess that's a good thing, right? Had fun splurging my calories on food truck edibles on Saturday. The rest of the weekend was also nice. I need to get back into the habit of going to the track. My workout mojo is a on the lowdown right now. Just gotta pick that back up. Otherwise life is groovy!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh, and I've updated the spreadsheet and website. :)
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Pink - those flowers are Columbines. Aren't they pretty?

    I'm off to FL today. I hope I can relax and enjoy just hubs and I (and baby) without the other kidlets. :ohwell: I'll check in if I can while I'm there. Hopefully, I can make good choices and not blow myself out of the water while I'm there. :wink:

    Hope everyone had a lovely Wednesday!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member

    meet the newest member of my famliy.. she doesnt have a name yet. My niece thinks shes a Maine coon cat. If so im in for a real treat. if stewie doesnt get along with her.. i might be getting rid of him. he clawed me the otehr day inside my mouth. not fun. I wasnt happy.. and he keeps hissing at the new kitten. Notice the "m" on her forehead.. I think Im going to make her name start with M

    And Pinky.. I think we will have the same thread for 2 weeks. if thats ok
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    AprilVal - until I read your post I thought someone had written the "M" on the kitty! I assumed it would wash off and was to mark the cat as sold or something. It's pretty amazing! I'd definitely pick an "M" name - what a cutie :)
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Hello all! Been totally MIA this last week. It's been like 2 weeks of bad food choices and binges so I'm back up this week. I am proud that I've kept up with my running every other day plan. It's about the only thing though. Today's was a trial but I did it and survived to tell about it so yay!. Hope everyone week is going well. April that is an adorable kitten.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    CrystalS, Columbines...gotcha! I'm definitely going to have to look into getting those for my garden.

    April, cool beans on the two week thread. That kitten is so cute! She looks like a Marie or Madeline to me. :)

    cenedria, just keep on going with that running. I'm thinking that gain you're showing is actually muscle from all the running time you're putting in!
  • linemansgirl
    linemansgirl Posts: 152
    This week I have been exhausted and dragging, but I have kept up with eating well and working out. I have been struggling with adrenal exhaustion for the past few years and for some odd reason it seems really bad in May. :huh: I would figure more like February instead of May, when it is getting really nice outside. I survived D1 & D2 of W6, C25K. Right now W6D3 is looking a bit daunting, but i"m going to TRY not to beat myself up if I have to walk extra.

    April - two week challenges will be wonderful with this busy season!!!!! You put SO much hard work into it! Thank you! Your new kitty is adorable!

    Keep it up ladies!!!!! :happy:
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Ok, I have to share... I did my 5 miles this morning which went great. Then I decided to hit the mall because there's a lot of summer stuff on markdown and I still could use some clothes for my new body, plus my kid needed another pair of shorts. So I was walking around, trying on stuff, and didn't find a lot, but I did get one thing. There was a cute dress on the clearance rack at Macy's on sale for $18!!!!!! The best part, it's a size freaking SMALL!!!!! Holy CRAP!

    Ok, so I have an event tonight at my son's school and I am wearing one of my dresses (I've bought two) and can't wait! I think I'm going to have somebody take my picture so I have a great shot for my profile pic!!!!!

    Hope you all have a great day! Also, I'm 1/3 of the way to 150 miles!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    AWESOME NIKSTER!! :drinker:

    I bought a dress today for my daughter's wedding. SO HAPPY! I used to wear a size 22W dress (I used to say it's mostly because I am SO busty)... and today... I bought a size 14! YAY! :bigsmile: Still haven't lost the boobs, though... so apparently I was just plain fat all along!! :laugh:
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Cazz... that is AWESOME!!!! Isn't it great to be in a size you haven't seen in forever! I tried on the Medium and it just looked sloppy... so small it is! All of my new tops are either M or L and I'm good with that, but this made me feel amazing! Plus my pants are now mostly 8's. I largest was a 16, so I feel like half the girl I used to be!!!!

    Had the worst food choices at the event I had to go to tonight. It was "catered" with grilled chicken (half a freaking chicken on the bone with skin, yuck) cheesy potatoes, corn, macaroni salad, white dinner rolls... just horrible! Nothing colorful, it literally made me so depressed!!!! I didn't know what to expect so I was hungry when I got there... wish I would have eaten first, or snuck something in my purse!!!!

    I picked some white meat off the chicken and ate the corn and potatoes and applesauce. Drank two glasses of water and ate snacks when I got home. Ugh... not a good night! The program was nice (it was a graduation) but the food was horrible!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    ladies.. ill put week 5 & 6 together on Saturday night, or sunday morning.. :) Going away over night tomorrow.. so I wont be checking in. Were going to go stay in Maumee ohio and go to an indoor water park.. i sooo cant wait. It looks like soo much fun..

    as for my kitten. Im thinking of naming her Merribella, or Moxie Mae. Still debating. :) I joked about calling her Meg, since Stewie is named after family guy.. lol.. Sorry for the lac of commitment this week. :(
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    UGH! I really dislike what too much salt in my diet does to my body!! :grumble: HOWEVER, in all fairness... I am the one that put it there! :sad:
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Had a really strange run today. It was a six mile long run, which means not super fast, but steady pace throughout. I had to work from 8-12 and while I do run after work on Tuesday's, this was different. My legs felt stiff and heavy, I had to really push just to keep going!!! Totally wanted to cut it short, but I'm committed to this and I know if I let myself quit then I'll let myself get away with other things as well. So I'm happy I did it, and I got the pace I wanted, but it wasn't nearly as enjoyable as it has been in weeks past. I'm not worried, I think my mind might have been elsewhere. Who knows! Running is definitely a mental game, especially after the first mile or three!!!

    Anyway, I think my hubby is going to take me out to dinner, so I'm signing off soon!!!! Have a great weekend!!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    i had a nice little break away from everything.. going to get my thoughts together and get week 5 and 6 together.. since were doing bi weekly challenges now.. :) thank you for being understanding..
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    AWESOME NIKSTER!! :drinker:

    I bought a dress today for my daughter's wedding. SO HAPPY! I used to wear a size 22W dress (I used to say it's mostly because I am SO busty)... and today... I bought a size 14! YAY! :bigsmile: Still haven't lost the boobs, though... so apparently I was just plain fat all along!! :laugh:

    That's so great Cazz! From 22 to 14 is a huge difference - yay!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    linemansgirl - I know it is hard to do, but don't psych yourself out over W6D3 before you try it. I bet you'll push through it and you'll just end up stronger after it.

    Nikstergirl - HUZZAH on the small! I love it when you surprise yourself by needing a smaller size than expected. Such a great NSV. You're very right, running is so very much a mental game!

    cazz - 22 to 14 is FANTASTIC! The boobs will drop away eventually. I didn't start losing my girlies until I'd gotten to about 20 pounds lost, but then all of a sudden, GONE. OK, not gone (went from a 38G to 36DDD), but they feel so much smaller to me. Actually had a bit of an identity crisis when I realized my boobs weren't my bragging freature anymore. Anyway, yeah, salt is a salty *****. Guzzle that water and flush it out of your system.

    AprilVal - I'm loving the names you're mulling over for the cat. Especially Moxie Mae. I've got a special connection to that name, so hearing someone else mention it is really cool! Hope your trip was nothing but excellent. :)

    Sorry I haven't been in here very much, gals! I haven't been on the ball with my exercising either. I don't know if that is reasurring or not, but, yeah. :laugh: Doing fine with my food, just plugging along. Most of the time when I look in a mirror I scrutinize myself and I still see the 198lb. me. Recently though, I'm happy with the person I see looking back at me. I see my different shape. Mental games are all over the place in weight loss!